Revitalization in Warsaw as an instrument for managing urban and regional development

Mirosław Grochowski, Magdalena Fuhrmann, Tomasz Zegar

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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The issue of urban revitalization is becoming increasingly important in Poland. The reason for this is not only the degree of degradation of many cities or parts of them, which leads to a decline in their attractiveness or the appearance of problems of a social and economic nature. The growing importance of urban revitalization is also due to the fact that its positive effects can affect the situation not only of the local system, but also of supra-local systems, stimulating in them the desired phenomena and processes, important for development in a broader spatial perspective.

Mirosław Grochowski, Magdalena Fuhrmann, Tomasz Zegar, Rewitalizacja w Warszawie jako instrument zarządzania rozowjem miasta i regionuPobierz

Mazovian Spatial Information System

Krzysztof Mączewski, Aneta Staniewska, Paweł Soczewski

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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The Mazovian Spatial Information System (MSIP) was created by a decision of the Board of Directors of the Mazovian Voivodeship as an element of the implementation of the state and European Union policy in the field of information society. The first stage of the creation of this system began in 2000 and included research and development work included in the targeted project entitled Spatial Database System for the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. These activities were aimed at developing a methodology for creating spatial databases for the Mazowieckie Voivodeship and proposing a concept for the Database System.

Krzysztof Mączewski, Aneta Staniewska, Paweł Soczewski, Mazowiecki System Informacji PrzestrzennejPobierz

Polish regions as engines of development. Reflections around the publication

Roman Szul

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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At the end of 2009, the Polish Civic Forum and the Institute for Market Economy Research published a publication that was small in size (140 pages), but important in content, entitled How to make regions the engines of Poland’s development and modernization. The publication mainly contains the texts of speeches at a conference organized by the Polish Senate on the occasion of the 10th anniversary of the new voivodeships (also known as regions) and the 20th anniversary of democracy in Poland.

Roman Szul, Polskie regiony jako motory rozwoju. Refleksje wokół publikacji Jak uczynić regiony motorami rozwoju i modernizacji PolskiPobierz

Profile of Erasmus Majewski (1858-1922)

Maria Krajewska

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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The role played by Erazm Majewski in the scientific, social and cultural life of Warsaw in the late 19th century and through the first 2 decades of the 20th century, as well as his activities and achievements, have been discussed in many works (Dutkiewicz 1983, Vronska 1986, Blombergowa 1996, Lech 1996, Szacki 1996).

Maria Krajewska, Sylwetka Erazma Majewskiego (1858–1922)Pobierz

Herbarz szlachty powiatu sierpeckiego by Professor Jerzy Łempicki

Magdalena Staniszewska

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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Professor Jerzy Lempicki’s long-awaited monumental work Herbarz szlachty powiatu sierpeckiego, which is the fourth part of the Mazovian Herbarium, has just been published. It can certainly be said of the book that it is the crowning achievement of all the publications published in Sierpc this year.

Magdalena Staniszewska, Herbarz szlachty powiatu sierpeckiego profesora Jerzego Łempickiego – ukoronowanie sierpeckich publikacji 2008 rokuPobierz

Otwock Yearbook

Czesław Marcinkowski

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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The issues of local communities are reflected in various publications and are receiving increasing interest and recognition from an ever-widening circle of local residents. Having a publishing title that speaks about the socio-historical and economic problems of the past, points to past achievements and presents people of merit in the region is an extremely important element in strengthening local social awareness.

Czesław Marcinkowski, Rocznik OtwockiPobierz

Metropolization and the formation of spatial order of urbanized systems

Mirosław Grochowski,

DOI: lack

Vol no: 6

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The processes of metropolization and the formation of functional urbanized areas are associated, among other things, with the “spillover” of the central city of the metropolis beyond its administrative boundaries. “Spillover” is one of the causes of changes in the ways and forms of development of the city and its surrounding areas.

Mirosław Grochowski, Metropolizacja a kształtowanie ładu przestrzennego układów zurbanizowanychPobierz