The modernization of the heating system carried out as a result of the thermo modernization of the bulding

Jarosław Wasilczuk, Marian Sobiech

DOI: 10.21858/msr.20.03

Vol. no: 20

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The paper presents the results of thermal analyses and variants of modernization of the heating system in an existing (single-family, detached, non-basement, with a usable attic) residential building, built in the late 1980s and early 1990s, in order to adapt it to the current requirements for thermal insulation and rationalization of heat consumption. Analyzed was an existing residential building, single-family, detached, non-basement, with a usable attic, which is located in Legionowo district, Mazowieckie voivodeship.

Jarosław Wasilczuk, Marian Sobiech, Modernizacja instalacji grzewczej przeprowadzana w następstwie termomodernizacji budynkuPobierz

Tradition of environment friendly houses. The Polish examples

Mariusz Damian Nowak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.20.02

Vol. no: 20

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The article addresses issues related to environmentally friendly single-family housing. The main purpose of the paper is to introduce a consistent classification for pro-environmental houses and compile representative examples for each group. The classic research method of compiling and comparing selected examples from the literature and our own in situ observations was adopted.

Mariusz Damian Nowak, Tradycja domów proekologicznych. Przykłady polskiePobierz

From the Editor-in-Chief

Adriana Barbara Cieślak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.20

Vol. no: 20

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It is my pleasure to place in the hands of the Readers another issue of the scientific journal MAZOWSZE Regional Studies. The twentieth issue of our periodical contains extremely interesting and diversified scientific articles, dealing with issues in the field of protection and shaping of landscape and contemporary architectural problems.

Od Redaktora NaczelnegoPobierz

Memories of prof. on arch. Hanka Zaniewska

Mazovia Regional Studies Editors

DOI: 10.21858/msr.19.18

Vol no: 19

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An outstanding educator and professor, she is affectionately and respectfully remembered by her many students and colleagues. She derived her love of architecture from her home, where, as a youngster, together with her father, the well-known architect Ignacy Felicjan Tłoczek, she conducted local visions recording the image and architecture of Pyzdry, her hometown.

Wspomnienie o prof. nt. arch. Hance ZaniewskiejPobierz

Regenaration of post-military and post-railway lands – selected examples

Elżbieta Muszyńska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.19.17

Vol no: 19

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The article is devoted to the problems of abandoned post-military and post-oil areas, often degraded and awaiting use for new contemporary needs. It presents examples of both such areas, the further fate of which is still undetermined, and those for which the procedure for use for specific purposes has begun. Prominent among the examples of former training grounds is Maków in Skierniewice, which will be used entirely for resort purposes.

Elżbieta Muszyńska, Przykłady wykorzystania opuszczonych terenów powojskowych i pokolejowych w centralnej PolscePobierz

Urban renewal in the Mazovia region

Paulina Sikorska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.19.16

Vol no: 19

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The systematization of revitalization provisions that took place in the Guidelines for Revitalization in Operational Programs 2014-2020, issued by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development on July 3, 2015, and in the Revitalization Act of October 9, 2015, at the same time introduced a great deal of misinformation among local governments accustomed to superficially equating the word “revitalization” with renovation. The aforementioned documents redefined the principles, procedure for preparing, conducting and evaluating the revitalization process, as well as the content of revitalization programs. Therefore, the changes introduced forced all local governments implementing or planning to undertake the revitalization process in their areas to verify the documents that form the basis for such activities.

Paulina Sikorska, O rewitalizacji na MazowszuPobierz

Nanocomposites with graphene: preparation, properties and role in construction engineering

Zdzisław Trzaska, Maria Trzaska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.19.15

Vol no: 19

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The significant advances in the development of new technologies, including materials engineering, that have taken place in the past two decades now place the design of new structures and devices in the light of requirements previously impossible to meet. Structures and devices made using nanotechnology completely meet the high strength requirements and create technical progress.

Zdzisław Trzaska, Maria Trzaska, Nanokompozyty z grafenem: wytwarzanie, właściwości i znaczenie w budownictwiePobierz

The investment and operational cost of using heat pumps in the construction industry

Jarosław Wasilczuk, Marian Sobiech

DOI: 10.21858/msr.19.14

Vol no: 19

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The paper describes the problem of heat sources used for heating buildings. The purpose of the paper is to analyze different solutions of heat sources, with a thermal power of the source of 150 kW, in the context of capital expenditures and operating costs. The analysis includes installation solutions based on heat sources with condensing boilers fired by natural gas or fuel oil, heat pumps, and, as combinations of these devices, a hybrid heat source solution.

Jarosław Wasilczuk, Marian Sobiech, Koszty inwestycyjne I eksploatacyjne stosowania pomp ciepła w budownictwiePobierz

Value of the sun in architectural design

Witold Andrzej Werner

DOI: 10.21858/msr.19.13

Vol no: 19

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The basic virtue of construction investments is the optimal use of available space – estimated by probable economic effects, possible to achieve in the planned time. A significant barrier to obtaining satisfactory investment results are technical regulations regarding the so-called “overshadowing” and shading of apartments by the projected buildings within the range of which the apartments are located.

Witold Andrzej Werner, Cena słońca w projektowaniu architektonicznymPobierz