Mazovia’s enterprises based outside Warsaw vs. the level of concentration of the region’s economy

Piotr Rosik

DOI: lack

Vol no: 11

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The article includes part of the research results from the second chapter of the module report “Physical Capital”. The module report was carried out within the framework of the project “Infrastructure development and physical capital and polycentricity of Mazovia’s development” (Development trends of Mazovia). In one of the chapters of the module, entitled. “Physical capital – productive assets,” there was a broad description of Mazovia’s enterprises based outside of Warsaw. This article characterizes fixed assets in Mazovia’s enterprises, investments and sales revenues in the broader context of the development of the above-mentioned variables in the province as a whole.

Piotr Rosik, Przedsiębiorstwa Mazowsza mające siedzibę poza Warszawą a poziom koncentracji gospodarki regionuPobierz

Equipping Mazovia’s cities and municipalities with municipal infrastructure

Dariusz Świątek

DOI: lack

Vol no: 11

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The article analyzes the provision of towns and villages in Mazovia with elements of municipal infrastructure. The research uses available statistical data, as well as the results of a questionnaire survey conducted among representatives of municipal and communal offices. The following infrastructure elements were analyzed: water supply networks, sewerage networks, waste management, electricity networks, gas networks and telecommunications networks.

Dariusz Świątek, Wyposażenie miast i gmin Mazowsza w infrastrukturę komunalnąPobierz

Rationale and directions of transport infrastructure development in Mazovia

Tomasz Komornicki, Piotr Rosik

DOI: lack

Vol no: 11

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The article includes part of the results of the research conducted within the framework of the project “Infrastructural development and physical capital and polycentricity of Mazovia’s development” (Development trends of Mazovia). Mazovia is characterized by the strongest spatial differentiation in the country, both in terms of economic development and infrastructural development. The averaged values of indicators are most often a resultant of the situation in the capital region and outlying areas. For this reason, the study of transport infrastructure was carried out in the article in a comprehensive manner.

Tomasz Komornicki, Piotr Rosik, Przesłanki i kierunki rozwoju infrastruktury transportowej na MazowszuPobierz

From the Editor-in-Chief

Zbigniew Strzelecki

DOI: lack

Vol no: 11

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Ladies and Gentlemen, it is my pleasure to inform you that our periodical has been included in the list of scored journals maintained by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. As a result of the evaluation of the issues published so far, 2 points are awarded for the publication of an article in our journal MAZOWSZE Regional Studies.

Od Redaktora NaczelnegoPobierz

Problems of development of peri-urban areas. Scientific conference in Brno, May 24, 2012.

Maciej Sulmicki

DOI: lack

Vol no: 10

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In May 2012, Mendel University hosted a conference on the characteristics and problems of peri-urban areas around Brno, the capital of the South Moravian region. The authorities of this Czech province organized the event on the occasion of the general congress of the PURPLE group. The group brings together regions struggling with the specific problems of peri-urban areas, i.e. spaces where the characteristics and phenomena of city and countryside intermingle.

Maciej Sulmicki, Problemy rozwoju obszarów okołomiejskich. Konferencja naukowa w Brnie, 24 maja 2012 rokuPobierz

Best practices in Europe for Mazovia

Anna Laszuk

DOI: lack

Vol no: 10

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The article addresses the polarization of socioeconomic development in the regions of Brandenburg, Île-de-France and The Hague. Among the problems diagnosed, in their areas, were the rapidly growing population of the metropolitan areas, the housing deficit, urban pressure on green spaces, the threat of flooding, and income disparities among their residents.

Anna Laszuk, Najlepsze praktyki w Europie dla MazowszaPobierz

How are territorial observatories established in Poland?

Tomasz Sałański

DOI: lack

Vol no: 10

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The article discusses the reasons for the establishment of territorial observatories and a description of the first related activities. The creation of such institutions in Poland is the result of proven European practices, where a network of spatial planning observatories was established at the beginning of this century. The first Polish experience is related to the construction of regional observatories of the labor market, in the earlier programming period of the European Union.

Tomasz Sałański, Jak powstają obserwatoria terytorialne w Polsce?Pobierz

Social conflicts in Mazovia – identification and an attempt to assess their impact on local development

Sylwia Dudek-Mańkowska, Marta Lackowska-Madurowicz

DOI: lack

Vol no: 10

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The article presents the results of a study of social conflicts in Mazovia, conducted as part of the project Social, political and economic stimulants and destimulants of development. The purpose of the study was to record and analyze conflicts occurring in Mazovia and to look for the relationship of conflicts to local development. In doing so, we assumed, in line with contemporary conceptual approaches, that conflict is a natural phenomenon that can have both negative and positive effects.

Sylwia Dudek-Mańkowska, Marta Lackowska-Madurowicz, Konflikty społeczne na Mazowszu – identyfikacja oraz próba oceny ich wpływu na rozwój lokalnyPobierz

Non-economic factors of Mazovia’s competitiveness

Julita Łukomska, Katarzyna Szmigiel-Rawska

DOI: lack

Vol no: 10

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The article presents the results of a study on the impact of non-economic factors of Mazovia’s development on the competitiveness of the region. The role of these factors is analyzed in the context of identifying competitive advantages from the investor’s side and from the side of local authorities. The description of the results of the conducted research focuses on “soft” locational factors, such as: “capitality” of the region, quality of the natural environment, social capital and human capital, symbols of culture and history, attitude of local authorities.

Julita Łukomska, Katarzyna Szmigiel-Rawska, Pozaekonomiczne czynniki konkurencyjności MazowszaPobierz