Tradition of child’s playgrounds in Poland and Europe

Anna Ostrowska-Tryzno, Hanna Nałęcz, Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka

DOI: 10.21858/msr.31.01

Vol. no: 31

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In most European cities, until the 19th century, no need was seen for special areas for children to play and relax. Since ancient times, both in private gardens and in public areas (around city squares, temples) children could play freely. In the modern period, the need to provide children and young people with adequate conditions for active recreation – treated both as a daily need for physical exertion and as a way to manage festive leisure time with family and peers – has been evident for less than 200 years.

Anna Ostrowska-Tryzno, Hanna Nałęcz, Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka, Tradycja placów zabaw w Polsce i EuropiePobierz

Farms of Good Will in the Chynów Mazovia Regional Studiesunicipality in the context of the Development Strategy of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2030

Jacek Zalewski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.30.07

Vol. no: 30

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The vision adopted in the Strategy is that “Mazovia is a region characterized by territorial cohesion, competitiveness, innovativeness, rapid economic growth and high quality of life”. The main goal is “reducing socio-economic disparities within the Mazovian region, increasing the role of the Warsaw metropolitan area in Europe”.

Jacek Zalewski, Farms of Good Will in the Chynów municipality in the context of the Development Strategy of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2030Pobierz

Modern neurooncology – the development of the field and the possibilities of glioma therapy in Warsaw

Bartosz Czapski, Adam Warzecha, Wojciech Górecki, Tomasz Wójcikiewicz, Mirosław Ząbek

DOI: 10.21858/msr.30.06

Vol. no: 30

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This article is devoted to discussing the possibility of treating malignant brain tumors in the Mazovia region. The difficult clinical problem confronted by doctors and scientists is discussed in relation to the complex nature of gliomas. The current state-of-the-art treatment along with its limitations is subjected to discussion.

Bartosz Czapski, Adam Warzecha, Wojciech Górecki, Tomasz Wójcikiewicz, Mirosław Ząbek, Współczesna neuroonkologia – rozwój dziedziny i możliwości terapii glejakowej w Warszawie – perspektywa neurochirurgicznaPobierz

Innovative solutions for recreational areas for children with disabilities on the example of the city of Gdynia

Piotr Kocjan, Jarosław Górski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.30.05

Vol. no: 30

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The article discusses the problem of innovative solutions in the field of recreational areas with particular emphasis on playgrounds for children with disabilities on the example of the city of Gdynia. The article identifies good practices in the area of social innovation in the field of designing and building integrated playgrounds without barriers, accessible to all users (full and disabled), based on the example of the city of Gdynia. It was indicated what benefits can be derived from innovative actions conducted to improve the quality of life of children with disabilities.

Piotr Kocjan, Jarosław Górski, Innowacyjne rozwiązania dotyczące obszarów rekreacyjnych dla dzieci z niepełnosprawnością na przykładzie miasta GdyniaPobierz

Examples of financing innovative projects

Joanna Wodzyńska, Rafał Czyżewski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.30.04

Vol. no: 30

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This article was written in order to characterize the innovative activity of enterprises in terms of its financing sources. Obtaining sufficient fundsis a basic requirement for undertaking any investment activity and it largely determines the further investment process and related decisions. An analysis of the available sources of financing indicates the interdependence between the innovation’s subject area and the structure of its financing.

Joanna Wodzyńska, Rafał Czyżewski, Wybrane źródła finansowania przedsięwzięć innowacyjnychPobierz

Study of the development of prosumer microgeneration in the Siedlce subregion

Zbigniew Cieszkowski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.30.03

Vol. no: 30

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The paper presents the results of research and analysis of the currently most popular renewable energy sector, i.e. microgeneration. It is developed at the lowest level of the entire cycle of generation, transmission, distribution and consumption of energy, i.e. at the level of its customers.

Zbigniew Cieszkowski, Studium rozwoju mikroenergetyki prosumenckiej w subregionie siedleckimPobierz

Former and present attractiveness of industrial sectors in the development process of Poland and Mazovia

Andrzej Karpiński

DOI: 10.21858/msr.30.02

Vol. no: 30

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In the current discussions on the past and future prospects of industry in Poland, at least four areas require, in my opinion, much more attention and reflection. This means learning from our – not always positive – experiences.

Andrzej Karpiński, Atrakcyjność sektorów przemysłu w procesie rozwoju kraju i Mazowsza dawniej i dziśPobierz

Val d’Europe – ville du XXI siècle

Elżbieta Muszyńska, Elżbieta Tomaszewska-Taton

DOI: 10.21858/msr.30.01

Vol. no: 30

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Val d’Europe c’est une nouvelle ville réalisée en Région Parisienne, sur la base d’une convention PPP (Partenariat Public-Privé), signée en 1987 entre l’Etat Français et Euro Disney Associés1 filiale de The Walt Disney Company. La ville prévue initialement pour 60 000 habitants, compte actuellement 35 000 et reste la dernière composante d’une ville linéaire de quarante kilomètres – Marne-La-Vallée, satellite de Paris.

Elżbieta Muszyńska, Elżbieta Tomaszewska-Taton, Val d’Europe – miasto 21 wiekuPobierz

Innovation challenges for economics and law in health care Report of the 2nd scientific conference

Piotr Czekalski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.29.09

Vol. no: 29

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The scientific conference “Challenges of Innovation for Economics and Law in Health Care” was held on May 21, 2019, and was organized by the Department of Administrative Law and Local Government of the Faculty of Law and Administration of Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw and the Department of Applied Economics of the College of Management and Finance, Warsaw School of Economics.

Piotr Czekalski, Wyzwania innowacyjności dla ekonomii i prawa w ochronie zdrowia Sprawozdanie z II konferencji naukowejPobierz