From the Editor-in-Chief

Adriana Barbara Cieślak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.21.01

Vol. no: 21

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In 2017, the Editorial Team of the scientific periodical MAZOWSZE Regional Studies faced a serious challenge. The interest in our journal among authors and readers from various scientific backgrounds, as well as among practitioners involved in spatial development and public policy, confirmed our conviction that what we do is important, but it also became a starting point for undertaking changes that must be aimed at developing and expanding our activities.

Od Redaktora NaczelnegoPobierz

Territorial development paradigm in practice

Monika Słupińska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.21.02

Vol. no: 21

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Cohesion policy plays a key role for the dynamics of the European integration process, and is in a sense a “barometer” of the strength and direction of this process, around which the European debate has been taking place in recent years. This policy in the current programming period (2014-2020) has a clear “territorial dimension,” i.e. it allows the nature of support to be tailored to the peculiarities and needs of specific territories.

Monika Słupińska, Terytorialny paradygmat rozwoju w praktycePobierz

The creation of regions’ brand abroad by different groups of stakeholders on the example of selected polish voivodships

Katarzyna Janiszewska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.21.03

Vol. no: 21

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The purpose of the article is to show the activities and the ways and extent of involvement of different types of stakeholders in the process of branding the region abroad. For this purpose, semi-structured individual interviews were conducted with one employee of each of the selected five regional offices in Brussels. The essence and motives for branding the region, the perceptions of the role of the regional offices and the ways in which stakeholder groups are involved in the process were analyzed.

Katarzyna Janiszewska, Kreowanie marek regionów za granicą przez różne grupy interesariuszy na przykładzie wybranych polskich województwPobierz

Urban regeneration and the quality of public space of town center

Anna Wojnarowska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.21.03

Vol. no: 21

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The purpose of this article is to present the results of a study based on the author’s method of assessing the quality of the public space of the city center, demonstrating the relationship between the quality of the public space of the city center and the process of revitalization of this urban zone. Nowadays, the quality of urban space is important both for the quality of life of residents and the attractiveness of the city for external users and investors.

Anna Wojnarowska, Rewitalizacja a jakość przestrzeni publicznej centrum miastaPobierz

Border – line of art and architecture. Urban space as an important factor of shaping identity

Anna Rathman

DOI: 10.21858/msr.21.04

Vol. no: 21

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French encyclopedists defined a museum as the sum of human knowledge and art, a place that can become both a theater and an auditorium. Professor Andrzej Kicinski wrote in his book on museums that both libraries and museums are a necessary and integral part of building identity, but also the landscape of the city. Recipients of spaces associated with museums are a social group that creates a new quality through a kind of initiation and sensitivity to contemporary social and artistic issues.

Anna Rathman, Pogranicze sztuki i architektury. Przestrzeń miejska jako ważny czynnik kształtowania tożsamościPobierz

New opportunities for the revitalization of small bodies of water

Andrzej Eymontt, Krzysztof Wierzbicki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.21.05

Vol. no: 21

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Significant advances in technology for extracting sediments from the bottom of water bodies and processing them into high-value organic fertilizers have created new opportunities for their reclamation. These new opportunities can be put to good use in updating the Spatial Management Plan for the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, as well as in implementing Poland’s commitments to the European Union regarding the Water Framework Directive and plans for the rehabilitation of waterways in Poland.

Andrzej Eymontt, Krzysztof Wierzbicki, Nowe możliwości rewitalizacji małych zbiorników wodnychPobierz

Architectural activities in the form of a partnership

Wanda Misiak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.21.06

Vol. no: 21

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The publication draws attention to the possibility of taking up and conducting architectural activity in the form of a partnership due to its peculiarities. This type of partnership is designed for the practice of liberal professions. With the practice of a liberal profession (including the profession of an architect) is associated with the risk of making a mistake “in the art” and, consequently, the obligation of compensation, which is a liability of the partnership.

Wanda Misiak, Działalność architektoniczna w formie spółki partnerskiejPobierz

The commemoration of the Duke Janusz Starszy and the knowledge of the contemporary inhabitant of Mazovia

Piotr Piekarz

DOI: 10.21858/msr.21.07

Vol. no: 21

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Janusz I Starszy (c.1346-1429), was one of the most prominent Mazovian princes, with a very good reputation in the Chronicle of Jan Długosz. Therefore, local authorities, looking for a local historical figure worthy of commemoration, sometimes decide on Prince Janusz the Elder.

Piotr Piekarz, Upamiętnianie księcia Janusza Starszego a wiedza współczesnego mieszkańca MazowszaPobierz

The NIMBY syndrome as a challenge for territorial self-government units

Maria Bednarek-Szczepańska, Karolina Dmochowska-Dudek

DOI: 10.21858/msr.21.08

Vol. no: 21

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The article presents selected issues of the problem of NIMBY-type conflicts. These are conflicts arising from the opposition of local communities to the location, in the vicinity of their place of residence, of investments perceived by them as a nuisance. A spatial picture of the occurrence of conflicts in Poland (excluding large and medium-sized cities) is presented, resulting from a search of press archives (regional and local press) conducted for the period January 2007 – March 2014.

Maria Bednarek-Szczepańska, Karolina Dmochowska-Dudek, Syndrom NIMBY jako wyzwanie dla jednostek samorządu terytorialnegoPobierz