From the Editor-in-Chief

Redakcja Mazowsze Studia Regionalne

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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Dear readers, we are giving you the fifth issue of our periodical MAZOWSZE Regional Studies. Let me note that it has already found a place in the market of scientific publications and recognition among authors and readers. We are counting on even greater interest after receiving a Philadelphia list score, which we have already applied for.

Od Redaktora NaczelnegoPobierz

On the ways in which the Roman army used horses of the so-called primitive breeds

Radosław Andrzej Gawroński

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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Using archaeological data and written accounts, the author tries to prove that the low-grown horses of the so-called primitive breeds, used by Germanic warriors and Batavian auxiliary troops, were very useful in fighting on the Rhenish frontier.

Radosław Andrzej Gawroński, O sposobach wykorzystania przez armię rzymską koni tzw. ras prymitywnychPobierz

The Neolithic Revolution in Mazovia. The beginnings of the modern economy

Barbara Sałacińska, Sławomir Sałaciński

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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In the middle of the 5 thousand BC there was a great – Neolithic breakthrough in the life of communities living in the present Polish lands. It was brought about by groups emigrating from the south – the so-called ribbon cycle cultures and the Lendzhian-Polgarian. Stable settlement, cultivation of land, breeding of domesticated animals, the ability to weave materials, pottery appear in the economy.

Barbara Sałacińska, Sławomir Sałaciński, „Rewolucja neolityczna” na Mazowszu. Początki nowoczesnej gospodarkiPobierz

State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw

Maria Krajewska

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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In 1920, the authorities of the State Conservatory of Prehistoric Monuments began efforts to establish the State Museum of Archeology (PMA). The institution was established by a decree issued on March 22, 1928 by the President of the Republic Ignacy Moscicki. Since its establishment to date, more than 360 exhibitions have been displayed, and PMA staff have examined more than 450 archaeological sites in Poland, Iraq, Peru, Germany, Austria and the Czech Republic.

Maria Krajewska, Państwowe Muzeum Archeologiczne w WarszawiePobierz

About the collections that make up the collection of the State Archaeological Museum in Warsaw

Marek Zalewski

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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Interest in “antiquities”, in addition to scientific, also had very clear patriotic overtones in Poland. Protection of the national heritage with emphasis on the cultural and historical distinctiveness of the lands under the rule of the three partitioners was an agenda pursued by a significant part of the intellectual community.

Marek Zalewski, O kolekcjach tworzących zbiory Państwowego Muzeum Archeologicznego w WarszawiePobierz

Thermal conversion of troublesome waste using animal meal as an example

Andrzej Myczko, Henryk Karcz, Krzysztof Wierzbicki

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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The problem of waste is a fundamental element in protecting the environment from the effects of its negative impact, as well as its formation. Objects or substances defined as “waste” are subject to the control of Community legislation aimed at protecting human health and the environment.

Andrzej Myczko, Henryk Karcz, Krzysztof Wierzbicki, Termiczne przekształcenie odpadów kłopotliwych na przykładzie mączki zwierzęcejPobierz

Study of the system to reduce the temperature variation of the bridge surface

Małgorzata Leszczyńska-Domańska, Roman Domański

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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This paper presents the results of considerations for ground heat exchangers to cooperate with the heat exchanger in the bridge (overpass) pavement to reduce changes in pavement temperature. The results of numerical simulation of the processes of storage charging and ground temperature change are shown.

Małgorzata Leszczyńska-Domańska, Roman Domański, Badanie systemu do redukcji zmian temperatury nawierzchni mostu (wiaduktu) w cyklach sezonowych i dziennych przez akumulację energii słonecznej z jego powierzchni w gruncie. Część IIPobierz

City open space under development pressure. Threats and opportunities.

Paulina Sikorska

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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The article addresses the issue of public spaces. An attempt was made to define them and to indicate the role that these spaces play in the urban tissue and in the lives of residents. Particular attention was paid to the problem of marginalization and degradation of public open spaces in the Mazowieckie province. Among the reasons for this state of affairs were mentioned legal inconsistencies, unawareness of the importance and consequences of decisions made, and the victory of economic values over social ones.

Paulina Sikorska, Przestrzeń otwarta miasta pod presją rozwoju. Zagrożenia i szanse. Przypadek MazowszaPobierz