The role of long-term strategy in the development of the region – positive patterns – the most common mistakes

Andrzej Karpiński

DOI: lack

Vol no: 14

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The article recalls the role that a long-term strategy should play in the development of the region. This is because there are currently many misunderstandings and misconceptions on the subject, which reflects negatively on the usefulness of the strategy for practice and reduces its effectiveness. Strategy is a basic tool for managing long-term development processes at the regional level, and its essence is to make choices on how to use the generally limited resources to stimulate the development process and make related decisions with long-term consequences.

Andrzej Karpiński, Rola strategii długookresowej w rozwoju regionu – pozytywne wzorce – najczęstsze błędyPobierz

Spatial analysis of various aspects of the information society on the territory of the Mazovian province

Piotr Siłka

DOI: lack

Vol no: 14

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The article includes an analysis of the development of the information society, made by means of two measures. First, a summary index of information society development, which was created for the districts of Mazovia. Second, digital exclusion, which was analyzed by both municipalities and counties of the Mazovian region. The summary indicator used 6 variables, grouped into 3 components: technological, economic, socio-cultural. The sub-indices were calculated using the method of distance from the benchmark, while the summary index was calculated using the Perkal method, with the application of specific weights. The results of the analysis confirm the basic division of the province in many other socio-economic fields. The most developed districts in this regard – are units centered around the city of Warsaw, along with cities with county rights.

Piotr Siłka, Analiza przestrzenna różnych aspektów społeczeństwa informacyjnego na terenie województwa mazowieckiegoPobierz

From the Editor-in-Chief

Zbigniew Strzelecki

DOI: lack

Vol no: 14

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With the changing criteria for parametric evaluation of scientific journals, we were forced to narrow down the circle of our interests. Given the specificity of the publisher, which is the Mazovian Office of Regional Planning in Warsaw, and due to the patronage of our journal by the Mazovian Voivodeship Government, we decided to limit ourselves to the new field of social science, which is the science of public policy (public policy). Those interested in more details about what this new science deals with, I refer you to a very interesting article by Jerzy Woźnicki, New discipline – “public policy science” situated in the field of social sciences, published in No. 1 of the journal “NAUKA” in 2012. In our pages we will mainly publish articles on issues related to the broad mission of science and local governments for the development of local communities.

Od Redaktora NaczelnegoPobierz

Values transmitted and practiced by the elderly in the family

Zdzisław Struzik

DOI: lack

Vol no: 13

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Human life is a biological, psychological and spiritual process. In the material dimension as well as in the spiritual dimension, the drama of the human being is played out, from conception to natural death. The experience of spiritual life shows a different way of reaching the maturity of the “age” of the soul. The soul does not age, but rather matures, constantly expanding the scope of its knowledge, values, experience

Zdzisław Struzik, Wartości przekazywane i praktykowane przez osoby starsze w rodziniePobierz

In search of new solutions for radioactive waste disposal

Magdalena Miłkowska

DOI: lack

Vol no: 13

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A complex sol-gel method – CSGP (Polish Patent 172618) was used to synthesize silica glasses for immobilizing high-level radioactive waste. The role of radioactive elements was played by Cs, Sr, Co – added in the form of nitrates, while neodymium was a surrogate for actinides. As a result of hydrolysis and polycondensation reactions taking place in a solution containing tetraethoxysilane and metal nitrates, where ascorbic acid served as a catalyst, gels were obtained in the form of powders and compacts.

Magdalena Miłkowska, W poszukiwaniu nowych rozwiązań unieszkodliwiania odpadów promieniotwórczychPobierz

Formulation and quality assessment of cleaning formulations with recycled materials

Emilia Klimaszewska

DOI: lack

Vol no: 13

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The purpose of the article was to determine the possibility of using in cleaning preparations for hard surfaces, innovative raw materials, determining the high quality of the final product, and the selection of quality characteristics of cleaning products. Based on literature reports, market analysis, own experience, the selection of raw materials for three types of cleaning preparations: pastes, milks and powders was made.

Emilia Klimaszewska, Kształtowanie i ocena jakości preparatów do czyszczenia z udziałem surowców wtórnychPobierz

Land properties in the Mazowieckie province

Piotr Rosik

DOI: lack

Vol no: 13

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The article includes part of the research results from the second chapter of the module report “Physical Capital”. The module report was carried out within the framework of the project “Infrastructure development and physical capital and polycentricity of Mazovia’s development” (Development trends of Mazovia). In one of the chapters of the module, entitled. “Physical capital – non-productive assets,” included a description of land property, including developed and undeveloped land (including building lots). In this article, special emphasis is placed on the valuation of agricultural and forest land, as well as building plots in the Mazovian province.

Piotr Rosik, Nieruchomości gruntowe w województwie mazowieckimPobierz

The municipality as a place of identification – a report on research in the suburban municipality of Piaseczno

Dorota Mantey

DOI: lack

Vol no: 13

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This article is a voice in the discussion of whether a suburban municipality is a place of identification for its residents. In it, the author presents the results of a survey conducted in the suburban Piaseczno municipality, to which Varsovians are eager to migrate. It turns out that the municipality, where intensive processes of suburbanization are taking place, does not constitute for its residents a place on which they would like to build their own identity, which is not particularly surprising given the peculiarities of the Piaseczno municipality: proximity to the capital, a significant percentage of immigrant population, strong internal differentiation, high spatial mobility, a specific lifestyle of new residents. As a place of identification, most choose the locality of residence, but there are also those who feel strong ties with Warsaw.

Dorota Mantey, Gmina jako miejsce identyfikacji – raport z badań w podwarszawskiej gminie PiasecznoPobierz

Warsaw’s population is aging

Małgorzata Podogrodzka

DOI: lack

Vol no: 13

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Over the past two decades, the number and structure of Warsaw’s population, by gender, age and education, has changed significantly. This has been influenced by the demographic processes shaped differently during this period. The purpose of this article is to show the relationship between these variables.

Małgorzata Podogrodzka, Ludność Warszawy starzeje sięPobierz