Space shaping versus urban planning – the English experience

Dariusz Świątek

DOI: lack

Vol no: 6

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Today’s spatial planning systems are the result of their evolution over decades under specific political, economic and social conditions. The variability of these conditions has influenced spatial planning paradigms and specific legislative solutions, determining the organizational structures, competencies and modus operandi of entities responsible for spatial planning.

Dariusz Świątek, Kształtowanie przestrzeni a planowanie przestrzenne – doświadczenia angielskiePobierz

Metropolization and the formation of spatial order of urbanized systems

Mirosław Grochowski,

DOI: lack

Vol no: 6

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The processes of metropolization and the formation of functional urbanized areas are associated, among other things, with the “spillover” of the central city of the metropolis beyond its administrative boundaries. “Spillover” is one of the causes of changes in the ways and forms of development of the city and its surrounding areas.

Mirosław Grochowski, Metropolizacja a kształtowanie ładu przestrzennego układów zurbanizowanychPobierz

Analysis of practical problems of local energy development

Zbigniew Cieszkowski, Elżbieta Polak

DOI: lack

Vol no: 6

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One of the most important statutory duties of the Mazovian Regional Government in the field of energy is to give an opinion on the energy planning documents drawn up by municipalities, i.e. assumptions for the plan for supply of heat, electricity and gaseous fuels and plans for supply of heat, electricity and gaseous fuels.

Zbigniew Cieszkowski, Elżbieta Polak Analiza praktycznych problemów rozwoju energetyki lokalnej na przykładzie wybranych gmin wschodniej części województwa mazowieckiegoPobierz

Social and legal aspects of land use conflicts

Michał Hackiewicz

DOI: lack

Vol no: 6

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This article is an attempt to answer the question of the sources of the increasing number of social conflicts in Poland against the background of planning and space development. Based on the example of the construction of the bypass of Milanowek and Grodzisk Mazowiecki in the course of provincial road 719, the study helps to learn about their course, understand the causes, and evaluate the actions of conflicting parties through the prism of their effectiveness in mitigating or exacerbating the conflict.

Michał Hackiewicz, Społeczne i prawne aspekty konfliktów na tle zagospodarowania przestrzennego na przykładzie budowy obwodnicy Milanówka i Grodziska MazowieckiegoPobierz

Quality of life in airport regions

Agnieszka Bech

DOI: lack

Vol no: 6

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The article deals with the quality of life in airport regions, which in EU countries plays an increasingly important role in the process of regional and local spatial planning and airport development. The article takes a closer look at the experience of European regions and cities, gathered during the implementation of the QLAIR project – Quality of Life in Airport Regions.

Agnieszka Bech, Jakość życia w regionach lotniskowychPobierz

Changes in the labor market in Mazovia in 1999-2008

Andrzej Karpiński

DOI: lack

Vol no: 6

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The author presents changes in the labor market of the Mazowieckie voivodeship in 1999-2008. The data are grouped in a much broader breakdown than before into about 250 items of the Polish activity classification. At the same time, he introduces new analytical snapshots, such as the share of employment in fields considered to be “carriers” of the knowledge-based economy, in information society services, in high-tech industries, in environmental protection and in fields that are most dynamic for the economy, as well as those considered non-developmental.

Andrzej Karpiński, Zmiany na rynku pracy na Mazowszu w latach 1999–2008Pobierz

Cooperation between the education system and the economy

Krzysztof Opolski, Marcin Dwórznik

DOI: lack

Vol no: 6

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The article addresses the issue of cooperation between the education system and the economy at all levels of education: elementary and junior high school education, secondary education and higher education. The article, on the one hand, indicates the reasons why it is important for the education system to cooperate with the economy; on the other hand, it indicates the areas in which this cooperation should take place.

Krzysztof Opolski, Marcin Dwórznik, Współpraca systemu edukacji z gospodarkąPobierz

Cultural heritage management – a new field of academic teaching and research

Krystyna Gutowska, Zbigniew Kobyliński

DOI: lack

Vol no: 6

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Cultural heritage management is a separate part of the discipline known as cultural resource management. Its subject is the protection and use for the public good of cultural heritage, that is, the remnants and memories that bind us to our past, found in the landscape, art, language or traditions. This field of research and practical action emerged – in parallel – in the United States of America and Great Britain in the 1970s.

Krystyna Gutowska, Zbigniew Kobyliński, Zarządzanie dziedzictwem kulturowym – nowa dziedzina nauczania akademickiego i badań naukowychPobierz

Implementation of the Lisbon Strategy in 2000-2010

Renata Pałka

DOI: lack

Vol no: 6

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The Lisbon Strategy is the main instrument of EU policy. Economic growth and job creation are the most important goals after 2000. EU structural reforms have been subordinated to these goals. In some areas, significant changes are evident in the way EU member states operate. For the first time, after being admitted to the EU, the member states (especially the 12 NMS) were obliged to develop and implement strategies (NRPs and NSRFs) in line with EU goals.

Renata Pałka, Realizacja Strategii Lizbońskiej w latach 2000–2010Pobierz