Space shaping versus urban planning – the English experience

Dariusz Świątek

DOI: lack

Vol no: 6

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Today’s spatial planning systems are the result of their evolution over decades under specific political, economic and social conditions. The variability of these conditions has influenced spatial planning paradigms and specific legislative solutions, determining the organizational structures, competencies and modus operandi of entities responsible for spatial planning.

Dariusz Świątek, Kształtowanie przestrzeni a planowanie przestrzenne – doświadczenia angielskiePobierz

Shaping spatial order – the French experience

Zofia Wysocka

DOI: lack

Vol no: 6

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The possibilities for the formation of spatial order are determined fundamentally by legislative solutions for spatial planning. These solutions determine the shape of organizational structures and competencies of institutions responsible for planning, as well as the planning procedures, mechanisms and instruments used.

Zofia Wysocka, Kształtowanie ładu przestrzennego – doświadczenia francuskiePobierz

Debate on the draft Concept of Spatial Development of the Country

Michał Hackiewicz

DOI: lack

Vol no: 6

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Polish space has recently been experiencing dynamic transformations, often with destructive effects on its shape. “Spillover” of cities or encroachment of development into protected areas are among the many examples of the ongoing crisis of planning and zoning policy.

Michał Hackiewicz (oprac.), Debata nad projektem Koncepcji Przestrzennego Zagospodarowania KrajuPobierz

5th Cohesion Forum Investing in Europe’s Future: The Contribution of Cohesion Policy to Europe 2020

Zbigniew Strzelecki

DOI: lack

Vol no: 6

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The main purpose of the Forum, held in Brussels, January 31-February 1, 2011, was to discuss the proposals submitted, November 9, 2010, by the European Commission (EC) on the direction of changes in EU cohesion policy (SP) after 2013 (Communication – Conclusions: the future of cohesion policy). They were related to the end of public consultations on this document on January 31, 2011.

Zbigniew Strzelecki, V Forum Kohezyjne „Inwestowanie w przyszłość Europy: Wkład polityki spójności w Europę 2020”. Piłka ciągle w grzePobierz