Journal profile

The scientific journal “MAZOVIA Regional Studies” is a quarterly. The subsequent volumes are published annually in March, June, September and December; additionally, the English volume “MAZOVIA Regional Studies” Special Edition is issued once a year.

The idea of the Publisher is to make the journal widely available. The paper edition (ISSN of the paper edition: 1689-4774), which is the primary version of the periodical, is wholly distributed free of charge to the state academic institutions, to the research institutes, as well as to the majority of Mazovia libraries. All articles in the electronic edition (ISSN of the online editions: 2543-4373) are published in the so-called open access enabling unrestricted use of content thereof by scientists, members of the self-government, entrepreneurs and all interested parties, which favours further scientific advancement, as well as the implementation of the existing solutions on the local level.

The Journal is characterised by a multidisciplinary approach to the choice of the subject matter of the articles, which have a common denominator, i.e. the regional policy, ensuing from the nature of the Publisher and his/her specialisation. Among the texts published, articles on the mission of science in a broad sense predominate, above all with a focus on regional studies, in particular in terms of self-government actions for the development of local communities.

The texts in the journal are divided into three categories, i.e. I. Analyses and Studies, II. Self-government and III. Miscellaneous.

I. Analyses and Studies contains scientific articles, studies such as case studies, research papers, literature reviews, presentations and analyses of novel solutions (conceptual papers) and information on the state of the art of scientific research on public and regional policy (general review).

II. Self-government contains scientific papers on local self-government units, analyses, studies and expertise prepared by the self-government units or cooperating experts.

III. Miscellaneous contains book reviews, biographicalnotes of men of merit for Mazovia and for the state, as well as information on matters of importance from the point of view of regional policy.

Articles are published primarily in Polish with abstracts in Polish and English. The most interesting articles of the year are translated and issued in the English volume of the “MAZOVIA Regional Studies” Special Edition and additionally presented during the “European Week of Regions and Cities” event, taking place in October in Brussels.

Subject matter of the journal

The two-part title of the journal may suggest that the subject matter is limited to Mazovia; however, the published content is not limited to Mazovian Voivodeship-related matters. As the subtitle of the journal, Regional Studies, suggests, the periodical covers a wide range of comparative studies and analyses, including both Mazovia and the remaining regions of Poland, Europe, as well as other regions of the Earth. The Editorial Office pays attention not only to the theoretical and academic-scientific aspects of the presented materials but also to their applicability.

The subject area of the articles published is quite diverse, although regional policy dominates. The Editorial Office accepts materials pertaining to spatial management, regional planning, urban planning and architecture, urban policy, transport network and infrastructure, environmental protection and landscape architecture, protection of monuments and national heritage, sustainable development, territorial integrity and development of rural areas, use of European funds, experience and problems of self-government operating at local and regional level. Demographic change and the ageing of the population, poverty and social exclusion, unemployment and health service top the issues up.