Mazovia Regional Studies 2019/30 Start › Mazovia Regional Studies 2019/30 Part I. Analyses and StudiesPart II. Self governmentPart III. Miscellaneous DOI no: 10.21858/msr.30 Volumen no: 30 Online edition Part. I Analyses and Studies Elżbieta Muszyńska, Elżbieta Tomaszewska-Taton, Val d’Europe – ville du XXI siècle page 11 Andrzej Karpiński, Former and present attractiveness of industrial sectors in the development process of Poland and Mazovia page 33 Zbigniew Cieszkowski, Study of the development of prosumer microgeneration in the Siedlce subregion page 55 Joanna Wodzyńska, Rafał Czyżewski, Examples of financing innovative projects page 85 Piotr Kocjan, Jarosław Górski, Innovative solutions for recreational areas for children with disabilities on the example of the city of Gdynia page 103 Part II. Self government Bartosz Czapski, Adam Warzecha, Wojciech Górecki, Tomasz Wójcikiewicz, Mirosław Ząbek, Modern neurooncology – the development of the field and the possibilities of glioma therapy in Warsaw – a neurosurgical perspective page 135 Part III. Miscellaneous Jacek Zalewski, Farms of Good Will in the Chynów Mazovia Regional Studiesunicipality in the context of the Development Strategy of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship 2030 page 145 PDF Button See other editions Mazovia Regional Studies 2018/27 Mazovia Regional Studies 2017/23 Mazovia Regional Studies 2016/19 Mazovia Regional Studies 2015/17 Return to editions list PDF Button Skip back to main navigation