The currency of the development strategies of municipalities of the Warsaw Functional Urban Area in the context of the reform integrating socio-economic and spatial planning

Dominika Jędrzejczak, Jan Cieplak, Aleksandra Kępińska, Patrycja Poniewierska, Aneta Zyskowska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.51.01

Vol. no: 51

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Local authorities have been facing significant pressure in recent years to review municipal development policies and update their strategies in response to emerging challenges and legal requirements. In 2020 and 2023 new legislation was enacted in Poland that initiated a reform aimed at integrating the strategic planning system and the spatial planning system, among others, at the local level. This paper presents the main changes in the legislation related to the municipal development strategy, and the subsequent challenges in spatial policy-making. In this context, the evaluation was made of the currency of the municipal development strategies of the Warsaw Functional Urban Area. The analysis demonstrates that the integration of socio-economic and spatial aspects of development policy at the local level is being implemented slowly, with the result that local authorities may not be adequately prepared for the legal environment that will exist from 2026 onwards.


Target transport system of the Kalisz agglomeration

Tadeusz Wójcicki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.51.03

Vol. no: 51

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A cursory comparison of the transport status of the Kalisz agglomeration with the similar-size agglomeration in Poland, e.g. Kielce agglomeration, leads to the conclusion that Kalisz and its surroundings, including the neighbouring city of Ostrów Wielkopolski, are relatively underinvested in transport. The symbol image of underinvestment is the complete lack of highways or expressways connecting Kalisz with other agglomerations and the lack of fast railway connections with the nearest agglomeration. In this regard, this article aims to examine what the target transport system of the Kalisz agglomeration should be. To achieve this goal, it is necessary to describe the current state of the agglomeration, develop a theoretical model of the transport system, diagnose the condition of the existing system, present the assumed development plans for this system, analyze and evaluate them, and finally specify the optimal target system for the agglomeration.


Modernization of the Japanese Garden in the Silesian Park in Chorzów – case study

Jakub Botwina, Beata Fortuna-Antoszkiewicz, Jan Łukaszkiewicz

DOI: 10.21858/msr.51.04

Vol. no: 51

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The area where the Culture and Recreation Park in Chorzów was established consisted primarily of degraded post-mining areas, spoil heaps, landfills, sinkholes and marshes. In 1950, due to the initiative of General Jerzy Ziętek, the governor of Silesia, it was decided to establish one of the largest urban parks in Europe on the border of Katowice, Chorzów and Siemianowice. The design was commissioned to Professor Władysław Niemirski of the Warsaw-Ursynów School of Landscape Architecture at the Warsaw University of Life Sciences. The implementation work began in 1951 and lasted for almost 20 years until 1968. The park’s programme was designed to offer a great variety of recreational and natural functions, making this project unique both in Poland and in Europe. Among the numerous attractions, several objects deserved special attention, such as the Amusement Park, the Silesian ZOO, the planetarium, an extensive water system and a forest zone. The modernity of the park can also be demonstrated in the diversity of its internal transport system with a wide walking promenade, numerous paths for pedestrians and cyclists, as well as a narrow-gauge railroad and a cable car, which provide access to the most distant parts of this nearly 600 ha area. Along the central axis of the park, a series of theme gardens were designed, and only some of these have been created. The most important of these, designed by Professor Edward Bartman, are the Rose Garden and Japanese Garden, which have beenonly partially completed. In the cooperation between the Department of Landscape Architecture, Warsaw University of Life Sciences and the Silesian Park, a comprehensive natural inventory and a series of pre-design analyses of the area were carried out between 2014–2016. The concept for the modernization of the Japanese Garden was developed in the next stage, followed by a construction project and a building permit. The work on the detailed documentation was completed in the autumn of 2016. The project was completed and commissioned in July 2021. In 2023, it won the internauts’ vote in the Public Space category of the Poland Architecture 2022 Poll. The paper presents the key results of the spatial analyses carried out, the programme, assumptions and methods, and selected design solutions related to the design and implementation of the Japanese Garden in the Culture and Recreation Park in Chorzów.


