TRM conference – On November 13, 2014, a conference entitled: “Together for Mazovia” summarizing the project Development Trends of Mazovia was organized at the National Stadium in Warsaw.
The event was also attended by members of the editorial board of MAZOWSZE Regional Studies and the periodical itself was distributed free of charge among the other guests.
So far our magazine has published several articles based on the research carried out for the project Development Trends of Mazovia. It is also worth reminding that in No. 3/2009 we published some of the speeches from the international conference of the project entitled “World – Europe – Poland. The future of Mazovia”.
Whereas in no. 8/2011 we published an extensive report together with a discussion and a photo report from the conference “Building Mazovia’s future together”. The Development Trends of Mazovia project sponsored issues No. 3/2009, 8/2011, 10/2012 and 11/2012 of our periodical.
More information about the TRM conference: “Together for Mazovia” you can find on the website Development Trends of Mazovia