The spatial development concept of a vineyard with a tourism and recreation complex in Starachowice

Bogdan Szeremeta, Kyryło Żarkowski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.28.06

Vol no: 28

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The purpose of the study was to create a spatial development concept for the Michalow Meadows area in Starachowice. The study area was selected taking into account environmental aspects. Included in the paper is information on relief, soil, climate and flood risk, which shows that most of the area of Łąki Michowskie is at risk of flooding. This fact, for the realization of investment objectives, imposes the necessity of regulating the Kamienna River and building a flood control embankment.

Bogdan Szeremeta, Kyryło Żarkowski; Winnica z kompleksem turystycznowypoczynkowym w Starachowicach – koncepcja zagospodarowania przestrzennegoPobierz

Innovative financial solutions for intelligent urban development

Krzysztof Waśniewski, Miron Maicki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.29.02

Vol. no: 29

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This article presents the results of a study of socio-economic changes in Polish cities in the context of the challenges of technological change. The methods of classical econometric analysis are combined in the article with the use of a neural network to identify developmental patterns in seven large Polish cities: Warsaw, Krakow, Poznan, Wroclaw, Gdansk, Lodz and Kielce.

Krzysztof Waśniewski, Miron Maicki, Innowacyjne rozwiązania finansowe dla inteligentnego rozwoju miastPobierz

The specific element in it’s surrounding – remains. Roman Rotunda on Wzgórze Tumskie in Plock

Sławomir Paweł Markowski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.28.05

Vol no: 28

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Since the dawn of civilization, man – homo constructor – has intuitively sought to transform his surroundings and order them according to a sense known to himself, in a more or less permanent way. In this activity, not only great buildings, but even the least permanent human works, become, in a certain space of time, a trace – a signature of creative actions. The article contains a historical outline of the Romanesque rotunda – a special element in the space of the cultural landscape of the Tumskie Hill in Plock, which remains not only as a trace in the programmatic plane of the place, but today is a real trace – a symbolically marked place of its existence.

Sławomir Paweł Markowski; Element szczególny w otoczeniu – ślady. Rotunda romańska na Wzgórzu Tumskim w PłockuPobierz

In the context of the 100th anniversary of Poland’s independence Mazovia and its economy: from the Second to the Third Republic. Part one: The Second Republic

Cecylia Leszczyńska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.29.01

Vol. no: 29

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This article is the first part of a study of the economy of Mazovia over the past century. It presents the processes and phenomena that shaped and determined the structure of the region’s economy during the Second Republic with an indication of the historical legacy, especially the industrialization and modernization processes of the late 19th century, which had a fundamental impact on the structure of Mazovia’s economy in the interwar period.

Cecylia Leszczyńska, W kontekście 100-lecia niepodległości Polski Mazowsze i jego gospodarka: od Drugiej do Trzeciej Rzeczypospolitej Część pierwsza: Druga RzeczpospolitaPobierz

Królikarnia – an accessible museum

Dorota Zych-Charaziak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.28.04

Vol no: 28

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The article is an attempt to analyze the activities of museum institutions, their evolution and the role they have played throughout history. It touches on issues concerning their origins dating back to ancient times, up to the present – breaking the stereotypical structures, forms and functions of these institutions. In it, I would like to emphasize the need to continuously educate the public at such a level that it can assimilate the ambitious offer addressed to us by museum units, and at the same time introduce the aspect of innovative projects aimed at narrow groups of dysfunctional people. I was inspired by the activities of the Królikarnia Museum, which is a branch of the National Museum in Warsaw.

Dorota Zych-Charaziak; Królikarnia – muzeum dostępnePobierz

European NUTS classification and its significance for the Mazowieckie Voivodship

Konrad Wojnarowski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.28.03

Vol no: 28

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The purpose of the article is to present the European NUTS classification and its relevance to the Mazowieckie Voivodeship. In view of the new statistical division, Mazovia faces the challenge of increasing the sustainability of development policy with the assumption of “territorial cohesion, understood as the reduction of development disproportions in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship and the increase in the importance of the Warsaw Metropolitan Area in Europe.”

Konrad Wojnarowski; Europejska klasyfikacja NUTS i jej znaczenie dla województwa mazowieckiegoPobierz

Transformation of city centers of small and medium cities – historical and a new importance of historical urban space

Izabela Sobierajska, Małgorzata Ewa Sikorska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.28.02

Vol no: 28

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The purpose of this study is to present contemporary problems of development and functioning of historical, original urban centers in small and medium-sized cities in Mazovia. The analyzed cities were divided into historical, of locational and pre-locational origin, and new, 19th and 20th century cities.

Izabela Sobierajska, Małgorzata Ewa Sikorska; Przekształcenia centrów małych i średnich miast – dawne a nowe znaczenie historycznych przestrzeni miejskich w wybranych ośrodkach MazowszaPobierz

Gdynia – a city of the sea, dreams (and paradoxes)

Mieczysław Kochanowski, Danuta Kochanowska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.28.01

Vol no: 28

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The port and the city of Gdynia were built because this was the political and economic necessity of the Polish state reborn after World War I. The success of the construction was determined by the determination of the state and the enthusiasm of the citizens, and the construction of Gdynia is the beginning of Poland’s maritime tradition and its modern society. It is also an outstanding example of modernist architecture.

Mieczysław Kochanowski, Danuta Kochanowska; Gdynia – miasto z morza, marzeń (i z paradoksów)Pobierz

New parks in old railway areas as a specific element of the landscapes of Berlin and Antwerp

Jakub Botwina

DOI: 10.21858/msr.27.09

Vol no: 27

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The article presents possibilities for recreational development of former freight railroad stations. Two sites located in central parts of cities are presented as examples: the Park am Gleisdreieck in Berlin and the Spoor Noord in Antwerp. Parks that have been developed on former railroad areas have already become part of the city landscape in a special way, preserving the genius loci they have become a place of recreation, as well as an excellent tourist attraction.

Jakub Botwina; Nowe parki na terenach pokolejowych jako element szczególny w krajobrazie Berlina i AntwerpiiPobierz