Multicultural heritage as a basis for sustainable development of urban tourism in Warsaw – COVID-19 pandemic time

Anna Ostrowska-Tryzno, Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka

DOI: 10.21858/

Vol. no: 2021

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The importance of multiculturalism for the development of tourism, consistently emphasized in the literature, shows the long history and rich tradition of this form of tourism. Poland has historically been a land of transition between East and West, a land where different cultures have existed side by side: German, Jewish, Polish, and Russian. For centuries Poland was a meeting place of different religions and cultures and today’s landscape still shows evidence of this. The catastrophe of World War II brought the annihilation of a multicultural society and created a homogeneity, unprecedented in our history.

Anna Ostrowska-Tryzno, Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka, Dziedzictwo wielokulturowości jako podstawa zrównoważonego rozwoju turystyki miejskiej w Warszawie – czas pandemii COVID-19Pobierz

Equestrian clubs – an elite offer or available to everyone?

Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka, Natalia Łukasik

DOI: 10.21858/msr.36.05

Vol. no: 36

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The subject of the article is to consider the determinants of equestrian development in the Warsaw metropolitan area. It discusses the determinants of development, potentials and the most significant barriers, as well as the possibilities of overcoming restrictions and activities to popularize equestrian sports and recreation. This is one of the thematic threads of the research conducted in selected equestrian centers in the Warsaw agglomeration, within the framework of two consecutive statutory research projects, funded by the Ministry of Science and Higher Education grant ds-114 and ds-144.

Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka, Natalia Łukasik, Kluby jeździeckie – oferta elitarna czy dostępna dla wszystkich?Pobierz

Kurpie in folkculture. Series: Kurpie. Transformation of the settlement landscape until Poland’s accession to the European Union

Agnieszka Starzyk

DOI: 10.21858/msr.36.04

Vol. no: 36

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Kurpiowszczyzna is one of the most interesting ethnographic regions, with a center of original, well-preserved and carefully cultivated Kurpie folk culture. The image of the Kurpie village is the result of centuries of human activity. Over the centuries there have been transformations of the landscape, based on the adaptation of the natural environment to cultivate the land and the gradual establishment of human settlements, which have given the modern image.

Agnieszka Starzyk, Kurpiowszczyzna w kulturze ludowej. Cykl: Kurpiowszczyzna. Przekształcenia krajobrazu osadniczego do czasu przystąpienia Polski do Unii EuropejskiejPobierz

Mazowieckie Voivodeship at the European Week of Regions and Cities 2020-13.10.2020. – Video conference report

Maciej Sulmicki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.35.08

Vol. no: 35

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The European Week of Regions and Cities (ETRiM, formerly: OpenDays) is Europe’s largest regional policy event. Since 2003, thousands of people interested in and involved in regional development issues have gathered in Brussels each autumn. In 2020, the 18th edition of ETRiM had a special character due to the constraints of the SARS-CoV-2 virus pandemic.

Maciej Sulmicki, Województwo Mazowieckie na Europejskim Tygodniu Regionów i Miast 2020–13.10.2020 r. – Sprawozdanie z wideokonferencjiPobierz

Application of the biocenotic tree assessment method in the „Willa Mindic” park (Moldavia) for the implementation of the conceptual land-use project – a case study

Lidia Ozimkowska, Jerzy Wojtatowicz

DOI: 10.21858/msr.36.03

Vol. no: 36

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The article presents the application of the method of biocenotic evaluation of trees in the park “Villa Mindic” (Moldova). When conducting the inventory, preliminary design decisions were taken into account, which also influenced the determination of tree values. Extending the valorization of the plants with a study of their health status, including safety for people, the results were obtained, which served to make the design. Places were selected that, regardless of the conditions, must ensure safe stay, fragments of the area where visiting the park is restricted, and those where, due to high biocenotic values, including protection of breeding and reproduction sites of animals, traffic routes and rest areas are not envisaged.

Lidia Ozimkowska, Jerzy Wojtatowicz, Zastosowanie metody biocenotycznej oceny drzew w parku „Willa Mindic” (Mołdawia) na potrzeby wykonania projektu koncepcyjnego zagospodarowania terenu – studium przypadkuPobierz

Imposing spatial order – an efficient system or chaos? Key legal acts and documents determining spatial development

Anna Wieczorek

DOI: 10.21858/msr.35.07

Vol. no: 35

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The author believes that one of the main factors causing chaos in Poland’s space is a bad legal system: an excess of legal acts and a lack of clarity in their determinations. The article includes a list and brief description of the basic resolutions – documents and acts of local law, affecting the formation of the space of the country, individual provinces, counties and municipalities, as well as a list of key laws, which are the basis for the adoption of the above resolutions.

Anna Wieczorek, Kształtowanie przestrzeni – sprawny system czy chaos? Podstawowe akty prawa i dokumenty mające wpływ na przestrzeń Polski, poszczególnych województw, powiatów i gminPobierz

Waste Management. Waste processing installations and facilities

Anna Wieczorek, Maciej Siekierski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.36.02

Vol. no: 36

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Waste management, is a complex process that can be characterized in the briefest terms as waste generation and waste management. Of key importance in waste management is waste processing. In order to process waste – recovery and disposal – appropriate installations and facilities are required, the overwhelming majority of which are public purpose investments, within the meaning of the Law on Planning and Spatial Development, and projects that may always have a significant impact on the environment, within the meaning of the regulation on projects that may have a significant impact on the environment.

Anna Wieczorek, Maciej Siekierski, Gospodarka odpadami. Instalacje i urządzenia do przetwarzania odpadówPobierz

The impact of infrastructure on driver behavior at pedestrian crossings. Warsaw and Radom case study

Maciej Sulmicki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.36.01

Vol. no: 36

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A study of the impact of infrastructural solutions at pedestrian crossings and bicycle crossings on driver behavior was conducted in 2019. The framework objective of the research conducted was to verify the accuracy of the provisions contained in the strategic and planning documents of the Mazovian Voivodeship relating to road safety. The locations in Warsaw and Radom were selected in such a way that all types of traffic calming listed in the Spatial Development Plan of the Mazovian Voivodeship to improve safety and directly related to pedestrian crossings were taken into account.

Maciej Sulmicki, Wpływ infrastruktury na zachowania kierowców na przejściach dla pieszych na przykładzie Warszawy i RadomiaPobierz

The Rehn-Meidner model and its role in Swedish political economy

Marta Sawer

DOI: 10.21858/msr.35.06

Vol. no: 35

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The purpose of this article is to present the Swedish RehnMeidner model of economic and wage policy, the reasons for its creation, its features, and the reasons for changes in Swedish economic policy decades later. This model, created by two Swedish economists in 1951, formed the basis of economic policy for decades to come.

Marta Sawer, Model Rehna-Meidnera i jego rola w polityce gospodarczej SzwecjiPobierz