65-year jubilee of swimming pool in the Palace of Youth in Warsaw

Bartłomiej Krynicki, Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka

DOI: 10.21858/msr.37.07

Vol. no: 37

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The Palace of Youth in Warsaw was put into use 65 years ago, in April 1955, as part of the Palace of Culture and Science building, erected in the Socialist Realist style. It was an extraordinary attraction at the time, offering children opportunities for developing passions and interests that were not available elsewhere. For example, the indoor swimming pool at the Palace of Youth was, and still is, the only swimming pool in the Mazovian province where it is possible to practice water jumping. At the same time, it is one of the few swimming pools in Poland where it is possible to practice this discipline in the full range of competition throughout the year.

Bartłomiej Krynicki, Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka, Jubileusz 65 lat działalności pływalni w Pałacu Młodzieży w WarszawiePobierz

There’s a lot going on in Interreg programs for 2021-2027 – it’s worth keeping up to date

Agnieszka Mync

DOI: 10.21858/msr.38.07

Vol. no: 38

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In the Interreg Central Europe 2021-2027 transnational cooperation program, the call for proposals is currently underway – opened on November 15, 2021. – I call for proposals. Project proposals will be available until February 23, 2022. Potential beneficiaries, while preparing projects, can take into account all priorities and specific objectives of the program – no thematic restrictions have been introduced at this stage of its implementation. The budget of the first call on the side of the allocation from the European Regional Development Fund is indicatively closed with a total amount of 72 million euros.

Agnieszka Mync, W programach Interreg na lata 2021–2027 dużo się dzieje – warto być na bieżącoPobierz

Selected aspects of economic attractiveness and entrepreneurship development of county towns in the Siedlce subregion in the years 2010–2019

Agata Kucharska, Dariusz Piwowarczyk

DOI: 10.21858/msr.37.06

Vol. no: 37

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The article analyzes selected elements of the economic attractiveness of the district cities of the Siedlce subregion, understood as the NUTS 3 Siedlce statistical subregion, located in the eastern part of the Mazovian Voivodeship. The analysis characterizes the most important determinants of the economic development of these cities, taking into account communication links and designated investment areas, as well as the most important aspects of economic activity in the cities in question, including the largest enterprises and major economic specializations.

Agata Kucharska, Dariusz Piwowarczyk, Wybrane aspekty atrakcyjności gospodarczej i rozwoju przedsiębiorczości w miastach powiatowych subregionu siedleckiego w latach 2010–2019Pobierz

Imposing spatial order – an efficient system or chaos? Local spatial development plan – development parameters

Anna Wieczorek

DOI: 10.21858/msr.38.06

Vol. no: 38

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The article is the next in a series of articles on the system of space shaping in Poland and the last of three on the scope of establishing a local spatial development plan. It complements and expands on the article entitled Space shaping – efficient system or chaos? Local spatial development plan – the scope of statehood.

Anna Wieczorek, Kształtowanie przestrzeni – sprawny system czy chaos? Miejscowy plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego – parametry zabudowyPobierz

Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński University – a modern university with tradition

Ks. Rafał Bednarczyk

DOI: 10.21858/msr.37.05

Vol. no: 37

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Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw is one of the younger universities in Poland. It is a state university, but has a clear Catholic identity. This is due to the fact that this university was established on the basis of the Academy of Catholic Theology, which is the heir to Warsaw’s academic theology, associated with the Warsaw University of Theology, established in 1816. Warsaw University.

Ks. Rafał Bednarczyk, Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego – nowoczesna uczelnia z tradycjąPobierz

Imposing spatial order – an efficient system or chaos? Local spatial development plan – land use

Anna Wieczorek

DOI: 10.21858/msr.38.05

Vol. no: 38

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The article is another in a series of articles on the system of space shaping in Poland and the second of three on the scope of establishing a local spatial development plan. It complements and expands on the article titled Space shaping – efficient system or chaos? Local spatial development plan – the scope of statehood. It addresses the key issue of land use designation(s). It points out the ambiguity of this concept, and thus the vague scope of local plan making.

Anna Wieczorek, Kształtowanie przestrzeni – sprawny system czy chaos? Miejscowy plan zagospodarowania przestrzennego – przeznaczenie terenówPobierz

Kurpie – an outline of shaping the settlement and agricultural functions and landscape Series: Kurpie. Transformation of the settlement landscape until Poland’s accession to the European Union

Agnieszka Starzyk

DOI: 10.21858/msr.37.04

Vol. no: 37

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Kurpiowszczyzna is one of the most interesting ethnographic regions, with a center of original, well-preserved and carefully cultivated Kurpie folk culture. The image of the Kurpie village is the result of centuries of human activity. Over the centuries there have been transformations of the landscape, based on the adaptation of the natural environment to cultivate the land and the gradual establishment of human settlements, which have given the modern image.

Agnieszka Starzyk, Kurpiowszczyzna – zarys kształtowania funkcji osadniczo-rolniczych i krajobrazu Cykl: Kurpiowszczyzna. Przekształcenia krajobrazu osadniczego do czasu przystąpienia Polski do Unii EuropejskiejPobierz

Kurpie – characteristics of the settlement landscape Series: Kurpie. Transformation of the settlement landscape until Poland’s accession to the European Union

Agnieszka Starzyk

DOI: 10.21858/msr.38.04

Vol. no: 38

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Kurpiowszczyzna is one of the most interesting ethnographic regions, with a center of original, well-preserved and carefully cultivated Kurpie folk culture. The image of the Kurpie village is the result of centuries of human activity. Over the centuries there have been transformations of the landscape, based on the adaptation of the natural environment to cultivate the land and the gradual establishment of human settlements, which have given the modern image.

Agnieszka Starzyk, Kurpiowszczyzna – charakterystyka krajobrazu osadniczego Cykl: Kurpiowszczyzna. Przekształcenia krajobrazu osadniczego do czasu przystąpienia Polski do Unii EuropejskiejPobierz

Multi-sectoral cooperation in creating the regional development of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Maria Gagacka

DOI: 10.21858/msr.37.03

Vol. no: 37

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The development aspirations of modern societies are not infrequently of a conflicting nature. Creating a vision of development in the face of clashing ad hoc economic goals both at the level of public policies and the interests of individuals and social groups poses increasing difficulties.

Maria Gagacka, Wielosektorowa współpraca w kreowaniu rozwoju regionalnego województwa mazowieckiegoPobierz