The impact of smog on the design of sports facilities

Wojciech Zabłocki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.36.09

Vol. no: 36

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The smog phenomenon and its associated health consequences have now taken center stage in many societies, including Poland. In addition to the prevention of smog formation, the question arises of what impact it may have on urban planning and architectural design. In this article, I attempt to answer the question of what the relationship may be between the fact of smog formation, especially in cities, and the planning and design of sports facilities.

Wojciech Zabłocki, Wpływ smogu na projektowanie obiektów sportowychPobierz

Note from briefing meeting on Interreg Europe, Interreg Central Europe, Interreg Baltic Sea Programs for 2021-2027

Anna Kwil

DOI: 10.21858/msr.36.10

Vol. no: 36

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An informational meeting on Interreg Europe, Interreg Central Europe, Interreg Baltic Sea Programs for 2021-2027 was held on March 15, 2021, organized by the Ministry of Funds and Regional Policy. During the meeting, the principles of these programs, thematic scope, characteristics of the projects, as well as the planned dates of the first calls for proposals were discussed.

Anna Kwil, Notatka ze spotkania informacyjnego dot. Programów Interreg Europa, Interreg Europa Środkowa, Interreg Morza Bałtyckiego na lata 2021–2027Pobierz