The dilemmas of healthcare system functioning under the conditions of civilizational turning point

Elżbieta Mączyńska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.48.01

Vol. no: 48

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The analyses presented in this study are focused on identifying new trends and challenges in the healthcare sector, primarily stemming from the ongoing global civilizational turning point as a consequence of the fourth industrial revolution, the digital revolution with its unimaginable potential of artificial intelligence. In such conditions, solutions aimed at optimal utilization of new technologies are particularly crucial, especially those addressing irregularities that result in the wastage of material and intellectual potential in this sector. In the face of almost chronic shortages in healthcare funding sources, characteristic not only of Poland but also many other countries, the rationalization of the utilization of available resources becomes of paramount importance. In Poland, this is particularly significant due to relatively low expenditures on healthcare, both in absolute terms and in relation to GDP. This is confirmed by the international statistics presented in the article. In this context, the article highlights selected rationalizing directions for changes in the national healthcare system.


Golden algae (“killer algae”) as a threat to Poland’s economy and nature

Adam Kapler

DOI: 10.21858/msr.48.02

Vol. no: 48

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The unprecedented bloom of “golden algae” Prymnesium parvum in the Oder River in 2022 was the worst ecological disaster in Poland and Germany in decades. In 2023, the penetration of those “killer algae” from the Gliwice Canal, as well as the Czernica and Januszkowice reservoirs into the main stream of the Oder River has been stopped by the Polish Waters. The article presents the current state of knowledge about this catastrophe and draws conclusions from pioneering tests conducted in Poland on methods to mitigate blooms in flowing waters (in the Gliwice Canal). Additionally, this work compiles and presents foreign methods of combating “golden algae” in fish ponds, in areas valuable for nature, sailing and fishing, as well as fauna restitution (including Unionidae mussels, significant for both the economy and for nature protection) following a mass bloom of P. parvum.


Conference on wetland protection in Poland on the occasion of World Wetlands Day, February 4–7, 2023, Warsaw, Poland

Adam Kapler

DOI: 10.21858/

Nr woluminu: SE 2023

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Wetlands have been drained for millennia. However, for over a century, many of them have been recognized and protected as reserves, national parks, and/or Natura 2000 sites. Nevertheless, most of Poland’s swamps have suffered degradation, making it worth considering their restoration. This is an immensely challenging issue, especially in the context of the war in Ukraine, growing social polarization around the NRL (Nature Restoration Law) project, the humanitarian crisis at the Polish-Belarusian border, and the ecological crisis in the Odra River. Therefore, World Wetlands Day 2023, celebrated annually on the initiative of the Wetlands Conservation Centre, on the anniversary of the Ramsar Convention signing, had an unusually rich program this year. Apart from the usual debates, open lectures, poster presentations, and field trips held each year, in February 2023, the agenda also included: a strictly scientific conference on wetland protection, two extra field trips, and a series of workshops for practitioners.


Identity in the cultural landscapes of the Mazovian Voivodeship and beyond

Ewa Baranowska, Marta Pankowska, Agnieszka Dobrosielska

DOI: 10.21858/

Nr woluminu: SE 2023

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The article presents areas distinguished by local tradition and the preservation of rituals and customs in the Mazovian Voivodeship (Mazovia region) and points out the role of society in shaping and preserving intangible cultural heritage. Additionally, an assessment of the state of preservation or development of synthetic characteristics of the municipal landscape, such as tradition, identity, and localness, was carried out following the methodology outlined in the Ordinance of the Council of Ministers dated January 11, 2019, regarding the preparation of landscape audits.


Analysis of the structure of scheduled airline services in Central European countries. Part one

Marek Serafin

DOI: 10.21858/

Nr woluminu: SE 2023

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The post-pandemic period is particularly important for the European airline market. We can observe new trends of changes that will shape it for many years to come. We can already clearly see that the Central European region has its own specificity, distinguishing it from Western Europe. In the case of our country, analysing the situation and forecasting the future is particularly important, as decisions are currently being taken regarding huge infrastructure investments. The structure of the number of seats offered by scheduled airlines and the changes in it are very good indicators of the strategies of air carriers, the most important players in the market game.


Aviation duoport as a way of efficient development of aviation infrastructure – international and national experience

Tomasz Wardak

DOI: 10.21858/

Nr woluminu: SE 2023

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The expansion of low-cost airlines over the last few decades has significantly influenced the requirements and directions of development of aviation infrastructure, opening up development opportunities for many regional and former military airports.In the second phase of development, low-cost airlines increased their presence at major airports. The low-cost model is evolving, just like the models of traditional and charter airlines. These changes are followed by the development and changes in the airport infrastructure. The model infrastructure adapted to serve low-cost airlines is geared towards reducing the cost for the airlines and shortening the turnaround time of aircrafts – it is therefore smaller and simpler, devoid of certain elements, e.g., jet bridges. Similarly, the time and comfort of travel from the airport to the centre of the metropolitan area are not as important as in the case of airports serving traditional airlines.


Problems and potentials of municipalities at risk of permanent marginalization in the Siedlce subregion

Monika Kierzkowska, Michał Jamróz

DOI: 10.21858/msr.47.04

Nr woluminu: 47

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The article analyses the problems and potentials of municipalities facing the risk of permanent marginalization in the Siedlce subregion indicated in the documents of the communes – primarily development strategies of municipalities. These concerns were categorized into five thematic spheres: social, economic, environmental, spatial-functional, and technical. Based on the information contained in commune revitalization programmes, the article delved into the discussion of degraded areas and revitalization zones prevalent among the surveyed communes. In addition, the timeliness of the problems and potentials indicated by the communes was examined on the basis of publicly available data in order to determine the trend of changes and present the current situation. Due to the availability of most statistical data, the analysis covered the years 2010–2021.
