Troubleshooting city squere in Karczew in the light of contemporary needs of local community

Izabela Sobierajska, Małgorzata Ewa Sikorska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.19.03

Vol no: 19

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The purpose of this study is to present the contemporary problems of development and functioning of the Sigismund Stary Market in Karczew, with particular attention to the historical overlays and aspects of its development, related to the centuries-old trading tradition of the market. Karczew’s locational market from the end of the 16th century to the beginning of the 20th century was the main representative and, above all, market space of the city.

Izabela Sobierajska, Małgorzata Ewa Sikorska, Problemy funkcjonowania placu miejskiego w Karczewie w świetle współczesnych potrzeb lokalnej społecznościPobierz

Problems of urban regeneration of city square in Węgrów

Małgorzata Ewa Sikorska, Izabela Sobierajska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.19.02

Vol no: 19

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The article presents issues related to the problems of revitalization of the main representative urban space of Węgrów – St. Mary’s Square, as well as the neighboring coupled interiors: the square in front of the “Lipka House” and Narutowicza Street. Development transformations related to the revitalization process are presented and commented on.

Małgorzata Ewa Sikorska, Izabela Sobierajska, Problemy rewitalizacji placu miejskiego w WęgrowiePobierz

Spatial, functional and social conditions vital for founding new cities in the Mazovian Province at the turn of the XX and XXI centaury

Hanka Zaniewska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.19.01

Vol no: 19

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The process of urbanization of the Polish settlement network became apparent during the period of social and economic transformation, which was reflected in the creation of 87 new cities between 1989 and 2011. Most of them are small cities with a population of less than 5,000, which had municipal rights in the past, lost for political, economic, as well as administrative reasons.

Hanka Zaniewska, Uwarunkowania przestrzenne, funkcjonalne i społeczne decydujące o utworzeniu nowych miast w województwie mazowieckiem na przełomie XX i XXI wiekuPobierz

From the Editor-in-Chief

Adriana Barbara Cieślak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.19

Vol no: 19

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It is with great pleasure that I present to you the nineteenth issue of the scientific periodical MAZOWSZE Regional Studies. Remaining in the service of science, we constantly strive to develop and reach for the latest tools that determine publishing quality. I am pleased to announce that the publisher of our periodical, the Mazovian Office of Regional Planning in Warsaw, has joined the international publisher association CrossRef – Publishers International Linking Association Inc. (PILA) – and has received a DOI (digital object identifier) number.

Od Redaktora NaczelnegoPobierz

Response of Winter wheat cultivars to the environment and crop management in post-registration multi-environment trials (PDO)

Adriana Derejko

DOI: 10.21858/msr.18.13

Vol no: 18

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In many works in the fields of agronomy, agriculture and biology, there is a need to study the impact of cultivar (genotype), agricultural technology (crop management intensity levels), and the locations (agro-ecostems or environment) on the yield of plants.

Adriana Derejko, Reakcja odmian pszenicy ozimej na środowisko i technologię uprawy na przykładzie Porejestrowego Doświadczalnictwa Odmianowego (PDO).Pobierz

Recreation in the suburban area on the example of the municipality near Warsaw Piaseczno (research report)

Dorota Mantey

DOI: 10.21858/msr.18.12

Vol no: 18

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This article is devoted to recreation preferences among residents of the suburban municipality of Piaseczno, where intense processes of suburbanization are taking place. It presents the most common forms of physical activity, as well as the preferred activities that residents would like to take advantage of, but do not have the opportunity.

Dorota Mantey, Rekreacja w strefie podmiejskiej na przykładzie podwarszawskiej gminy Piaseczno (raport z badań)Pobierz

Possible approaches to barriers to development in public policy

Zbigniew Strzelecki , Paulina Legutko-Kobus, Ewa Jastrzębska, Andrzej Gałązka

DOI: 10.21858/msr.18.11

Vol no: 18

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Overcoming the barriers to development is the key to conducting local policy. Barriers to development may also be regarded as mechanisms used by the public authorities to stimulate development, and it is possible to overcome them with the use of appropriate tools (instruments), namely, techniques (methods) which have an effect on the development process.

Zbigniew Strzelecki , Paulina Legutko-Kobus, Ewa Jastrzębska, Andrzej Gałązka, Możliwości ujęcia barier rozwoju w polityce publicznejPobierz

Strategy for the development of Polish Central 2020 with a view to 2030-as an example of integrated planning at the level of supra-regional

Ewa Paturalska-Nowak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.18.10

Vol no: 18

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The Strategy for Development of Central Poland until 2020 with an Outlook 2030 is the fourth supra-regional strategy adopted by the Council of Ministers. Work on its preparation was initiated in 2012 by the local governments of the Lodz and Mazovian Voivodeships, signing an agreement on interregional cooperation. The result of the agreement was the development of the Concept for the Development Strategy of the Central Poland Macroregion 2030, which, based on the diagnosed potentials of the two voivodeships, defined the fields of cooperation and objectives for the development of the macroregion. It became the basis for the development Strategy for Central Poland by the Ministry of Infrastructure and Development.

Ewa Paturalska-Nowak, Strategia Rozwoju Polski Centralnej 2020 z perspektywą do 2030 – jako przykład zintegrowanego planowania na poziomie ponadregionalnymPobierz

The territorial capital, as the target of the integrated development planning

Małgorzata Żak-Skwierczyńska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.18.09

Vol no: 18

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The purpose of this article is to present the concept of the Warsaw-Lódz Functional Area, taking into account the innovative development planning solutions applied during the work on the Integrated Development Strategy for the Warsaw-Lódz Functional Area (WŁOF).

Małgorzata Żak-Skwierczyńska, Zintegrowane podejście w planowaniu rozwoju na przykładzie Warszawsko-Łódzkiego Obszaru FunkcjonalnegoPobierz