Legal aspects of the use of immovable monuments of technology on the example of post-industrial objects of Zyrardow

Monika Łaczmańska

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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The result of the process of economic transition in Poland, which has been going on for more than 20 years, is the progressive modernization of industry. With the very dynamic development of technology and industry, monuments of technology are increasing at a rapid pace. The existence of many of them is threatened due to their apparent uselessness.

Monika Łaczmańska, Prawne aspekty korzystania z nieruchomych zabytków techniki na przykładzie obiektów poprzemysłowych ŻyrardowaPobierz

The heritage of the Olêder culture in Mazovia

Jerzy Szałygin

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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Dutch colonization of flooded riverine areas, commonly referred to as Hollander colonization, appeared in the Polish territories in the early 16th century. The influx of settlers was caused, on the one hand, by religious persecution and numerous religious pogroms against members of the New Baptist and Mennonite sects, which arose in the era of the religious reformation, and on the other hand by practical considerations: the colonists represented a high level of economy and settler culture, which made them highly desirable settlers.

Jerzy Szałygin, Dziedzictwo kultury olęderskiej na MazowszuPobierz

Castles in Mazovia: history, state of preservation and use

Marek Jakubiak

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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The genesis of the erection of castles in the Polish lands dates back to the 12th-14th centuries. Individual rulers and princes liquidated the previous wooden and earth or stone fortresses, building brick residences – castles, which were to perform numerous functions, not only defensive ones. The article reviews the most important castles built in Mazovia on the initiative of the princely line of the Mazovian Piasts.

Marek Jakubiak, Zamki na Mazowszu: historia, stan zachowania i wykorzystaniaPobierz

Archaeological sites in the cultural landscape of Mazovia. Problems of management and exposition

Jacek Wysocki

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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Among the thousands of archaeological sites registered in conservation archives, archaeological sites with their own landscape form occupy a special place. There are about 200 fortified settlements and castles in the Mazovian province. The article presents the types of these sites, the threats typical of them and the forms of measures taken to protect them.

Jacek Wysocki, Stanowiska archeologiczne w krajobrazie kulturowym Mazowsza. Problemy zarządzania i ekspozycjiPobierz

Cultural heritage of Warsaw’s Bialoleka district: problems of protection, presentation and popularization

Magdalena Bryk

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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The article is an outline of the cultural heritage management issues of one of Warsaw’s largest districts – Bialoleka. It deals with both archaeological and historical monuments. The article includes a brief characterization of the area in question, along with a sketch of prehistory and historical events, and presents the methodology adopted and the results of work on creating a database of archaeological resources, as well as a catalog of immovable historical objects from the district’s area.

Magdalena Bryk, Dziedzictwo kulturowe warszawskiej dzielnicy Białołęka: problemy ochrony, prezentacji i popularyzacjiPobierz

Monuments of the Mazovian Voivodeship – protection, management and promotion, in light of the materials and substantive activities of the Field Branch of the National Heritage Institute in Warsaw

Margerita Szulińska

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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The Mazowieckie Voivodeship, created as a result of the country’s administrative reform in January 1999, is territorially the largest of the sixteen voivodeships, accounting for 11.4% of Poland’s area. Within its borders were included, to varying degrees, the lands of as many as nine previous provinces. In light of nationwide data on the stock of of immovable objects entered in the register of monuments, compiled by the National Heritage Institute based on registration decisions (as of October 4, 2010), Mazovia ranks third, with a result of 6343 objects.

Margerita Szulińska, Zabytki województwa mazowieckiego – ochrona, zarządzanie i promocja, w świetle materiałów i działalności merytorycznej Oddziału Terenowego Narodowego Instytutu Dziedzictwa w WarszawiePobierz

Legal aspects of preserving historic properties

Helena Kisilowska

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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The protection and care of immovable monuments requires appropriate legal instruments. Laws should clearly define the subject of protection, the principles, goals and methods, as well as the powers and duties of both the users of monuments and public administration bodies.

Helena Kisilowska, Prawne aspekty ochrony nieruchomości zabytkowychPobierz

Monument from the point of view of aesthetics, or about nodes, transitions and shifts of meaning in the field of cultural heritage management

Krystyna Gutowska

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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Cultural heritage management is transdisciplinary in nature, requiring frequent transitions between different disciplines, adopting different points of view, not always agreeable. Using examples from the area of Mazovia, I try to show the points of intertwining of issues in aesthetics, philosophy of culture and conservation and preservation of monuments – nodes and places of transition between disciplines, in which there is a change (usually imperceptibly, gradually) in the meaning of various categories, concepts and meanings.

Krystyna Gutowska, Zabytek z punktu widzenia estetyki, czyli o węzłach, przejściach i przesunięciach znaczeń w dziedzinie zarządzania dziedzictwem kulturowymPobierz

What is cultural heritage, who needs it and who owns it?

Zbigniew Kobyliński

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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The article deals with the definition of cultural heritage, its value to society, and the problem of its ownership and the conflicts that arise around the ownership of cultural heritage. We can call human creations, as well as creations of nature that have spiritual values, cultural goods. Cultural heritage, on the other hand, is that part of past cultural property that has been recognized as valuable by subsequent, succeeding generations and has thus survived to the present day.

Zbigniew Kobyliński, Czym jest, komu jest potrzebne i do kogo należy dziedzictwo kulturowe?Pobierz