Vestiges of the past in old interiors – architecture of mazovian interiors from the second half of the 20th century

Anna Plewka

DOI: 10.21858/msr.27.07

Vol no: 27

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A special element in the surroundings are selected residential interiors and architectural remnants of the Mazovia area. They were developed in the second half of the 20th century, in the reality of communist times. The photographic reportage is more of an aesthetic impression than a realistic document, and is a series of explorations and reflections, a journey through selected residential buildings of the turn of the 19th/20th century, located in the Mazovia region. “Cycle of Photographs” is accompanied by a commentary pertaining to each home fire.

Anna Plewka; Ślady przeszłości w starych wnętrzach – architektura mazowieckich wnętrz z drugiej połowy XX wiekuPobierz

Landscaping adaptation of the historical estate and park complex in Piekarty, Poland

Lidia Ozimkowska, Jerzy Wojtatowicz

DOI: 10.21858/msr.27.06

Vol no: 27

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The article is based on pre-project work carried out in the village of Piekarty, in the southwestern part of the Mazovia Province. The research area included a historic park with an access alley and a pond, as well as a small part of the extensive manor-park complex, which formerly consisted of agricultural land, a river valley with fish ponds, stables and other farm buildings.

Lidia Ozimkowska, Jerzy Wojtatowicz; Adaptacja zabytkowego założenia dworskoparkowego w PiekartachPobierz

The preservation and landscape values of the waterside poplar shelterbelts of the Żerański Canal – a methodological case study

Beata Fortuna-Antoszkiewicz, Jan Łukaszkiewicz, Piotr Wiśniewski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.27.05

Vol no: 27

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The Zeran Canal (17.6 km long), built in the 1950s after the creation of Lake Zegrzynski, was part of a waterway already planned (1930s) to connect the Vistula with the Dnieper. The purpose of the canal was to serve the transportation of future industrial areas in the vicinity of the Zeran port, as well as to shorten the distance from the Bug River to the Warsaw section of the Vistula by about 41 km.

Beata Fortuna-Antoszkiewicz, Jan Łukaszkiewicz, Piotr Wiśniewski; Stan zachowania i walory krajobrazowe przywodnych zadrzewień topolowych Kanału Żerańskiego – metodologiczne studium przypadkuPobierz

A city of diversity: a study of the Warsaw district of Praga

Ewa Korcelli-Olejniczak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.27.04

Vol no: 27

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Social diversity is an increasingly important issue in the global discourse on cities and regions today – a fashionable buzzword referring to the specificity of urban socio-economic structures. Heterogeneity that creates ‘cities with otherness’ accompanies such phenomena as international migration, spatial mobility, post-colonialism, population aging, the importance of the phenomenon of meritocracy, the occurrence and recognition of differentiation of individual and group identities, individualization as a feature of the so-called ‘liquid modernity’ described by Z. Bauman.

Ewa Korcelli-Olejniczak; Miasto z różnorodnością. O badaniach warszawsko-praskichPobierz

Complex evaluation of the state of the environment in rural areas of Mazovian counties

Jan Cetner

DOI: 10.21858/msr.27.03

Vol no: 27

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The purpose of the article is to assess the state of the environment in the rural areas of the counties of the Mazovian Voivodeship, since the result of this assessment is very helpful in determining the directions of development and land use of individual counties and municipalities, as well as for individual investors, especially those interested in tourism, recreation and housing. In order to make such an assessment, 7 indicators were used: the overall burden of the environment by permanent residents, the preservation of the vegetation cover in a form close to natural, the diversity of land use forms, the area and nature of protected areas, the burden of municipal waste, the burden of domestic sewage, the state of atmospheric air.

Jan Cetner; Kompleksowa ocena stanu środowiska na terenach wiejskich powiatów województwa mazowieckiegoPobierz

The efficiency and quality of the best public universities in the Mazovia region in comparison to the largest universities in Poland

Marcin Dwórznik

DOI: 10.21858/msr.27.02

Vol no: 27

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Evaluating the performance of a higher education institution is of interest particularly in the context of the development of the region in which it is located. For a comprehensive evaluation of a university, it is necessary to take into account, on the one hand, the efficiency and qualitative aspects of its functioning, on the other hand, the main processes carried out by universities: teaching and research. In the measurement carried out, efficiency was considered through the prism of assessing the use of resources to achieve results.

Marcin Dwórznik; Efektywność i jakość czołowych publicznych uczelni funkcjonujących na terenie województwa mazowieckiego na tle największych uczelni działających w PolscePobierz

Population changes and internal migrations in Mazowieckie voivodship

Alina Potrykowska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.27.01

Vol no: 27

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The study presents the dynamics of internal migration in the context of population changes in the region; positive and negative internal migration balances in the voivodship, strongly diversified inflow of residents to Warsaw. The data on migrations show how these result in significant social and economic problems and differences in the size and structure of the population by gender and age.

Alina Potrykowska; Dynamika ludności i migracje wewnętrzne w województwie mazowieckimPobierz

Project YouInHerit, Interreg Central Europe 2014–2020

Mazovia Regional Studies Editors

DOI: 10.21858/msr.26.08

Vol no: 26

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Project YouInHerit is financed through the INTERREG Central Europe 2014-2020 Programme. Revival of old trades and crafts which can keep together communities and make them sustainable by contributing to their economic wellbeing is the main focus of the project: old wine cellars in Hungary, salt pans or traditional pottery in Slovenia, breweries in Poland, old boats of Italy or olive groves in Croatia are essential for local attractiveness and could be better exploited as a source of living for people.

Project YouInHerit, Interreg Central Europe 2014–2020Pobierz

Innovative activities for the development of the Mazovia region

Magdalena Kiech

DOI: 10.21858/msr.26.07

Vol no: 26

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In the 2018 Bloomberg Innovation Index, Poland came in 21st among 80 countries. In Poland, the five most innovative regions have been the same for three years. According to the Millennium Index 2018 – Innovative Potential of Regions these are regions with business and academic centres, characterised by developed scientific and R&D foundations, which support the development of the region.

Magdalena Kiech; Innovative activities for the development of the Mazovia regionPobierz