New opportunities for the revitalization of small bodies of water

Andrzej Eymontt, Krzysztof Wierzbicki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.21.05

Vol. no: 21

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Significant advances in technology for extracting sediments from the bottom of water bodies and processing them into high-value organic fertilizers have created new opportunities for their reclamation. These new opportunities can be put to good use in updating the Spatial Management Plan for the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, as well as in implementing Poland’s commitments to the European Union regarding the Water Framework Directive and plans for the rehabilitation of waterways in Poland.

Andrzej Eymontt, Krzysztof Wierzbicki, Nowe możliwości rewitalizacji małych zbiorników wodnychPobierz

Unwanted heritage and its cultural potential. Values of modernist architecture from the times of the Polish People’s Republic

Błażej Ciarkowski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.22.05

Vol no: 22

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The aim of the paper is to analyze the substance of Polish post-war modernist architecture, their meanings at the moment of their creation, and the way this architecture is understood today. The change in the reception of the legacy of modern constructions erected in the times of the Polish People’s Republic is juxtaposed with theories of value of historic monuments and the theory of postmemory.

Błażej Ciarkowski – Unwanted heritage and its cultural potential. Values of modernist architecture from the times of the Polish People’s RepublicPobierz

Social capital as a determinant of implementation of sustainable development

Paulina Legutko-Kobus

DOI: 10.21858/msr.22.04

Vol no: 22

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The Sustainable Development Agenda 2030 adopted in 2015 and Sustainable Development Objectives included in it 17 cover a wide range of social aspects. Implementing sustainable development refers to achievement well-being of individuals and entire societies as well as building and strengthening social capital. In the article, using desk and web research analysis, an indicatory approach to social capital and sustainable development is presented.

Paulina Legutko-Kobus – Social capital as a determinant of implementation of sustainable developmentPobierz

Landscape values as a basis for subregional development

Magdalena Opania

DOI: 10.21858/msr.22.03

Vol no: 22

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The article concerns the landscape of the tourist triangle of Kazimierz Dolny-Nałęczów-Puławy which became the basis for the a plan of regional development and cooperation. The purpose of the research presented in the article was to indicate the landscape’s economic and social values based on selected documents, important from the point of view of landscape management, and to compare them with the subregion’s strategic planning documents.

Magdalena Opania – Landscape values as a basis for subregional developmentPobierz

New spatial conditions of regional development

Szymon Opania

DOI: 10.21858/msr.22.02

Vol no: 22

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The article deals with the use of spatial planning tools serving to improve the quality of space in post-industrial areas along with the possibilities of using modern technologies in the field of renewable energy sources. The analysis was carried out on the example of the Upper Silesian metropolis which occupies about 8% of the region’s area with its distinct industrial and post-industrial areas. The urban area determines the image of a region associated with pollutants and a degraded environment. This is a challenge for planners.

Szymon Opania – New spatial conditions of regional developmentPobierz

Protection objectives in Polish urban nature reserves as a challenge for their management

Maciej Wasilewski, Barbara Szulczewska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.22.01

Vol no: 22

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157 nature reserves are situated in different parts of the spatial structure of Polish towns and cities. They were established at different times and often for different reasons than the nature reserves located outside Polish cities. Due to their location, urban reserves are very frequently used similarly to other green open spaces. The aim of this paper is to identify the main protection objectives of nature reserves located in towns and cities in order to find out to what extent their inevitable recreational use results in management problems

Maciej Wasilewski, Barbara Szulczewska – Protection objectives in Polish urban nature reserves as a challenge for their managementPobierz

From the Editor-in-Chief

Adriana Barbara Cieślak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.22

Vol no: 22

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I am pleased to give you another issue of the scientific periodical MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne. This issue is special if compared to the last year’s as it has been prepared completely in English. Through thus published contents we hope to reach Polish and foreign readers dealing with widely-understood public policy and spatial planning. Our aim is to make experience exchange easier as well as to promote Polish specialists’, scientists’ as well as practitioners’, achievements in the international arena.

Od redaktora NaczelnegoPobierz

Border – line of art and architecture. Urban space as an important factor of shaping identity

Anna Rathman

DOI: 10.21858/msr.21.04

Vol. no: 21

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French encyclopedists defined a museum as the sum of human knowledge and art, a place that can become both a theater and an auditorium. Professor Andrzej Kicinski wrote in his book on museums that both libraries and museums are a necessary and integral part of building identity, but also the landscape of the city. Recipients of spaces associated with museums are a social group that creates a new quality through a kind of initiation and sensitivity to contemporary social and artistic issues.

Anna Rathman, Pogranicze sztuki i architektury. Przestrzeń miejska jako ważny czynnik kształtowania tożsamościPobierz

Urban regeneration and the quality of public space of town center

Anna Wojnarowska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.21.03

Vol. no: 21

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The purpose of this article is to present the results of a study based on the author’s method of assessing the quality of the public space of the city center, demonstrating the relationship between the quality of the public space of the city center and the process of revitalization of this urban zone. Nowadays, the quality of urban space is important both for the quality of life of residents and the attractiveness of the city for external users and investors.

Anna Wojnarowska, Rewitalizacja a jakość przestrzeni publicznej centrum miastaPobierz