The Rehn-Meidner model and its role in Swedish political economy

Marta Sawer

DOI: 10.21858/msr.35.06

Vol. no: 35

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The purpose of this article is to present the Swedish RehnMeidner model of economic and wage policy, the reasons for its creation, its features, and the reasons for changes in Swedish economic policy decades later. This model, created by two Swedish economists in 1951, formed the basis of economic policy for decades to come.

Marta Sawer, Model Rehna-Meidnera i jego rola w polityce gospodarczej SzwecjiPobierz

The liability for the obligations of people running an architectural business under the regulations in force

Wanda Misiak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.35.05

Vol. no: 35

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Architectural activity is subject to the same rules as any other type of business. The way it is organized determines the way it is liable for liabilities arising in the course of its activities. For architectural activity, the best form is a partnership. Those who perform this activity may conduct it in other forms, namely partnerships of a different type than the partnership and capital companies.

Wanda Misiak, Odpowiedzialność za zobowiązania prowadzących działalność architektoniczną w formie spółek według obowiązujących przepisówPobierz

Network of volunteer fire departments in the Plock diocese – book review

Magdalena Staniszewska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.34.08

Vol. no: 34

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The Network of Volunteer Fire Brigades in the Diocese of Plock is the most extensive of Father Andrzej Zakrzewski’s works published to date – it runs to more than 400 pages – on firefighting. As a reminder, in past years books have been published on the subject of firefighting in the Sierpc district, the Tłuchów deanery, on firefighting units in the parishes of the Plock diocese, as well as publications on the patron saint of firefighters, St. Florian, and the firefighting ritual which are liturgical and pastoral aids aimed at firefighting chaplains and pastors who minister among firefighters.

Magdalena Staniszewska, Sieć ochotniczych straży pożarnych w diecezji płockiej – recenzja książkiPobierz

Kurpie in scientific research. Series: Kurpie. Transformation of the settlement landscape until Poland’s accession to the European Union

Agnieszka Starzyk

DOI: 10.21858/msr.35.04

Vol. no: 35

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Kurpiowszczyzna is one of the most interesting ethnographic regions, with a center of original, well-preserved and carefully cultivated Kurpie folk culture. The image of the Kurpie village is the result of centuries of human activity. Over the centuries there have been transformations of the landscape, based on the adaptation of the natural environment to cultivate the land and the gradual establishment of human settlements, which have given the modern image.

Agnieszka Starzyk, Kurpiowszczyzna w badaniach naukowych. Cykl: Kurpiowszczyzna. Przekształcenia krajobrazu osadniczego do czasu przystąpienia Polski do Unii EuropejskiejPobierz

Changes in the rural landscape of Mazovia and their impact on recreational values of the landscape due to the presence of Phasianidae birds

Karolina Pietrzykowska, Jerzy Wojtatowicz

DOI: 10.21858/msr.35.03

Vol. no: 35

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The article attempts to show how activities at the level of planning and agricultural management affect the recreational values of the landscape, resulting from the behavior of curlew birds. This goal was achieved using the example of three species associated with agrocenoses: partridge, quail and pheasant. In particular, the availability of food and their habitat were taken into account. An analysis of changes and their causes in the context of both Poland and Mazovia was made.

Karolina Pietrzykowska, Jerzy Wojtatowicz, Zmiany w krajobrazie rolniczym Mazowsza i ich wpływ na wartości wypoczynkowe krajobrazu wynikające z obecności ptaków kurowatych (Phasianidae)Pobierz

Historical sports facilities of Warsaw as an asset for contemporary tourism. Part two: after World War II

Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka, Maciej Piechotka

DOI: 10.21858/msr.35.02

Vol. no: 35

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Presented in the first and second parts of the article, Warsaw’s historic sports facilities – the oldest surviving of which are more than 200 years old – are an important factor of social bonding. Historic sports architecture, as well as other public edifices of historical value, are moreover a visual glue between the traditional fabric of the city and the present.

Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka, Maciej Piechotka, Historyczne obiekty sportowe Warszawy jako walor turystyki współczesnej. Część druga: po zakończeniu II wojny światowejPobierz

Mazovia and its economy in the context of the 100th anniversary of Poland’s independence: from the Second to the Third Polish Republic.

Cecylia Leszczyńska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.35.01

Vol. no: 35

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This article is the second part of a study of the economy of Mazovia over the past century. It presents the processes and phenomena that shaped the structure of the region’s economy in the second half of the 20th century, that is, during the period of the People’s Republic of Poland (1945-1989) and the Republic of Poland (1990-2018).

Cecylia Leszczyńska, W kontekście 100-lecia niepodległości. Mazowsze i jego gospodarka: od Drugiej do Trzeciej Rzeczypospolitej. Część druga: Okres 1945–2018: Polska Ludowa i Trzecia RzeczpospolitaPobierz

Seniors in the Era of COVID-19

Anna Wieczorek

DOI: 10.21858/msr.34.07

Vol. no: 34

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The conclusions come to mind. Everything should be done to minimize human contact. At the same time, the economy can’t be stopped, which means that the closing of workplaces should not take place. Where, then, can and should people’s grouping be limited? Such places are undoubtedly stores, banks, post offices and offices. The most vulnerable to infection are the elderly. There are more than 9 million people over the age of 60 in Poland. If they all become ill with COVID-19, Polish health care has no chance to save them.

Anna Wieczorek, Seniorzy w dobie COVID-19Pobierz

Analysis of the main problems and challenges of volunteer fire brigades in the Mazovia Region

Paulina Żurawicka, Monika Kierzkowska, Dariusz Piwowarczyk

DOI: 10.21858/msr.34.06

Vol. no: 34

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The article presents the results of an analysis of the main needs, problems and challenges related to the activities of volunteer fire departments from the Mazovian province. In order to identify them, a questionnaire survey was conducted, aimed at Mazovian TSO units. The analysis in question allowed, among other things, to identify the needs of volunteer fire departments in terms of improving equipment, raising the efficiency of unit members to carry out rescue operations, and to collect information on the preparation of units to carry out rescue operations. The submitted responses also made it possible to determine the forms of support for their activities that are most desired by TSO units.

Paulina Żurawicka, Monika Kierzkowska, Dariusz Piwowarczyk, Analiza głównych problemów i wyzwań w działalności ochotniczych straży pożarnych w województwie mazowieckimPobierz