Polish Deal – spatial planning and land development reform

Anna Wieczorek

DOI: 10.21858/msr.39.05

Vol. no: 39

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The article deals with the document presented by the Government in May 2021 titled “The Polish Deal” and the documents titled “The assumptions of the planning and land use system reform”. “Assumptions for Reform of the Planning and Land Use System,” which proposed changes to the planning and land use system, such as the introduction of general plans, development plans, integrated investment projects and a catalog of urban planning standards.

Anna Wieczorek, „Polski Ład” – reforma planowania i zagospodarowania przestrzennegoPobierz

Kurpie – dominant landscape changes under the influence of socio-economic factors in the post-war years Series: Kurpie. Transformation of the settlement landscape until Poland’s accession to the European Unio

Agnieszka Starzyk

DOI: 10.21858/msr.39.04

Vol. no: 39

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Kurpiowszczyzna is one of the most interesting ethnographic regions, with a center of original, well-preserved and carefully cultivated Kurpie folk culture. The image of the Kurpie village is the result of centuries of human activity. Over the centuries there have been transformations of the landscape, based on the adaptation of the natural environment to cultivate the land and the gradual establishment of human settlements, which have given the modern image.

Agnieszka Starzyk, Kurpiowszczyzna – dominujące zmiany w krajobrazie pod wpływem czynników społeczno-ekonomicznych w okresie 45-lecia powojennego Cykl: Kurpiowszczyzna. Przekształcenia krajobrazu osadniczego do czasu przystąpienia Polski do Unii EuropejskPobierz

Val d’Europe – the city of the 21st century

Elżbieta Muszyńska, Elżbieta Tomaszewska-Taton

DOI: 10.21858/msr.39.03

Vol. no: 39

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Val d’Europe is a new city created in the Paris region as a result of a public-private partnership between the French State and Euro Disney Associées in 1987. The city, envisioned with a target population of 60,000, currently has a population of 35,000, and is located as the last in a 40-kilometer-long band of the linear city of Marne-la-Vallée, a satellite of Paris. The city was founded as a base for Europe’s largest tourist complex, Euro Disney, welcoming 15,000,000 visitors a year, but has gradually become a self-sufficient, multifunctional organization.

Elżbieta Muszyńska, Elżbieta Tomaszewska-Taton, Val d’Europe – miasto XXI wiekuPobierz

Analysis of synthetic landscape features – tradition, identity and familiarity in the area of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Alina Maciejewska, Łukasz Kuzak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.39.02

Vol. no: 39

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The purpose of the article was to present the results of a survey on the identification and evaluation of synthetic landscape characteristics in the form of tradition, identity and peculiarity, conducted in the area of the Mazovian province. The purpose of the survey was to identify areas distinguished by local and regional traditions, the cultivation of rituals and customs, the occurrence of attachment of the population to the place, or the special and characteristic features of material components, which are details of space for the surveyed administrative units, as well as to obtain information on both tangible and intangible evidence of tradition.

Alina Maciejewska, Łukasz Kuzak, Analiza syntetycznych cech krajobrazu – tradycji, tożsamości i swojskości na obszarze województwa mazowieckiegoPobierz

Target network of high speed railway lines in Mazovia

Tadeusz Wójcicki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.39.01

Vol. no: 39

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High-speed rail (HSR) can lead to a renewed advantage of rail over road and air in intercity passenger transport. Therefore, the creation of a coherent network of high-speed rail lines in Poland and Mazovia makes sense, and the first step in this direction should be the development of a targeted, comprehensive program for the construction of these lines. Meanwhile, the findings of the plans for the construction of HSR in the Mazovia region to date are fragmentary, and moreover, controversial on many points.

Tadeusz Wójcicki, Docelowy układ linii kolei dużych prędkości na MazowszuPobierz

Report on the conference “In the heart of Mazovia 105th anniversary of the expansion of the borders of Warsaw”

Paweł Bezak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.37.10

Vol. no: 37

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On February 26 this year, an interdisciplinary closed-door conference dedicated to the 105th anniversary of the incorporation of Warsaw’s former suburbs took place at the Museum of the 10th Pavilion of the Warsaw Citadel – one of the branches of the Museum of Independence in Warsaw. I would like to remind here that in April 1916, eight months after the Russians left the city and the Germans took their place, acting on the inspiration of civic movements, Governor General Hans von Beseler issued a decree expanding the borders of Warsaw, previously – relegated by the Russians to the status of one of the many governorate cities of the Roman Empire and one of a number of Vistula fortresses erected on Polish soil since the 1830s.

Paweł Bezak, Relacja z konferencji „W sercu Mazowsza 105. rocznica poszerzenia granic Warszawy”Pobierz

Author Company MiK Piechotkowie

Michał Piechotka, Maciej Piechotka

DOI: 10.21858/msr.37.09

Vol. no: 37

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Maria Kazimiera Piechotka (née Huber) born July 12, 1920 in Cracow; died November 28, 2020 in Warsaw. She spent her childhood and youth in Tarnów. She attended the school of the ss. Ursuline sisters’ school. She belonged to the scouting movement. She passed her high school exams in 1938, the same year she began studying at the Faculty of Architecture at the Warsaw University of Technology.

Michał Piechotka, Maciej Piechotka, Spółka autorska MiK PiechotkowiePobierz

“Polish Deal” – will it facilitate the implementation of single-family buildings?

Anna Wieczorek

DOI: 10.21858/msr.37.08

Vol. no: 37

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Saturday, May 15, 2021. The government presented a document entitled. “Polish Deal.” It announced a number of facilitations in obtaining one’s own roof over one’s head. For example, “the construction of single-family buildings with a construction area of up to 70 m2 will be possible without a permit, a manager and a construction book, but only on the basis of a notification” [“Polski Ład”, p. 66].

Anna Wieczorek, „Polski Ład” – czy ułatwi realizację budynków jednorodzinnych?Pobierz

65-year jubilee of swimming pool in the Palace of Youth in Warsaw

Bartłomiej Krynicki, Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka

DOI: 10.21858/msr.37.07

Vol. no: 37

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The Palace of Youth in Warsaw was put into use 65 years ago, in April 1955, as part of the Palace of Culture and Science building, erected in the Socialist Realist style. It was an extraordinary attraction at the time, offering children opportunities for developing passions and interests that were not available elsewhere. For example, the indoor swimming pool at the Palace of Youth was, and still is, the only swimming pool in the Mazovian province where it is possible to practice water jumping. At the same time, it is one of the few swimming pools in Poland where it is possible to practice this discipline in the full range of competition throughout the year.

Bartłomiej Krynicki, Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka, Jubileusz 65 lat działalności pływalni w Pałacu Młodzieży w WarszawiePobierz