The efficiency and quality of the best public universities in the Mazovia region in comparison to the largest universities in Poland

Marcin Dwórznik

DOI: 10.21858/msr.27.02

Vol no: 27

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Evaluating the performance of a higher education institution is of interest particularly in the context of the development of the region in which it is located. For a comprehensive evaluation of a university, it is necessary to take into account, on the one hand, the efficiency and qualitative aspects of its functioning, on the other hand, the main processes carried out by universities: teaching and research. In the measurement carried out, efficiency was considered through the prism of assessing the use of resources to achieve results.

Marcin Dwórznik; Efektywność i jakość czołowych publicznych uczelni funkcjonujących na terenie województwa mazowieckiego na tle największych uczelni działających w PolscePobierz

Population changes and internal migrations in Mazowieckie voivodship

Alina Potrykowska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.27.01

Vol no: 27

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The study presents the dynamics of internal migration in the context of population changes in the region; positive and negative internal migration balances in the voivodship, strongly diversified inflow of residents to Warsaw. The data on migrations show how these result in significant social and economic problems and differences in the size and structure of the population by gender and age.

Alina Potrykowska; Dynamika ludności i migracje wewnętrzne w województwie mazowieckimPobierz

Project YouInHerit, Interreg Central Europe 2014–2020

Mazovia Regional Studies Editors

DOI: 10.21858/msr.26.08

Vol no: 26

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Project YouInHerit is financed through the INTERREG Central Europe 2014-2020 Programme. Revival of old trades and crafts which can keep together communities and make them sustainable by contributing to their economic wellbeing is the main focus of the project: old wine cellars in Hungary, salt pans or traditional pottery in Slovenia, breweries in Poland, old boats of Italy or olive groves in Croatia are essential for local attractiveness and could be better exploited as a source of living for people.

Project YouInHerit, Interreg Central Europe 2014–2020Pobierz

Innovative activities for the development of the Mazovia region

Magdalena Kiech

DOI: 10.21858/msr.26.07

Vol no: 26

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In the 2018 Bloomberg Innovation Index, Poland came in 21st among 80 countries. In Poland, the five most innovative regions have been the same for three years. According to the Millennium Index 2018 – Innovative Potential of Regions these are regions with business and academic centres, characterised by developed scientific and R&D foundations, which support the development of the region.

Magdalena Kiech; Innovative activities for the development of the Mazovia regionPobierz

Development policy in the Mazovia region 1998–2018

Adam Struzik

DOI: 10.21858/msr.26.06

Vol no: 26

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The article presents an overview of the Mazovian regional government’s development policy during the two decades since the changes in the administrative division of Poland. The legislative context is presented, with particular focus on the acts which determined the role of regional governments in the implementation of development policy. Next, the horizontal and historical consistency of Mazovia’s development policy is presented and set against the problems resulting from faulty redistribution mechanisms (the so-called “Robin-Hood tax”).

Adam Struzik; Realizacja polityki rozwoju województwa mazowieckiego w latach 1998–2018Pobierz

Senior cohousing in the context of an ageing society

Małgorzata Kampka

DOI: 10.21858/msr.26.05

Vol no: 26

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The demographic changes of the 21st century, especially all aspects of ageing, require discussion about the needs of an ageing society which should lead to the development of urban and architectural solutions for older people, based on examples of senior cohousing. The ageing process should be taken into account because it affects older people on many levels and influences their functioning in a society.

Małgorzata Kampka; Cohousing senioralny w kontekście starzejącego się społeczeństwaPobierz

The impact of the E75 railway line’s modernization on the development of the Warsaw Metropolitan Area

Bartłomiej Drąg, Dariusz Piwowarczyk

DOI: 10.21858/msr.26.04

Vol no: 26

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The aim of the paper is to present the most important results of the research carried out for the case study on the effects of Rail Baltica investments in the Warsaw Metropolitan Area (WMA) urban node. The research was carried out as part of the EU project NSB CoRe (North Sea Baltic Connector of Regions). In the article the main conclusions from the study are presented, describing changes that have supervened in the analyzed area (communes within the boundaries of the WMA, at a distance of up to 3 km from the E75 railway line and ones crossed by national road 8/S8) in the period of the E75 line’s modernization.

Bartłomiej Drąg, Dariusz Piwowarczyk; Wpływ modernizacji linii kolejowej E75 na rozwój Obszaru Metropolitalnego WarszawyPobierz

Renewable sources of electricity in the Mazovia region

Zbigniew Cieszkowski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.26.03

Vol no: 26

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The article discusses the development of renewable sources of electricity in the Mazovia region. The analysis focuses on the 2007–2017 period, making use of an updated 2014 study by the Mazovian Office for Regional Planning – Rozwój energetyki opartej na źródłach odnawialnych w województwie mazowieckim – stan i wyzwania [The development of renewable energy sources in Mazovia – achievements and challenges].

Zbigniew Cieszkowski; Odnawialne źródła energii w produkcji energii elektrycznej w województwie mazowieckimPobierz

A participatory model of creating revitalisation programmes in Poland – challenges and barriers

Dominika Hołuj, Paulina Legutko-Kobus

DOI: 10.21858/msr.26.02

Vol no: 26

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Participation is an indispensable element of the development and implementation of revitalisation programmes. It allows for a correct diagnosis of problems and for the development of revitalisation projects that will aim at solving them. The implementation of the Revitalisation Act in Poland obliged local governments to involve stakeholders more actively in the process of preparation and implementation of revitalisation programmes. The Act guarantees participation at every key stage of the process. In current Polish circumstances this is a change in the right direction, as such participation was not always ensured in previous financial perspectives.

Dominika Hołuj, Paulina Legutko-Kobus; Partycypacyjny model tworzenia programów rewitalizacji w PolscePobierz