Regional territorial observatories as an instrument for monitoring the development of regions. Workshop in Białobrzegi, May 20-21, 2011.

Mirosław Grochowski

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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Planning activities are purposeful: they should lead to the selection of appropriate development goals and appropriate ways to achieve them. The effectiveness of planning activities in the sense of creating rational (justified by conditions and needs) strategies, policies, plans and programs of action depends, among other things, on objective assessment of development phenomena and processes, as well as the ability to predict the occurrence of these phenomena and processes and their consequences.

Mirosław Grochowski, Regionalne obserwatoria terytorialne jako instrument monitorowania rozwoju regionów. Warsztaty w Białobrzegach, 20–21 maja 2011 rokuPobierz

Warsaw metropolis – methodical problems of space planning. Conference Warsaw Metropolitan Area, June 13, 2011.

Tomasz Sławiński

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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The Warsaw Metropolitan Area Conference was organized by the Mazovian Regional Planning Office in Warsaw. Its purpose was to present the materials prepared since 2004 for the spatial development plan for the Warsaw Metropolitan Area and to confront them with plans drawn up in other European metropolises. The plans were also confronted in the context of the importance of metropolitan plans for regional development and their position in the planning system. The materials presented by the Mazovian Regional Planning Office were prepared in the form of the publication of the Study of the Spatial Development Plan of the Warsaw Metropolitan Area.

Tomasz Sławiński, Metropolia warszawska – metodyczne problemy planowania przestrzeni. Konferencja Obszar Metropolitalny Warszawy, 13 czerwca 2011 rokuPobierz

Thematic tourist trails – an idea to use and promote the cultural heritage resources of Mazovia

Daniel Sukniewicz

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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The article gives suggestions on how to include Mazovian monuments in the tourist movement and how to make monuments an attraction that will attract tourists every weekend. There are more than 6,000 listed monuments and more than 6,000 archaeological sites in Mazovia. However, few of them are known to the average Mazovian. That is why the idea of creating a Route of Mazovian Princes was born, which runs through the whole of Mazovia, linking about 100 localities worthy of visitors’ attention. Thematic tourist trails are one way to promote the region’s cultural heritage.

Daniel Sukniewicz, Tematyczne szlaki turystyczne − pomysł na wykorzystanie i promocję zasobów dziedzictwa kulturowego MazowszaPobierz

The need and tradition of marking monuments. Blue Shield sign on Warsaw monuments

Magdalena Wyrzykowska

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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As envisioned by the Hague Convention of May 14, 1954, the Blue Shield mark was intended to serve a recognition function – to indicate objects and means of transport to be protected in the event of armed conflict. It has become an international symbol, protecting historic buildings from devastation and oblivion, used much more widely than provided for in the Convention. Many global heritage organizations and initiatives have adopted the mark as their own logo.

Magdalena Wyrzykowska, Potrzeba i tradycja znakowania zabytków. Znak Błękitnej Tarczy na warszawskich zabytkachPobierz

Cultural heritage of Mazovia: social problems, promotion and information

Katarzyna Krawczykowska

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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The subject of this article is the neighborhood relations of the Wilanów Palace Museum. It is adjacent to individual property owners, the Warsaw University of Life Sciences, areas of the city of Warsaw, the parish of St. Anne’s Church, the Wilanów District Office and private developers. Slightly farther away is the Miasteczko Wilanów estate and Wilanów schools.

Katarzyna Krawczykowska, Dziedzictwo kulturowe Mazowsza: problemy społeczne, promocja i informacjaPobierz

The balance of benefits and disadvantages. A private owner faced with the decision to include the building in the register of monuments

Margarita Kulesza

DOI: brak

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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The paper is an attempt to answer the question of whether every property is worth and should be included in the register of monuments, posed from the point of view of the owner of a property “with a past”. I discuss the problem using the example of a manor house in Huta Minska, showing the difficulties faced by its owners and the changes they make to this property, related to necessary repairs and necessary modernization.

Margarita Kulesza, Bilans korzyści i niedogodności. Prywatny właściciel wobec decyzji o wpisaniu obiektu do rejestru zabytkówPobierz

Problems of protection and conservation of architecture of recent times on the example of Warsaw housing estates of 1950-1956

Anna Wenka-Radzimirska

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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Socialist Realist buildings occupy a large part of the main arteries in Warsaw. Marszałkowska, Krucza, Jerozolimskie Avenues, Grójecka, Solidarności Avenue are clad with them. They are an eloquent testimony of their times and, like the old buildings, tell us about the past. Before the category of monument was defined and the need to protect works of the past was understood, most of the Colosseum and the Acropolis were demolished, Paris was rebuilt.

Anna Wenka-Radzimirska, Problemy ochrony i konserwacji architektury czasów najnowszych na przykładzie warszawskich osiedli mieszkaniowych z lat 1950–1956Pobierz

Remains of the Transatlantic Broadcast Radio Station. Preservation problems, educational and tourism potential

Bartłomiej Klęczar

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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The erection of the Transatlantic Broadcasting Radio Station was the largest radio communications investment in the history of the Second Republic. The installation had a huge range and used state-of-the-art solutions. Its area became the scene of bloody battles during the defense of Warsaw in September 1939. In early 1945, the Transatlantic Broadcasting Radio Station was completely destroyed.

Bartłomiej Klęczar, Pozostałości Nadawczej Radiostacji Transatlantyckiej. Problemy konserwatorskie, potencjał edukacyjny i turystycznyPobierz

Sanniki Palace. History recovered

Dorota Zaremba

DOI: lack

Vol no: 7

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August 1828, eighteen-year-old Fryderyk Chopin spent in Sanniki, at the home of his school friend Konstanty Pruszak. This information raises a number of questions and doubts. Where did he live? What did the Pruszaks’ summer residence look like at the time? Was it a palace that at least partially resembles a contemporary one? In January 2011, renovation and adaptation work began in the historic palace complex in Sanniki to become the Frederic Chopin European Art Center.

Dorota Zaremba, Pałac w Sannikach. Historia odzyskanaPobierz