New Lisbon Strategy after 2010 – regional consultations

Małgorzata Sulmicka

DOI: lack

Vol no: 3

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The spring summit of the European Council in 2010 is expected to adopt a new European development strategy to replace the Lisbon Strategy, which has just ended and was adopted in 2000. The article presents the results of a consultation on the future of the Lisbon Strategy after 2010, conducted by the European Committee of the Regions among representatives of regional and local authorities of EU member states.

Małgorzata Sulmicka, Nowa Strategia Lizbońska po roku 2010 – konsultacje regionalnePobierz

Use and interpretation of economic data in strategic planning of the region

Krzysztof Opolski, Marcin Dwórznik

DOI: lack

Vol no: 3

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The article analyzes the main macroeconomic variables that should be taken into account by local authorities in strategic planning. Economic factors relevant to national policy in terms of their importance for regional development are analyzed, and the relationship between nationally and regionally relevant factors is examined.

Krzysztof Opolski, Marcin Dwórznik, Wykorzystanie i interpretacja danych ekonomicznych w planowaniu strategicznym regionuPobierz

About the book Evaluation of European projects 2007-2013

Czesław Marcinkowski

DOI: lack

Vol. no: 2

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Currently, projects subsidized by EU funds are of great interest to local governments at various levels and many other entities (project proponents, decision makers, contractors, beneficiaries, etc.). The possibility of obtaining EU funds for specific investments and their precise settlement, based on the principles of auditing according to EU standards, is often the main problem of “authorities” wishing to demonstrate themselves before the voters.

Czesław Marcinkowski, Informacje o książce „Ocena projektów europejskich 2007–2013” autorstwa Tadeusza A. GrzeszczykaPobierz

Review of the book: Differentiation of development of Polish regions. Elements of theory and an attempt at diagnosis.

Roman Szul

DOI: lack

Vol. no: 2

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The reviewed book (350 pages of text, including numerous maps, tables and charts) consists of three parts: part I Concepts and elements of theory, part II Regional variations, part III Regional policy.

Roman Szul, Recenzja książki: „Zróżnicowanie rozwoju polskich regionów. Elementy teorii i próba diagnozy.” pod redakcją Eugeniusza KwiatkowskiegoPobierz

Book review: Investment attractiveness of Polish regions. In search of new metrics.

Elżbieta Mączyńska

DOI: lack

Vol. no: 2

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The 168-page work presented for review deals with the currently fundamental problem for Poland of creating conditions conducive to investment in the country and its various regions.

Elżbieta Mączyńska, Recenzja książki: „Atrakcyjność inwestycyjna polskich regionów. W poszukiwaniu nowych miar.” pod redakcją naukową Hanny Godlewskiej-MajkowskiejPobierz

The level of education of the population as a factor in regional development

Tomasz Sałański

DOI: lack

Vol. no: 2

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The article presents the variability and relationship of the educational level of the population, one of the key determinants in the process of regional development, in conjunction with other factors. The first part of the article discusses the variability of the level of education over the past century, the conditions underlying this variability, and briefly summarizes the consequences resulting from them.

Tomasz Sałański, Poziom wykształcenia ludności jako czynnik rozwoju regionalnego na przykładzie województwa mazowieckiegoPobierz

Competitiveness of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship in comparison to Poland and the European Union

Dariusz Piotrowski, Roman Szabłowski, Anna Nitka

DOI: lack

Vol. no: 2

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The article presents selected results of the research conducted at MBPR by the Study and Analysis Team entitled Competitiveness of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship against the background of Poland and the European Union. The analysis of individual competitiveness factors allows to show the position of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship in comparison with other regions of the European Union.

Dariusz Piotrowski, Roman Szabłowski, Anna Nitka, Konkurencyjność województwa mazowieckiego na tle Polski i Unii EuropejskiejPobierz

Study of the system to reduce the temperature variation of the bridge surface

Małgorzata Leszczyńska-Domańska, Roman Domański

DOI: lack

Vol. no: 2

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The article contains a description and results of research work carried out, among others, within the framework of Research Project No. N5120163/1761. The aim of the research was to find a solution for the use of installations for increasing the temperature of road and bridge pavements in winter and lowering it in summer under Polish conditions.

Małgorzata Leszczyńska-Domańska, Roman Domański, Badanie systemu do redukcji zmian temperatury nawierzchni mostu (wiaduktu) w cyklach sezonowych i dziennych przez akumulację energii słonecznej z jego powierzchni w grunciePobierz