Former and present attractiveness of industrial sectors in the development process of the country and Mazovia

Andrzej Karpiński

DOI: 10.21858/msr.32.01

Vol. no: 32

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In the current discussions about the fate of our country’s industry in the past and its prospects for the future, at least four areas, in my opinion, require much more attention and broader reflection, including learning from our – not always only positive – experiences.

Andrzej Karpiński, Atrakcyjność dziedzin przemysłu w procesie rozwoju kraju i Mazowsza dawniej i dziśPobierz

Nature as a cultural challenge. Local communities towards protected areas.

Ks. Ryszard Sadowski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.31.09

Vol. no: 31

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On October 16-17, 2019, another national conference organized by the Center for Ecology and Ecophilosophy of UKSW (former Institute of Ecology and Bioethics) with the cooperation of the Forest Research Institute and Kampinos National Park was held. Honorary patrons of the conference were the Senate Committee on the Environment, the Ministry of the Environment, the Marshal’s Office of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship, the State Forests and the Polish Forestry Association.

Ks. Ryszard Sadowski, Przyroda wyzwaniem dla kultury. Społeczności lokalne wobec obszarów chronionych. Sprawozdanie z XIII ogólnopolskiej konferencji z cyklu „Ekologia Humanistyczna”Pobierz

The 90th Anniversary of the Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw

Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka

DOI: 10.21858/msr.31.08

Vol. no: 31

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The year 2019 is a special year, due to the 90th anniversary of the establishment of the university. Between 1929 and 2019, more than 50,000 graduates left the walls of the Józef Piłsudski Academy of Physical Education in Warsaw, numerous PhDs and post-doctorates were promoted, and serious scientific and research potential was built.

Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka, Jubileusz 90-lecia Akademii Wychowania Fizycznego Józefa Piłsudskiego w WarszawiePobierz

Planned development of energy transmission networks in Mazovia Voivodeship

Urszula Gadomska, Beata Gochnio, Elżbieta Polak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.31.07

Vol. no: 31

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The article presents a collective summary of investment intentions, concerning energy transmission networks planned in the Mazowieckie province, which were specified in various documents, effective at the end of 2018.

Urszula Gadomska, Beata Gochnio, Elżbieta Polak, Planowany rozwój energetycznych sieci przesyłowych w województwie mazowieckimPobierz

Implementation of Regional Territorial Investments on the example of the Ostrołęka subregion

Justyna Klimkowska, Katarzyna Pawłowska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.31.06

Vol. no: 31

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This article is devoted to analyzing the status of implementation of projects within the framework of Regional Territorial Investments (RIT) on the example of the Ostroleka subregion. RIT is a new financing mechanism proposed by the Local Government of the Mazovian Voivodeship for the 2014- 2020 financial perspective, aimed at assisting the development of areas in need of support and strengthening their potential through the development of socio-economic functions. The mechanism came about as a result of a change in the European Union’s cohesion policy model, which is to be territorially oriented.

Justyna Klimkowska, Katarzyna Pawłowska, Realizacja Regionalnych Inwestycji Terytorialnych na przykładzie subregionu ostrołęckiegoPobierz

A special element in an environment – searching for ”traces” and inspiration in the concept of the ”Wola Park” metro station

Mateusz Idzik

DOI: 10.21858/msr.31.05

Vol. no: 31

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The process of absorbing brownfield sites by developers and other investors, without considering the history of the site, is a common problem. Such procedures make it impossible to identify the sites with the facilities that once existed and functioned there. The quintessence of the neighborhood, its manufacturing and industrial history, is being lost.

Mateusz Idzik, Element szczególny w otoczeniu – poszukiwania „śladów” i inspiracji w teoretycznym projekcie koncepcji przystanku metra „Wola Park”Pobierz

Study of the microgeneration development in the Siedlce subregion including basic effects of electricity microgeneration development in other subregions of Mazovia Voivodeship

Zbigniew Cieszkowski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.31.04

Vol. no: 31

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The article presents the tangible effects of the energy use of RES resources in the electricity and heat micropower segment in the Siedlce sub-region selected for detailed research and analysis, which includes 52 municipalities, or 16.5% of the total number of municipalities in the Mazovian Voivodeship.

Zbigniew Cieszkowski, Studium rozwoju mikroenergetyki w podregionie siedleckim oraz mikroelektroenergetyki w innych podregionach województwa mazowieckiegoPobierz

A cemetery in a local spatial development plan

Anna Wieczorek

DOI: 10.21858/msr.31.03

Vol. no: 31

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The article discusses selected problems related to the introduction of arrangements for cemeteries into local zoning plans, in particular, it postulates that: precisely define what is meant by land use; eliminate the obligation to determine the intensity of development; introduce the principle that determining the height of buildings and building lines is optional.

Anna Wieczorek , Cmentarz w miejscowym planie zagospodarowania przestrzennegoPobierz

Recent changes in waste management – legal and economic analysis

Anna Żurawiecka, Agata Kocia

DOI: 10.21858/msr.31.02

Vol. no: 31

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The authors cover the topic of the latest changes in the law regarding the management and segregation of municipal waste. They analyze this topic from the point of view of the legal and economic consequences they may bring. The purpose of the article is to present the Polish waste management economy in light of legal regulations and economic conditions.

Anna Żurawiecka, Agata Kocia, Najnowsze zmiany w zakresie gospodarki odpadami – analiza prawno-ekonomicznaPobierz