The basis of the nation’s freedom in the teaching of John Paul II

Ks. Zdzisław Struzik

DOI: 10.21858/msr.29.08

Vol. no: 29

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Building social ties between nations and between the natural relationships realized at different levels of life, such as family, school, town and country, and the state in which a nation resides, requires the adoption of basic moral values, especially freedom.

Ks. Zdzisław Struzik, Podstawy wolności narodu w nauczaniu Jana Pawła IIPobierz

Regional government projects

Editorial Board of Mazovia Regional Studies

DOI: lack

Vol. no: 29

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The article discusses the most interesting Polish local government investments in the period 1999-2019. These include the expansion of the Lublin Airport Regional Airport S.A. (Świdnik), Construction of a bridge over the Vistula River in Kamień together with the construction of access roads to the bridge, or Construction of the Meeting of Cultures Center in Lublin

Projekty SamorządowePobierz

The Mazovian Office for Regional Planning’s contribution to the development of Mazovia – results in the Siedlce subregion

Urszula Gadomska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.29.07

Vol. no: 29

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The article presents selected tasks of the Mazovian Regional Planning Bureau (MBPR), the implementation of which has had a significant impact on the development of the Siedlce subregion. The office has been carrying out the responsibilities of the local government of the Mazovian Voivodeship in the field of development policy and spatial planning for 20 years.

Urszula Gadomska, Działalność Mazowieckiego Biura Planowania Regionalnego na rzecz rozwoju województwa mazowieckiego – efekty w subregionie siedleckimPobierz

Investment needs of local government units after 2020. – can we afford to grow? – Conference Report

Barbara Jaworska-Księżak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.28.11

Vol no: 28

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On March 25 this year, on the initiative of the Ministry of Investment and Development, a scientific conference was held entitled: “Investment needs of local government units after 2020. – Can we afford to develop?”, which was attended by representatives of the world of science, local government units from the country, employees of the Ministry of Investment and Development. The conference was officially opened by Mr. Jerzy Kwiecinski, Minister of Investment and Development, who presented the current situation regarding the functioning of local government units (LGUs) and prospects for 2019.

Barbara Jaworska-Księżak; Potrzeby inwestycyjne jednostek samorządu terytorialnego po 2020 r. – czy stać nas na rozwój? – Sprawozdanie z konferencjiPobierz

An overview of the activities concerning selected network tourism products of the Siedlce subregion

Barbara Dymna

DOI: 10.21858/msr.29.06

Vol. no: 29

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Between 2011 and 2013, the Mazovian Regional Tourist Organization (MROT), together with tourism market stakeholders, in implementing the project Raising the tourism competitiveness of Mazovia through the implementation of network tourism products, developed and commercialized 16 such tourism offers.

Barbara Dymna, Przegląd działań wybranych, sieciowych produktów turystycznych subregionu siedleckiegoPobierz

Philosophy of Sustainable Development XXII Scientific Conference – November 22, 2018. – Conference Report

Paulina Legutko-Kobus

DOI: 10.21858/msr.28.10

Vol no: 28

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Sustainable development (SD), or the concept of social and economic development taking into account ecological aspects, has since the 1980s been recognized as a paradigm of both global and local development. One of the main assumptions of the ZR is the principle of intra- and intergenerational justice, assuming that the way of management (use of goods) takes into account the needs of all people living today, while not diminishing the opportunities (chances) to meet the needs of future generations (the often quoted motto of the ZR concept is the statement that we did not receive the Earth from our fathers, we borrowed it from our grandchildren).

Paulina Legutko-Kobus; „Filozofia Zrównoważonego Rozwoju” XXII Konferencja naukowa – 22 listopada 2018 r. – Sprawozdanie z konferencjiPobierz

Non-governmental organizations in the face of new challenges in the regional development of Mazovia

Małgorzata Dąbrowska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.29.05

Vol. no: 29

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Civic activity is one of the main factors of endogenous social development and an instrument of multi-sectoral social policy. The non-governmental sector is the basic pillar of civil society. The functioning of the non-governmental sector significantly changes the living conditions of the population on a local scale, especially with regard to marginalized or marginalized groups.

Małgorzata Dąbrowska, Organizacje pozarządowe wobec nowych wyzwań rozwoju regionalnego Mazowsza. Studium rozwoju sektora NGO w RadomiuPobierz

Paris parks in reclaimed spaces

Elżbieta Muszyńska, Krzysztof Muszyński

DOI: 10.21858/msr.28.09

Vol no: 28

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What are the reclaimed spaces of the title? These are fragments of cities that in the last decades of the 20th century lost their former function, or for various reasons ceased to meet the requirements ascribed to this function. They have undergone functional and spatial degradation, becoming painful wounds in the fabric of the city, spaces devoid of life. They therefore require healing and revitalization. This problem primarily affects post-industrial areas, but also post-military and post-oil areas.

Elżbieta Muszyńska, Krzysztof Muszyński; Parki Paryża w przestrzeniach odzyskanychPobierz

Experimental architecture in city structures according to ARCHItectural teleGRAMs

Arkadiusz Sarlej

DOI: 10.21858/msr.29.04

Vol. no: 29

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The article tries to point out the reasons for the development of experimental architecture in the second half of the 20th century. During this time (after 1950), we can observe a very high level of activity by architects and artists through projects that deal with life and the feeling of being here and now, as well as largely in the future.

Arkadiusz Sarlej, Architektura eksperymentalna w strukturach miejskich według ARCHItektonicznych teleGRAMÓWPobierz