The municipality as a place of identification – a report on research in the suburban municipality of Piaseczno

Dorota Mantey

DOI: lack

Vol no: 13

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This article is a voice in the discussion of whether a suburban municipality is a place of identification for its residents. In it, the author presents the results of a survey conducted in the suburban Piaseczno municipality, to which Varsovians are eager to migrate. It turns out that the municipality, where intensive processes of suburbanization are taking place, does not constitute for its residents a place on which they would like to build their own identity, which is not particularly surprising given the peculiarities of the Piaseczno municipality: proximity to the capital, a significant percentage of immigrant population, strong internal differentiation, high spatial mobility, a specific lifestyle of new residents. As a place of identification, most choose the locality of residence, but there are also those who feel strong ties with Warsaw.

Dorota Mantey, Gmina jako miejsce identyfikacji – raport z badań w podwarszawskiej gminie PiasecznoPobierz

Warsaw’s population is aging

Małgorzata Podogrodzka

DOI: lack

Vol no: 13

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Over the past two decades, the number and structure of Warsaw’s population, by gender, age and education, has changed significantly. This has been influenced by the demographic processes shaped differently during this period. The purpose of this article is to show the relationship between these variables.

Małgorzata Podogrodzka, Ludność Warszawy starzeje sięPobierz

New trends in European Union industrial policy

Andrzej Karpiński

DOI: lack

Vol no: 13

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The acceleration of changes in industrial structure is a result of the current global crisis. To some extent, these modernizations can substitute for the lack of quantitative expansion in production, and can generate demand that otherwise would not have occurred at all. It is noteworthy that more permanent jobs are being created mainly in industry, which provides an opportunity to reduce unemployment. In Europe, the industrial structure has the most obsolete elements, and its modernization has been slower than in the US, Japan and other Southeast Asian countries. The result of this phenomenon is Europe’s industrial lagging behind the US and Japan.

Andrzej Karpiński, Nowe trendy w polityce przemysłowej Unii EuropejskiejPobierz

From the Editor-in-Chief

Zbigniew Strzelecki

DOI: lack

Vol no: 13

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Ladies and Gentlemen, this December marks five years since the publication of the first issue of our magazine. As you have probably noticed, you are already holding in your hands the 13th issue of MAZOWSZE Regional Studies. We are making sure that our semi-monthly magazine is not only published regularly, but also to increase the frequency of its publication. Ultimately, we would like it to become a quarterly.

Od Redaktora NaczelnegoPobierz

Demographic changes and their impact on education in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Agata Bronowska

DOI: lack

Vol no: 12

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The changing number of school-age children is forcing modern states to adapt the education system to the needs of the population. The state must offset the negative effects of the baby boomers, but it must also be prepared for the arrival of the demographic low. The challenges facing the education system in Poland for the coming decades are due, among other things, to the projected decline in the number of children and young people.

Agata Bronowska, Zmiany demograficzne i ich wpływ na edukację w województwie mazowieckimPobierz

Rail Baltica and Baltic-Adriatic transport corridors in EU, Polish and regional policies

Michał Hackiewicz

DOI: lack

Vol no: 12

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The rapid growth of freight transport and the changing economic, political and environmental conditions have brought a number of significant changes to the European Union’s transportation policies in recent years. These include issues such as improving the energy efficiency of vehicles, implementing intelligent traffic control systems and optimizing logistics chains. Transport corridors are playing an increasingly important role in achieving these goals and building European cohesion. This article systematizes the history of the creation of corridors, focusing on the Rail Baltica and Baltic-Adriatic routes running through Poland and the Mazovian Voivodeship.

Michał Hackiewicz, Korytarze transportowe Rail Baltica i Baltic-Adriatic w polityce UE, Polski i regionówPobierz

Regionalism in Europe. Factors and evolution

Roman Szul

DOI: lack

Vol no: 12

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In socio-political sciences, there are two meanings of the term “regionalism”: 1. the integration (cooperation) of states located in some region of the world (e.g., the European Union, ASEAN, NAFTA), 2. a movement to defend or demonstrate the economic, cultural or political interests of regions understood as part of states. The article deals with the latter type of regionalism. It consists of four parts. The first defines the concept of regionalism, noting that there are no clear boundaries between regionalism and other phenomena such as nationalism and ethnic movements; classifies regionalism from various points of view and discusses its significance in modern Europe.

Roman Szul, Regionalizm w Europie. Czynniki i ewolucjaPobierz

Trends in the development of Mazovian agriculture

Małgorzata Sulmicka

DOI: lack

Vol no: 12

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There is a tendency to underestimate the contribution of the agricultural sector to the development process. This is prompted especially by its low share in GDP creation. However, the spread of the paradigm of sustainable and balanced development, criticism of GDP as a measure of development processes, as well as the financial crisis – are prompting a reevaluation of views on the importance of agriculture and the desired directions of the evolution of this sector. Paradoxically, traditional agriculture, until recently considered non-modern, is now becoming “modern” and its products increasingly socially desirable.

Małgorzata Sulmicka, Tendencje rozwoju mazowieckiego rolnictwaPobierz

Clusters in the development policy of the Mazovian voivodeship

Wanda Pełka

DOI: lack

Vol no: 12

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The cooperation of enterprises within clusters is now seen as an effective mechanism for activating regions. A cluster-based development policy makes it possible to create a coherent system within which cooperation between enterprises, scientific and research institutions and public authorities takes place. In this system, the scientific sector supports the competitiveness of enterprises by providing innovation, education responds to the needs of the labor market, improving the competitiveness and innovation of companies – allows to attract foreign investment.

Wanda Pełka, Klastry w polityce rozwoju województwa mazowieckiegoPobierz