The impact of the cohesion policy on the quality of life in big cities in Mazovia

Marta Mackiewicz, Ewelina Szczech-Pietkiewicz

DOI: 10.21858/msr.33.01

Vol. no: 33

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Contemporary urban policies pay great attention to improving the quality of life of the inhabitants. Such an increasing interest in the quality of life is caused by its crucial importance for the location decisions of households and businesses. In recent years, urban development has been largely financed by EU cohesion policy funds.

Marta Mackiewicz, Ewelina Szczech-Pietkiewicz, Wpływ polityki spójności na jakość życia w dużych miastach na MazowszuPobierz

The theory of innovation cycles as a guideline for Mazovia in the fight against recession caused by COVID-19

Michał Klepka

DOI: 10.21858/msr.33.02

Vol. no: 33

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The recession triggered by the COVID-19 pandemic is undoubtedly a heavy burden on the developed and driven economy, both in the regional and global context. No one thought that under such unexpected circumstances a global crisis would arise from a place in distant China. From an economic point of view, this fact has stimulated a series of events that have increasingly affected in a larger scope, extent and force the smooth functioning of economic operators.

Michał Klepka, Teoria cykli innowacji wskazówką dla Mazowsza w walce z recesją wywołaną COVID-19Pobierz

Development dilemmas of water transport of Mazovia

Tadeusz Wójcicki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.33.03

Vol. no: 33

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The Polish government conducts program works on the development of the E40 waterway along the Vistula and the Bug in accordance with the European Agreement on the main inland waterways of international importance (AGN). In light of the current investment practice, there is still a long way to go for the implementation of the E40 waterway in Mazovia, while the current findings of these programs and related study plans are at many points controversial.

Tadeusz Wójcicki, Dylematy rozwoju transportu wodnego MazowszaPobierz

The Fryderyk Chopin heritage legacy in the perspective of the local community and tourists

Anna Ostrowska-Tryzno, Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka

DOI: 10.21858/msr.33.04

Vol. no: 33

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Although cultural tourism has been known since the very beginning of the European civilisation (the Ancient Greeks and Romans peregrines’), nowadays cultural events are a great attraction not only for a local community, but they are also a strong motivation for tourists to travel. It seems that one of the special research value is to consider how deeply cultural events, connected with ‘high art’ (museums, classical music, art events of superior quality), motivate a local community and tourists.

Anna Ostrowska-Tryzno, Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka, Dziedzictwo Fryderyka Chopina z perspektywy społeczności lokalnej i turystówPobierz

Urban renewal in post-industrial districts: the example of Lyon Metropolis

Lydia Coudroy de Lille, Caroline Bouloc

DOI: 10.21858/msr.33.05

Vol. no: 33

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Urban renewal issues in France are very often discussed with reference to the demolition or renovation of large-scale housing estates. But these issues also concern former industrial areas which have their own distinct architectural, social, and economic difficulties. This article aims to present analysis of these differences using the example of two case studies in the Lyon metropolitan area, the second largest agglomeration in France.

Lydia Coudroy de Lille, Caroline Bouloc, Miejska rewitalizacja dzielnic poprzemysłowych: przykład metropolii liońskiejPobierz

The impact of infrastructure on driver behavior on pedestrian crossings – case studies in two Mazovian cities

Maciej Sulmicki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.33.06

Vol. no: 33

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In 2019 field studies were conducted in order to check how various aspects of pedestrian and cycle crossing infrastructure influence driver behavior. The overall goal was to verify the adequacy of the road safety-related provisions of the main strategic and planning documents of the Mazovia Region. The crossings analyzed in Warsaw and Radom were chosen so as to take into account all the types of traffic calming mentioned in the Spatial Development Plan of Mazovia as serving to improve safety on pedestrian crossings. Other aspects taken into account included road width, type of intersection and presence/type of traffic lights.

Maciej Sulmicki, Wpływ infrastruktury na zachowania kierowców na przejściach dla pieszych na przykładzie Warszawy i RadomiaPobierz

Mazovia Development Agency Plc. – objectives and scope of activities

Maciej Sulmicki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.33.07

Vol. no: 33

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Mazovia Development Agency Plc. was established in 2005 by a decision of the Management Board of the Mazovian Voivodeship. The goal of the company is to create and support regional development of the Mazovian Voivodeship. This is done mainly through direct and indirect support of local development and enterprise. The company’s activities are conducted in accordance with priorities defined by its founding body. These activities are focused on supporting the dynamic development of the Mazovian Voivodeship in the following areas: improvement of the information society of the voivodeship, economic promotion of the region, development of human resources, support for entrepreneurship and innovation, support for urban development and revitalization, internationalization of economic entities from the region.

Mazovia Development Agency Plc. – objectives and scope of activitiesPobierz