Territorial self-government and “LGBT-free zones”

Anna Wieczorek

DOI: 10.21858/msr.se.2022.04

Vol. no: 2022

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Several dozen of self-governments – municipal and county councils and regional assemblies passed resolutions and declarations against the LGBT ideology. The authors of these documents emphasized the will to protect the family based on traditional values and to defend the education system against LGBT propaganda/ideology.

Anna Wieczorek, Samorząd terytorialny a „strefy wolne od LGBT”Pobierz

Center for Scientific Geospatial Analysis, Satellite Computing, together with the Testing/Certification Laboratories for Geomatics Products (CENAGIS).

Dariusz Gotlib

DOI: 10.21858/msr.40.07

Vol. no: 40

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In December 2018. The Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship and the JM Rector of the Warsaw University of Technology signed an agreement for the implementation of the project entitled “Center for Scientific Geospatial Analysis, Satellite Computing with Testing/Certification Laboratories for Geomatics Products (CENAGIS).” Now the created Center is starting its planned activities. The project received EU funding under the competition No. RPMA.01.01.00-IP.01-14-061/17 from Measure 1.1 Research and development activities of scientific units, project type: “Support for research and development infrastructure of scientific units” of the Regional Operational Program of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2014-2020.

Dariusz Gotlib, Centrum Naukowych Analiz Geoprzestrzennych, Obliczeń Satelitarnych wraz z Laboratoriami Testowania/Certyfikacji Produktów Geomatycznych (CENAGIS)Pobierz

Social activity in shaping the participatory budget

Małgorzata Dąbrowska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.se.2022.03

Vol. no: 2022

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In civil society, self-government as a form of social organisation occupies one of the central positions. The condition for the implementation of the development mission of local government is the participation of citizens and their co-responsibility for the shape of local social life.

Małgorzata Dąbrowska, Aktywność społeczna w kształtowaniu budżetu obywatelskiegoPobierz

First monographic exhibition on Stanislaw Walasiewicz at the Museum of Sport and Tourism in Warsaw

Marzena Jaworska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.40.06

Vol. no: 40

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Stanislava Walasiewicz (1911-1980), known in America as Stella Walsh, was one of the biggest stars of women’s athletics in the world between the wars. She was a female athlete, capable of almost single-handedly winning against the national teams of more than one country. From her first start on Polish soil, she won the hearts of fans, demonstrating a class superior to anything yet seen in Poland in short runs, jumps and even throws. Although she has lived in faraway Cleveland, Ohio, since childhood, she has represented the Polish colors all her life, bringing much splendor to her homeland.

Marzena Jaworska, Pierwsza monograficzna wystawa o Stanisławie Walasiewicz w Muzeum Sportu i Turystyki w WarszawiePobierz

Target network of high-speed railway lines in Mazovia

Tadeusz Wójcicki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.se.2022.02

Vol. no: 2022

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High-speed rail (HSR) can bring rail back to an advantage over road and air transport in interurban passenger transport. For this reason, creating a coherent network of high-speed rail lines in Poland and Mazovia makes sense, and the first step in this direction should be the development of a target, comprehensive program for the construction of these lines. Meanwhile, the hitherto arrangements for the construction of HSR in the Mazovian region are fragmentary and controversial in many aspects.

Tadeusz Wójcicki, Docelowy układ linii kolei dużych prędkości na MazowszuPobierz

Local government vs. “LGBT-free zones”

Anna Wieczorek

DOI: 10.21858/msr.40.05

Vol. no: 40

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Dozens of local governments – municipal and county councils and provincial assemblies – have passed resolutions and declarations opposing LGBT ideology. The creators of these documents emphasized the desire to protect the family based on traditional values and to defend the educational system against LGBT propaganda/ideology. Opponents warned against the stigmatization of non-heteronormative people. The guideline for the above documents became publicized in 2019. “Local Government Charter on the Rights of Families.”

Anna Wieczorek, Samorząd terytorialny a „strefy wolne od LGBT”Pobierz

Crises as an impulses for changes in socio-economic systems

Elżbieta Mączyńska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.se.2022.01

Vol. no: 2022

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The analyses presented in this essay are aimed at identifying potential directions of rationalization of socio-economic systems, designed not only for counteracting crisis destructions, but most of all the current global crisisogenicity. The need to search for rationalising solutions is not only demonstrated by the crisis that is encompassing the world in connection with the COVID-19 pandemic and which exposes the systemic dysfunctions of the global economy.

Elżbieta Mączyńska, Kryzysy jako impulsy zmian systemów społeczno-gospodarczychPobierz

Social activity in shaping the participatory budget

Małgorzata Dąbrowska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.40.04

Vol. no: 40

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In civil society, self-government as a form of social organization occupies one of the central positions. The condition for the realization of the development mission of local government is the participation of citizens and their co-responsibility for the shape of local social life. Recently, civic budgeting has become an increasingly popular form of participation, resulting in the direct involvement of residents in the process of deciding on the selection of the scope of public tasks within the designated pool of funds and assuming part of the responsibility.

Małgorzata Dąbrowska, Aktywność społeczna w kształtowaniu budżetu obywatelskiegoPobierz

Kurpie – dominant landscape changes under the influence of socio-economic factors during the political system transformation

Agnieszka Starzyk

DOI: 10.21858/msr.40.03

Vol. no: 40

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Kurpiowszczyzna is one of the most interesting ethnographic regions, with a center of original, well-preserved and carefully cultivated Kurpie folk culture. The image of the Kurpie village is the result of centuries of human activity. Over the centuries there have been transformations of the landscape, based on the adaptation of the natural environment to cultivate the land and the gradual establishment of human settlements, which have given the modern image.

Agnieszka Starzyk, Kurpiowszczyzna – dominujące zmiany w krajobrazie pod wpływem czynników społeczno–ekonomicznych w okresie trasformacji ustrojowejPobierz