Terms and abbreviations

Term, abbreviationExplanation or description
AffiliationIndication of the scientific unit as the place where the research, the result of which forms the basis of the publication, was carried out. Affiliation is provided by the Author of the publication, placing the name of the scientific unit next to his/her name(s) and surname in the publication.
Ghostwriting/ghost authorshipRefers to a situation where the article was developed by a person or institution not mentioned in the text, e.g. the article was bought or a person who contributed significantly to the writing of the article was omitted, e.g. by compiling a database.
Guest authorship/ honorary authorshipRefers to a situation where a person is given as an Author or a Co-Author of an article who had no or negligible influence on the creation of the article.
COPECommittee on Publication Ethics – an organisation founded in 1997 in Great Britain to provide advice and education on publishing ethics.
DOIDigital object identifier – an identifier for the electronic document which does not depend on the physical location of the document but is permanently assigned to it.
Double blind peer reviewOne type of review of scientific articles in which the Author and Reviewer do not know each other’s identities, thus ensuring the impartiality and reliability of the review.
ISSNInternational Standard Serial Number – an eight-digit unique identifier for conventional and electronic serial publications. It is based on a similar concept to the ISBN for books, ISAN for audiovisual material. Some serial publications are assigned both an ISSN and an ISBN.
MSRMazovia Regional Studies (MAZOWSZE Studia Regionalne – in Polish) – abbreviation of the name of the periodical issued by the Mazovian Office of Regional Planning in Warsaw.
Open accessIt stands for free, universal and permanent access to digital documents, mainly scientific and educational content.
MiscellaneousA collection of various texts, thoughts or notes collected in a publication.
Table with explanations of abbreviations and difficult terms