The Chinese urban development dilemma: heritage and green areas as victims of rapid urbanization

Iván Tosics

DOI: lack

Vol no: 9

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This short paper aims to give an account on China’s rapid urbanization and the dilemmas and controversies this brings along. First the peculiarities of Chinese urbanization are discussed, such as the strange definition of urban areas and, more importantly, the contradiction between the quick marketization of the economy and the slow change in the strict top-down regulation of urbanization.

Iván Tosics, The Chinese urban development dilemma: heritage and green areas as victims of rapid urbanizationPobierz

The impact of local conditions on the operation and finances of local government units in the People’s Republic of China

Katarzyna Golik

DOI: lack

Vol no: 9

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For centuries, local communities in China have had far-reaching autonomy from the central government, remnants of which can be seen even today. Chinese people still very often quote the classic proverb that the sky is high and power is far away, which perfectly captures the relationship between Beijing and area structures. Traditional social institutions remain very strong, especially clans and guanxi, which at the local level can play a greater role than the official administration.

Katarzyna Golik, Wpływ lokalnych uwarunkowań na funkcjonowanie i finanse jednostek samorządu terytorialnego w Chińskiej Republice LudowejPobierz

Demography of Warsaw compared to other Polish cities in 1990-2008

Małgorzata Podogrodzka

DOI: lack

Vol no: 9

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Cities are undergoing constant transformation. Among other things, their architecture, infrastructure, public space and the quality of human resources are changing. At the same time, large cities are considered to be the creator of demographic changes, and thus changes in population structures. But who can be considered a city resident?

Małgorzata Podogrodzka, Demografia Warszawy na tle innych miast Polski w latach 1990–2008Pobierz

Application of revenue bonds of municipal enterprises in financing infrastructure development in Poland

Michał Banak

DOI: lack

Vol no: 9

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The article presents methods of financing infrastructure investments by local governments and municipal companies. The greatest emphasis was placed on external financing instruments. Particular attention was paid to the use of bonds, both by local governments and municipal companies, with a more extensive discussion of the possibility of using a financial instrument rarely used in Poland, such as revenue bonds.

Michał Banak, Zastosowanie obligacji przychodowych przedsiębiorstw komunalnych w finansowaniu rozwoju infrastruktury w PolscePobierz

The role of the ECB’s independence, credibility and information policy in the process of conducting monetary policy

Paweł Smaga

DOI: lack

Vol no: 9

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In addition to the European Central Bank’s standard monetary policy tools, the effective conduct of its monetary policy is also determined by qualitative features such as independence, credibility and transparency. These are difficult to quantify, but equally important, as they are a key element of the ECB’s functioning. Independence is an indispensable element of any central bank, while credibility has a stabilizing effect on the level of inflation expectations.

Paweł Smaga, Rola niezależności, wiarygodności i polityki informacyjnej EBC w procesie prowadzenia polityki pieniężnejPobierz

Differentiation in regional development (dilemmas and arguments)

Krzysztof Opolski, Marcin Dwórznik

DOI: lack

Vol no: 9

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The article presents issues related to regional differentiation. The first part of the article presents the theoretical context of regional differentiation. One of the most popular approaches, explaining the causes of regional differentiation in terms of economic development, is the new economic geography, which attempts to explain the differentiation in regional development on the basis of the theory created for the purpose of explaining international economic relations.

Krzysztof Opolski, Marcin Dwórznik, Zróżnicowanie w rozwoju regionalnym (dylematy i argumenty)Pobierz

Photo essay from the conference

Mazovia Regional Studies Editors

DOI: lack

Vol no: 8

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A photo report from the conference Building the Future of Mazovia Together. In the joint photo, at the end of the conference, from left: director of the Mazovian Regional Planning Office in Warsaw – prof. dr. hab. Zbigniew Strzelecki, – Secretary of the Voivodeship – Director of the Office of the Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship in Warsaw – Waldemar Kuliński, Secretary General of the European People’s Party in the Committee of the Regions – Dr. Heinz-Peter Knapp, Marshal of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship – Adam Struzik, Deputy Prime Minister – Waldemar Pawlak, and representative of the German region of Saxony-Anhalt and Chairman of the European People’s Party in the Committee of the Regions – Dr. Michael Schneider.

Fotoreportaż z konferencjiPobierz

Development trends of Mazovia – a project supporting the management of local and regional development

Tomasz Zegar

DOI: lack

Vol no: 8

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The Development Trends of Mazovia project is implemented under the European Social Fund, with funding from the European Union. The main objective of the project is to create a system for collecting, analyzing and interpreting information on the development processes of the Mazovian Voivodeship. The specific objectives include: identification of information gaps, a comprehensive socio-economic diagnosis, models of voivodeship development and procedures for ongoing forecasting of social and economic changes in the region.

Tomasz Zegar, Trendy rozwojowe Mazowsza – projekt wspomagający zarządzanie rozwojem lokalnym i regionalnymPobierz