Provincial government as an entity of regional governance

Adam Struzik

DOI: lack

Vol. no: 1

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Regional management is the domain of the provincial government bodies, especially the Board of Directors. Among the many aspects of regional management, special attention should be paid to development programming activities, which are an important factor in development policy.

Samorząd województwa jako podmiot zarządzania regionalnegoPobierz

Journal profile

“MAZOVIA Regional Studies” is a three-montly. The original version of the journal is the paper edition (ISSN 1689–4774). The on-line issues have the ISNN 2543-4373.

Articles are published mainly in Polish with abstracts in Polish and English. Occasionally the journal is published in English with abstracts in English and Polish.

In “MAZOVIA Regional Studies” articles from the field of public policy are published. The articles are published in three sections: I. Analyses and Studies, II. Self government, and III. Varia. In the first section scientific articles, case studies, research papers, literature reviews, conceptual papers, and information about the state of research (general reviews) are published. In the second section materials of special interest for policy makers and practitioners from local and regional self governments are published. The third section contains books reviews, biographical notes and information about events taking place in the Mazovia region.

Themes of journal

The journal was established to inform, among others, about results of work of research centers located in Mazovia region. The journal’s mission is dissemination of knowledge on regional development processes, their determinants and results, in the Mazovia region, at the national scale, and also internationally.

Scientific score and scientific databases indexation

Since 2012 MAZOVIA Regional Studies is situated in Part B of the List of scientific journals  prepared by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education. The scientific score in the following years was as follows:

2011 years – 2 points,2012 years – 2 points,2013 years – 3 points,2014 years – 3 points,since 2015 years – 6 points,since 2020 years – 20 points.

MAZOVIA Regional Studies is also ranked in IC Journals Master List. The scientific score in the following years was as follows:

2012 years – 3.5 points,2013 years – 3.34 points,2014 years – 5.04 points (ICV 2014: 45.81),2015 years – ICV: 55,372016 years – ICV: 59,35,2017 years – ICV: 66,54,2018 years – ICV: 68,59,2020 years – ICV: 76,27,2021 years – ICV: 82,36.

The journal is indexed in the following databases:

ERIH PLUS (European Reference Index for the Humanities and Social Sciences)CEJSH (The Central European Journal of Social Sciences and Humanities)BazHum (Base of Human and Social Sciences Journals)PBN (Polish Scientific Bibliography)Index Copernicus InternationalThe Central European Journal of Social Sciences and HumanitiesInternet search NR DOI: (Journal NR DOI: 10.21858/msr)

Publishing ethics

An inherent principle of research activities, including publications of research results, is their reliability and honesty. Therefore, the authors must obey the ethical principles obligatory in a research community. Readers must be sure that publications were prepared according to the highest professional standards. This also means that the author provides information on all individuals, companies, public institutions, etc., who had contributed to his work.

The publisher ensures compliance with the fundamental principles of scientific ethics through implementation of procedures against unfair competition, including plagiarism. Texts sent to the editor are verified by the service PLAGIAT.PL for authenticity and originality. If plagiarism is detected then the author’s home institution and the author of the original version are notified about this fact.

The publisher also makes every effort to prevent the phenomena of ghostwriting and guest authorship / honorary authorship. If one of these two phenomena are detected institutions that the author / authors are affiliated with will be notified about this misconduct.


The journal “MAZOVIA Regional Studies” is published by the Mazovian Office for Regional Planning, self-government entity subordinated to the regional self-government of the Mazowieckie Voivodship. The publisher’s office is located in Warsaw.

Publisher DOI: 10.21858

 The Mazovian Office for Regional Planning is specialized in themes related to regional policy and spatial planning. The Office conducts activities dedicated to preparation of the spatial development plan and development strategy of Mazowieckie Voivodship and prepares other studies, analyzes and reports on regional development and spatial planning issues.

 The Mazovian Office for Regional Planning is also the publisher of two series of journals „MAZOVIA. Analysis and Studies” and „Development Trends of Mazovia” as well as other numerous books and monographs. Publications are available in electronic version on Mazovian Office for Regional Planning website.


MAZOWSZE Regional Studies is available in open access (OA). The journal in the paper version is distributed free of charge to the major libraries in Poland. Archival issues are available in electronic version for download from the website Online Editions.

The availability of paper versions:

IssueAvailability1/2008available2/2009available3/2009 available4/2010available5/2010available6/2011available7/2011available8/2011available9/2012available10/2012available11/2012available12/2013available13/2013available14/2014available15/2014available16/2015available17/2015out of print18/2016out of print19/2016available20/2017out of print21/2017available22/2017available23/2017available24/2018available25/2018out of print26/2018available27/2018available28/2019available29/2019available30/2019 available31/2019available32/2020available33/2020available34/2020available35/2020available36/2021available37/2021available38/2021availableSpecial Edition 2021 availableThe availability of the MAZOWSZE Regional Studies paper issues


The idea of a journal that would promote research activities and education in the field of regional studies was born in the region of Mazovia back in 2005. This idea was supported by the Regional Assembly and decision was made that the Mazovian Office for Regional Planning would assume the role of the journal’s publisher. Regular publication of the journal started in 2008. The journal has been published as a six-montly.

„MAZOVIA Regional Studies” is registered in the National ISSN Center under the number ISSN 1689–4774. The on-line issues have ISNN 2543-4373.

Guide to authors

Editorial Board accepts articles within the volume of 20 000 – 50 000 characters with spaces (i.e. ½ – ¾ publishing sheet) + illustrations. Articles that do not fit this range will not be considered for publication.

Each text must also contain:

key words in Polish and English and the title in Polish and English,abstract in Polish and English; volume of 2000–2500 characters with spaces, prepared according to the following scheme:

Publication typeAbstractCase studypurposedesign, methodologyapproachfindingspractical
implicationsoriginality, valueResearch paperpurposedesign, methodologyapproachfindingsresearch
limitationsimplicationsoriginality, valueLiterature reviewbiographypurposedesign, methodologyapproachfindingsresearch limitationsimplicationsoriginality, valueConceptual paperpurposedesign, methodologyapproachfindingsoriginality, valueGeneral reviewbook reviewpurposedesign, methodologyapproachfindingspractical implicationsoriginality, valueStructure of abstract

iinformation about the authors in Polish and English (300–350 characters with spaces), prepared according to the following guidelines: academic title, first name, surname, specialization, membership in professional organizations, affiliation (including full contact details)


professor Thomas Iksiński,

specialist in development management, member of the Polish Society of Managers, president of the Association of Mutual Aidcontact: Institute for Management Research, Yellow Street 16, 00–708 Warsaw, e-mail:

Bibliography i.e. a list of literature and other materials used in the text preparation.

Articles published in MAZOWSZE Regional Studies are edited with use of APA editorial style (Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association).

Editorial Board shall receive a file with the article and separately: text file (the text only), image files (each figure in a separate file), and files with charts. Text files should be saved in any version of the editor MSWord (.doc or .docx format) or WordPerfect (.rtf format). Image files are accepted in formats: .tif, .tiff, .jpg (uncompressed) or .pdf. Files with charts stored in any version of Excel (.xls or .xlsx format). Delivered materials should meet the technical requirements presented below.
