Photo essay from the conference

Mazovia Regional Studies Editors

DOI: lack

Vol no: 8

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A photo report from the conference Building the Future of Mazovia Together. In the joint photo, at the end of the conference, from left: director of the Mazovian Regional Planning Office in Warsaw – prof. dr. hab. Zbigniew Strzelecki, – Secretary of the Voivodeship – Director of the Office of the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship in Warsaw – Waldemar Kuliński, Secretary General of the European People’s Party in the Committee of the Regions – Dr. Heinz-Peter Knapp, Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship – Adam Struzik, Deputy Prime Minister – Waldemar Pawlak, and representative of the German region of Saxony-Anhalt and Chairman of the European People’s Party in the Committee of the Regions – Dr. Michael Schneider.

Fotoreportaż z konferencjiPobierz

Development trends of Mazovia – a project supporting the management of local and regional development

Tomasz Zegar

DOI: lack

Vol no: 8

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The Development Trends of Mazovia project is implemented under the European Social Fund, with funding from the European Union. The main objective of the project is to create a system for collecting, analyzing and interpreting information on the development processes of the Mazovian Voivodeship. The specific objectives include: identification of information gaps, a comprehensive socio-economic diagnosis, models of voivodeship development and procedures for ongoing forecasting of social and economic changes in the region.

Tomasz Zegar, Trendy rozwojowe Mazowsza – projekt wspomagający zarządzanie rozwojem lokalnym i regionalnymPobierz

Conference report and discussion

Mazovia Regional Studies Editors

DOI: lack

Vol no: 8

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The main purpose of the conference was to present the challenges and problems facing the local government of the region and the local governments of the municipalities of Mazovia at the threshold of the new decade. The conference was also an opportunity to extend an invitation to cooperate for the development of the region, which was addressed by the Marshal of the Mazovian Voivodeship to the newly elected local government authorities.

Relacja z konferencji i dyskusjaPobierz

Update of strategic documents of the Mazovian Voivodeship in response to new development challenges

Zbigniew Strzelecki

DOI: lack

Vol no: 8

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If we want to manage our own and European funds in the future, we must have both a jointly developed strategy and a provincial spatial development plan. Both documents, on the basis of applicable law, are prepared by the provincial government. The strategy and plan are the basis for the operational management of programs and projects implemented at the regional level and created in cooperation with all partners.

Zbigniew Strzelecki, Aktualizacja dokumentów strategicznych województwa mazowieckiego odpowiedzią na nowe wyzwania rozwojowePobierz

The most important and urgent tasks in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Tomasz Sałański

DOI: lack

Vol no: 8

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The article includes the results of a survey, conducted in municipalities and districts of the Mazovian province, which identified the most important and urgent tasks in local government units of various levels. Such information is the starting point for investment decisions. They make it possible to identify thematic areas in which measures are being taken or should be taken, as well as to determine detailed investment needs.

Tomasz Sałański, Najważniejsze i najpilniejsze zadania w województwie mazowieckimPobierz

Paradigms of information society development in the Mazowieckie voivodeship

Krzysztof Mączewski, Aneta Staniewska, Jarosław Wysocki, Andrzej Perkowski, Andrzej Natuniewicz

DOI: lack

Vol no: 8

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Spatial information is crucial to the creation of provincial development plans and strategies. In the era of widespread computerization, local government administration and spatial planning cannot remain indifferent to the needs and challenges. In addition to technological advances, what is also needed is a change in the way we think about spatial information, and various tools that will enable efficient management of this information.

Krzysztof Mączewski, Aneta Staniewska, Jarosław Wysocki, Andrzej Perkowski, Andrzej Natuniewicz, Paradygmaty rozwoju społeczeństwa informacyjnego w województwie mazowieckimPobierz

Mazovian Regional Research Center – a knowledge center to support regional management

Agnieszka Ajdyn

DOI: lack

Vol no: 8

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The purpose of this article is to present the tasks and activities undertaken in 2010 by the Mazovian Regional Research Center (MOBR), a unit established within the organizational structures of the Statistical Office in Warsaw. The idea behind the process of establishing the MOBR was to create a professional analytical and information resource, responsive to the changing socio-economic situation in the region.

Agnieszka Ajdyn, Mazowiecki Ośrodek Badań Regionalnych – centrum wiedzy wspierające zarządzanie w regioniePobierz

Mazovia Barometer – trust in institutions of public life at the local level

Mirosław Grochowski

DOI: lack

Vol no: 8

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The article presents the results of a survey conducted in the Mazovian province on the trust of residents in the institutions of public life at the local level. These institutions included local government, schools, police, church and community organizations. The development of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship is fostered by a number of assets, including its location in the center of the country and the presence in the region of a metropolitan city such as Warsaw. Its administrative and political functions, the accumulation of business environment institutions, well-developed social infrastructure and the availability of highly qualified personnel are factors that attract capital and investors.

Mirosław Grochowski, Barometr Mazowsza – zaufanie do instytucji życia publicznego na poziomie lokalnymPobierz