The value of monumental trees for sightseeing tourism – examples from the Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Karolina Pietrzykowska, Jerzy Wojtatowicz

DOI: 10.21858/msr.50.03

Vol. no: 50

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The article attempts to determine the value of monumental trees from the perspective of visitors, with particular emphasis on sightseeing tourism. This aim was achieved on the example of 83 trees located in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. The analysis in this regard was conducted in a multi-directional way. In the first stage, focus was placed on the parameters used to assess natural monuments. An analysis of the literature review was also carried out in terms of assessing the perception of landscape values. Subsequently, the trees were selected for evaluation. The selection was made based on data obtained from PTTK Mazovia Branch of the Polish Tourist and Sightseeing Society (PTTK) regarding natural monuments visited in the years 2016–2022, student papers originating in the 1980s to 2022, and personal preferences. The aesthetic and scenic values of selected trees were developed on the basis of the methodology presented in the article “Assessment of Exceptional Trees in the Landscape” [Wojtatowicz 2010, pp. 100–105], which includes tree inventory sheets: A1, B1, and T1. In addition, sheet P3 and nine criteria were developed to evaluate the trees. These criteria were related to their location and accessibility, as well as aesthetic, scenic, natural and cultural, compositional features, considering their surroundings. The obtained data are summarised in the table. The analyses conducted revealed that out of the 83 natural monuments examined, 54 grew near places or objects attractive to tourists or walkers, 73 in attractive locations, 35 along tourist trails and walking paths. In the case of 65% of monumental trees, it is impossible to observe them against the background of the environment. For 6% of the trees, the monuments were visible from one side, 7% of the trees were fenced, and 6.6% of the monumental trees could not be viewed by tourists without additional permits. Twenty-one out of eighty-three trees increased the aesthetic and scenic value of the interior, and the aesthetic environment positively influenced the visual perception of the tree itself. Fourteen out of eighty-three natural monuments were considered useful for orientation in the area. The legitimacy of T1 and P3 sheets was confirmed for 13% of natural monuments, and only T1 for 86% of them.


Community resilience in response to humanitarian and refugee crisis caused by Russian invasion of Ukraine – a case study of Polish border communities

Natalia Bełdyga

DOI: 10.21858/msr.49.02

Vol. no: 49

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Since this study aim is to analyze the role of community resilience in response to crisis and uncertainty, two cases of community responses to an unprecedented refugee and humanitarian crisis caused by Russian invasion of Ukraine on 24th February 2022 made by two Polish border communities from two corners of Poland, one in northeast, in a borderland area referred to as Suwałki Gap and second in southeast, in Biecz, referred to as “Little Cracow” have been studied. The main objective of this study is to gain knowledge of one of core dimensions of community resilience, namely agency which enhances adaptability on both individual and collective level, often referred to as the locus of control [Inglehart, Welzel 2009] as well as a pillar of community resilience and crucial element in the proactive phase of crisis cycle management, civil preparedness defined as the ability to sustain functions vital to society, ensuring basic supply and the State’s capacity to act in a crisis situation [Zekulic et al. 2017] to see if they have enhanced community resilience in this response.


A special element in the environment – interactions. Cultural landscape, its inalienable elements – open-air museum in Nowogród

Barbara Werner

DOI: 10.21858/msr.49.03

Vol. no: 49

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The aim of the article is to demonstrate the complexity of the issue of valuing historical sites and to answer the nagging question: is the role of the ‘special element in the environment’ sufficiently recognized in the 21st century and what role do various organisations, including NGOs such as (Polish National Committee of International Council on Monuments and Sites), play?


The dilemmas of healthcare system functioning under the conditions of civilizational turning point

Elżbieta Mączyńska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.48.01

Vol. no: 48

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The analyses presented in this study are focused on identifying new trends and challenges in the healthcare sector, primarily stemming from the ongoing global civilizational turning point as a consequence of the fourth industrial revolution, the digital revolution with its unimaginable potential of artificial intelligence. In such conditions, solutions aimed at optimal utilization of new technologies are particularly crucial, especially those addressing irregularities that result in the wastage of material and intellectual potential in this sector. In the face of almost chronic shortages in healthcare funding sources, characteristic not only of Poland but also many other countries, the rationalization of the utilization of available resources becomes of paramount importance. In Poland, this is particularly significant due to relatively low expenditures on healthcare, both in absolute terms and in relation to GDP. This is confirmed by the international statistics presented in the article. In this context, the article highlights selected rationalizing directions for changes in the national healthcare system.
