Mazovia Regional Studies 2019/31 Start › Mazovia Regional Studies 2019/31 Part I. Analyses and StudiesPart II. Self governmentPart III. Miscellaneous DOI no: 10.21858/msr.31 Volumen no: 31 Online edition Part. I Analyses and Studies Anna Ostrowska-Tryzno, Hanna Nałęcz, Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka, Tradition of child’s playgrounds in Poland and Europe page 11 Anna Żurawiecka, Agata Kocia, Recent changes in waste management – legal and economic analysis page 39 Anna Wieczorek, A cemetery in a local spatial development plan page 55 Zbigniew Cieszkowski, Study of the microgeneration development in the Siedlce subregion including basic effects of electricity microgeneration development in other subregions of Mazovia Voivodeship page 75 Mateusz Idzik, A special element in an environment – searching for ”traces” and inspiration in the concept of the ”Wola Park” metro station page 115 Part II. Self government Justyna Klimkowska, Katarzyna Pawłowska, Implementation of Regional Territorial Investments on the example of the Ostrołęka subregion page 135 Urszula Gadomska, Beata Gochnio, Elżbieta Polak, Planned development of energy transmission networks in Mazovia Voivodeship page 149 Part III. Miscellaneous Anna Pawlikowska-Piechotka, The 90th Anniversary of the Józef Piłsudski University of Physical Education in Warsaw page 173 Ks. Ryszard Sadowski, Nature as a cultural challenge. Local communities towards protected areas. Report on the 13th national conference in the series “Humanistic Ecology”. page 185 PDF Button See other editions Mazovia Regional Studies 2024/48 Mazovia Regional Studies 2021/39 Mazovia Regional Studies 2021/38 Mazovia Regional Studies 2012/10 Return to editions list PDF Button Skip back to main navigation