Mazovia and its economy in the context of the 100th anniversary of Poland’s independence: from the Second to the Third Polish Republic.

Cecylia Leszczyńska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.35.01

Vol. no: 35

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This article is the second part of a study of the economy of Mazovia over the past century. It presents the processes and phenomena that shaped the structure of the region’s economy in the second half of the 20th century, that is, during the period of the People’s Republic of Poland (1945-1989) and the Republic of Poland (1990-2018).

Cecylia Leszczyńska, W kontekście 100-lecia niepodległości. Mazowsze i jego gospodarka: od Drugiej do Trzeciej Rzeczypospolitej. Część druga: Okres 1945–2018: Polska Ludowa i Trzecia RzeczpospolitaPobierz

Seniors in the Era of COVID-19

Anna Wieczorek

DOI: 10.21858/msr.34.07

Vol. no: 34

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The conclusions come to mind. Everything should be done to minimize human contact. At the same time, the economy can’t be stopped, which means that the closing of workplaces should not take place. Where, then, can and should people’s grouping be limited? Such places are undoubtedly stores, banks, post offices and offices. The most vulnerable to infection are the elderly. There are more than 9 million people over the age of 60 in Poland. If they all become ill with COVID-19, Polish health care has no chance to save them.

Anna Wieczorek, Seniorzy w dobie COVID-19Pobierz

Analysis of the main problems and challenges of volunteer fire brigades in the Mazovia Region

Paulina Żurawicka, Monika Kierzkowska, Dariusz Piwowarczyk

DOI: 10.21858/msr.34.06

Vol. no: 34

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The article presents the results of an analysis of the main needs, problems and challenges related to the activities of volunteer fire departments from the Mazovian province. In order to identify them, a questionnaire survey was conducted, aimed at Mazovian TSO units. The analysis in question allowed, among other things, to identify the needs of volunteer fire departments in terms of improving equipment, raising the efficiency of unit members to carry out rescue operations, and to collect information on the preparation of units to carry out rescue operations. The submitted responses also made it possible to determine the forms of support for their activities that are most desired by TSO units.

Paulina Żurawicka, Monika Kierzkowska, Dariusz Piwowarczyk, Analiza głównych problemów i wyzwań w działalności ochotniczych straży pożarnych w województwie mazowieckimPobierz

Eden – the mystical mariavite garden in Felicjanów

Sławomir P. Markowski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.34.05

Vol. no: 34

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The purpose of this article is an attempt to present a set of features with a mystical identity of the historic garden in Felicianovo. The unique character of the garden, although it results from a seemingly banal view of its space, carries in itself a great charge of the sacred, containing symbols important for the Marianist faith. The natural-spatial context is contained in the mystical reference to the Garden of Eden.

Sławomir P. Markowski, „Eden” – mistyczny ogród mariawicki w FelicjanowiePobierz

Historical sports facilities of Warsaw as an asset for contemporary tourism. Part I: from the Middle Ages until the outbreak of World War II

Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka, Maciej Piechotka

DOI: 10.21858/msr.34.04

Vol. no: 34

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The history of Warsaw’s sports facilities is inscribed in the history of the city and is a document of its cultural heritage. For several hundred years, the development of the various sports practiced in Warsaw has been accompanied by investments for sports, the evolution of sports construction is visible. Thus, the history of Warsaw sports architecture covers a period of about seven hundred years: from the Middle Ages to modern times. These were both buildings erected for the needs of major sporting events, such as racetracks and are today’s stadiums, as well as sports facilities accompanying education or daily recreation of city residents.

Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka, Maciej Piechotka, Historyczne obiekty sportowe Warszawy jako walor turystyki współczesnej. Część I: od średniowiecza do wybuchu II wojny światowejPobierz

Is Kazimierz Dolny a monument of history?

Anna Wieczorek

DOI: 10.21858/msr.34.03

Vol. no: 34

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It remains undisputed that Kazimierz Dolny has special values for culture, and thus meets the requirements for a site wishing to be recognized as a monument of history. Unfortunately, the regulations on the protection of historical monuments: the 1966 and 1983 decisions on entry in the register of historical monuments and the 1994 order of the President of the Republic of Poland on recognition of Kazimierz Dolny as a historical monument raise a number of doubts of a substantive and legal nature – it is not known whether they are in force. Such a situation causes conflicts between a resident of Kazimierz Dolny and the authorities, especially the provincial conservator of monuments.

Anna Wieczorek, Czy Kazimierz Dolny jest pomnikiem historii?Pobierz

Changes in the municipal waste management system – legal and economic aspects as exemplified by the Capital City of Warsaw

Anna Wieczorek, Maciej Siekierski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.34.02

Vol. no: 34

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The authors of the article believe that: the overly complicated methods of determining municipal waste management fee rates adopted in the Law on Maintaining Cleanliness and Order in Municipalities should be abandoned; the simplest and fairest would be to introduce a single fee on each person declaring residence in Poland, and the aforementioned fee can be linked to income tax, for example.

Anna Wieczorek, Maciej Siekierski, Zmiany w systemie gospodarki odpadami komunalnymi – aspekty prawne i ekonomiczne na przykładzie WarszawyPobierz

The advisability of building the deepwater seaport in Central Pomerania. Preliminary study

Tadeusz Wójcicki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.34.01

Vol. no: 34

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Poland’s main ports are awkwardly located exclusively at either the western or eastern end of the Polish Baltic coast, i.e. at the mouth of the Oder River or in the area of the Vistula’s estuary to the sea, and are about 280-290 km apart in a straight line. It is therefore worth considering the rationale of building a fourth deep-water port, located more or less in the middle between them, i.e. somewhere in central Pomerania, preferably on the stretch of coast between the main cities of this part of Pomerania, between Kołobrzeg and Koszalin.

Tadeusz Wójcicki, Celowość budowy głębokowodnego portu morskiego na środkowym Pomorzu. Studium wstępnePobierz

Mazovia Development Agency Plc. – objectives and scope of activities

Maciej Sulmicki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.33.07

Vol. no: 33

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Mazovia Development Agency Plc. was established in 2005 by a decision of the Management Board of the Mazovian Voivodeship. The goal of the company is to create and support regional development of the Mazovian Voivodeship. This is done mainly through direct and indirect support of local development and enterprise. The company’s activities are conducted in accordance with priorities defined by its founding body. These activities are focused on supporting the dynamic development of the Mazovian Voivodeship in the following areas: improvement of the information society of the voivodeship, economic promotion of the region, development of human resources, support for entrepreneurship and innovation, support for urban development and revitalization, internationalization of economic entities from the region.

Mazovia Development Agency Plc. – objectives and scope of activitiesPobierz