Anna Ostrowska-Tryzno, Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka
DOI: 10.21858/msr.38.03
Vol. no: 38
The importance of multiculturalism for the development of tourism, consistently emphasized in the literature, testifies to the popularity of this form of tourism. Poland has historically been a transitional country between East and West, a country where different cultures existed side by side: Polish, German, Jewish and Russian. For centuries, Poland was a meeting place of different religions and cultures, and today’s landscape still shows this. The catastrophe of World War II brought the annihilation of a multicultural society and created a homogeneity unprecedented in our history.
Anna Ostrowska-Tryzno, Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka, Dziedzictwo wielokulturowości jako podstawa zrównoważonego rozwoju turystyki miejskiej w Warszawie – czas pandemii COVID-19Pobierz