A special element in the environment – interactions. Cultural landscape, its inalienable elements – open-air museum in Nowogród

Barbara Werner

DOI: 10.21858/msr.49.03

Vol. no: 49

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The aim of the article is to demonstrate the complexity of the issue of valuing historical sites and to answer the nagging question: is the role of the ‘special element in the environment’ sufficiently recognized in the 21st century and what role do various organisations, including NGOs such as (Polish National Committee of International Council on Monuments and Sites), play?


Identity in the cultural landscapes of the Mazovian Voivodeship and beyond

Ewa Baranowska, Marta Pankowska, Agnieszka Dobrosielska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.se.2023.04

Nr woluminu: SE 2023

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The article presents areas distinguished by local tradition and the preservation of rituals and customs in the Mazovian Voivodeship (Mazovia region) and points out the role of society in shaping and preserving intangible cultural heritage. Additionally, an assessment of the state of preservation or development of synthetic characteristics of the municipal landscape, such as tradition, identity, and localness, was carried out following the methodology outlined in the Ordinance of the Council of Ministers dated January 11, 2019, regarding the preparation of landscape audits.
