Programming and implementation of regional development in Moldova

Paulina Legutko-Kobus

DOI: 10.21858/msr.20.09

Vol. no: 20

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When we think of Moldova, what often comes to mind is a poor country torn by the ambitions of politicians between the influence of the EU and Russia. Moldova is a small country of 33,800 square kilometers, with a population of about 3.5 million people (58.1% of whom live in rural areas), located in southeastern Europe, which borders Romania to the west and Ukraine on the other sides.

Paulina Legutko-Kobus, Programowanie i wdrażanie rozwoju regionalnego w Mołdawii – kilka refleksji z projektów realizowanych w latach 2015–2016Pobierz

Implementation of Intelligent Transport Systems

Adam Molecki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.20.08

Vol. no: 20

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The article presents selected aspects of the implementation of the Intelligent Transport System in Wroclaw. It shows the emphasis that city authorities have put on coordinating investments related to relieving the transportation system of vehicular traffic and privileging streetcars. Also highlighted is how a change in the perception of public transportation was achieved – from a nuisance to a relatively convenient way of making journeys in the city.

Adam Molecki, Wdrażanie Inteligentnych Systemów Transportowych (ITS) w kontekście polityki transportowej aglomeracji miejskiej na przykładzie WrocławiaPobierz

A recipe for success, or how the Lower Town in Gdansk was revitalized

Dariusz Wołodźko

DOI: 10.21858/msr.20.07

Nr woluminu: 20

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The Municipality of the City of Gdansk in 2009-2015 implemented four revitalization projects in the districts: Dolne Miasto, Dolny Wrzeszcz, Nowy Port and Letnica. The realized projects concerned both investment and so-called soft activities, i.e. those concerning the social sphere.

Dariusz Wołodźko, Przepis na sukces, czyli jak zrewitalizowano Dolne Miasto w GdańskuPobierz

Strengthening the functions of social economy at regional level

Marta Bohdziewicz-Lulewicz

DOI: 10.21858/msr.20.06

Vol. no: 20

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The purpose of this article is to present the arguments behind the thesis that social economy initiatives have socio-economic benefits that are felt at the local and regional levels. These benefits are discussed through an analysis of the functions of social economy, understood as important goals, from the point of view of regional development policy, using the example of the project entitled “Academy of Social Economy Development”, implemented by the Regional Center for Social Policy in Cracow in the Małopolska voivodeship, in 2008-2015.

Marta Bohdziewicz-Lulewicz, Wzmacnianie funkcji ekonomii społecznej z poziomu regionu. Rozważania na przykładzie założeń i efektów projektu Regionalnego Ośrodka Polityki Społecznej w Krakowie pn. „Akademia Rozwoju Ekonomii Społecznej”Pobierz

Architecture and functional art in Władysław Sowicki’s pre-war and post-war designs – evolution of style

Agata Wereszczyńska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.20.05

Vol. no: 20

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The article presents the multifaceted and interdisciplinary work of the architect and visual artist – Wladyslaw Sowicki. The purpose of the study is to present Sowicki’s artistic activity in the field of architecture and applied art, to analyze the development of the architect’s design activity over the course of the 1930s and the post-war years, until 1954, and to introduce the designer’s silhouette. The work is divided into an introduction outlining the historical situation, which is an integral background for the development of design arts in Poland, two chapters describing the architect’s pre- and post-war activities, and a conclusion.

Agata Wereszczyńska, Architektura i sztuka stosowana w przed- i powojennych projektach Władysława Sowickiego – ewolucja styluPobierz

The modernization of the heating system carried out as a result of the thermo modernization of the bulding

Jarosław Wasilczuk, Marian Sobiech

DOI: 10.21858/msr.20.03

Vol. no: 20

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The paper presents the results of thermal analyses and variants of modernization of the heating system in an existing (single-family, detached, non-basement, with a usable attic) residential building, built in the late 1980s and early 1990s, in order to adapt it to the current requirements for thermal insulation and rationalization of heat consumption. Analyzed was an existing residential building, single-family, detached, non-basement, with a usable attic, which is located in Legionowo district, Mazowieckie voivodeship.

Jarosław Wasilczuk, Marian Sobiech, Modernizacja instalacji grzewczej przeprowadzana w następstwie termomodernizacji budynkuPobierz

Tradition of environment friendly houses. The Polish examples

Mariusz Damian Nowak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.20.02

Vol. no: 20

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The article addresses issues related to environmentally friendly single-family housing. The main purpose of the paper is to introduce a consistent classification for pro-environmental houses and compile representative examples for each group. The classic research method of compiling and comparing selected examples from the literature and our own in situ observations was adopted.

Mariusz Damian Nowak, Tradycja domów proekologicznych. Przykłady polskiePobierz

Harmony or dissonance – the development of architecture in health resorts in Karpaty and Sudety during the 60s and 70s

Błażej Ciarkowski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.20.01

Vol. no: 20

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The purpose of this article is to analyze the design assumptions of selected examples of spa architecture developed in the Carpathian and Sudetic regions in the 1960s and 1970s, with a particular focus on building-landscape relations.

Błażej Ciarkowski, Harmonia czy dysonans – rozwój architektury uzdrowiskowej w Karpatach i Sudetach w latach 60. i 70. XX wiekuPobierz

From the Editor-in-Chief

Adriana Barbara Cieślak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.20

Vol. no: 20

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It is my pleasure to place in the hands of the Readers another issue of the scientific journal MAZOWSZE Regional Studies. The twentieth issue of our periodical contains extremely interesting and diversified scientific articles, dealing with issues in the field of protection and shaping of landscape and contemporary architectural problems.

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