Mazovia for Ukraine. Food banks report

Dorota Jezierska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.41.08

Vol. no: 41

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Food Banks in Poland have been saving food from going to waste and donating it to those most in need for 25 years. We have the facilities, brand and experience in organizing support for people in need or victims of natural disasters, we work with trained groups of volunteers, and we know how to organize systematic and long-term support.

Dorota Jezierska, Mazowsze dla Ukrainy. Raport banków żywności 15.04.2022 r.Pobierz

Bogodar Winid – on the 100th anniversary of his birth

Jadwiga Winidowa, Marlena R. Bouche-Osochowska, Barbara Jaworska-Księżak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.41.07

Vol. no: 41

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Writing a memoir about Bogodar for this special anniversary is a difficult task. The content in them will not fully reflect his scientific activity, organizational activities or participation in international life. Bogodar was a man unsurpassed in his work.

Jadwiga Winidowa, Marlena R. Bouche-Osochowska, Barbara Jaworska-Księżak, Bogodar Winid – w 100-lecie urodzinPobierz

Identity in the cultural landscapes of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Ewa Baranowska, Marta Pankowska, Agnieszka Dobrosielska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.41.06

Vol. no: 41

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The article presents areas distinguished by local traditions and the cultivation of rituals and customs in the Mazovian province, as well as the role of society in the formation and preservation of intangible cultural heritage. In addition, an assessment of the state of preservation or development of synthetic features of the landscape of municipalities, i.e. tradition, identity and peculiarity1, was carried out in accordance with the methodology of the Decree of the Council of Ministers of January 11, 2019 on the preparation of landscape audits.

Ewa Baranowska, Marta Pankowska, Agnieszka Dobrosielska, Tożsamość w krajobrazach (nie tylko) kulturowych województwa mazowieckiegoPobierz

Flexibility of living space design in multi-family buildings

Agnieszka Sępoch-Ożyńska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.41.03

Vol. no: 41

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Living in a multifamily building is “home” for almost half of our society. Multifamily housing meets the housing needs of a huge portion of our population, which consist of a wide range of requirements, from security to physiological needs to social recognition.

Agnieszka Sępoch-Ożyńska, Elastyczność kształtowania przestrzeni mieszkalnej w budynkach wielorodzinnychPobierz

Supporting tourism in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic. Overview of selected activities undertaken by local tourism organisations

Jacek Borzyszkowski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.41.02

Vol. no: 41

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The purpose of the paper is to review the practices and actions taken by local tourism organizations (LOTs) to support tourism in the era of the COVID-19 pandemic, and thus mitigation ventures.

Jacek Borzyszkowski, Wsparcie turystyki w dobie pandemii COVID-19. Przegląd wybranych działań podejmowanych przez lokalne organizacje turystycznePobierz

Optimal layout of high speed railway lines in Poland

Tadeusz Wójcicki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.41.01

Vol. no: 41

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There are currently several isolated sections of high-speed rail (HSR) lines in Poland, and a number of plans have been developed to build more HSR lines. Unfortunately, these plans are unstable, fragmented, and, moreover, controversial on many points. Thus, there is concern that their findings are not appropriate, which could ultimately lead to the creation of an inconsistent and non-functional network of these lines.

Tadeusz Wójcicki, Optymalny układ linii kolei dużych prędkości w PolscePobierz