Alina Maciejewska, Łukasz Kuzak
DOI: 10.21858/msr.39.02
Vol. no: 39
The purpose of the article was to present the results of a survey on the identification and evaluation of synthetic landscape characteristics in the form of tradition, identity and peculiarity, conducted in the area of the Mazovian province. The purpose of the survey was to identify areas distinguished by local and regional traditions, the cultivation of rituals and customs, the occurrence of attachment of the population to the place, or the special and characteristic features of material components, which are details of space for the surveyed administrative units, as well as to obtain information on both tangible and intangible evidence of tradition.
Alina Maciejewska, Łukasz Kuzak, Analiza syntetycznych cech krajobrazu – tradycji, tożsamości i swojskości na obszarze województwa mazowieckiegoPobierz