Mazovia Regional Studies 2017/21 Start › Mazovia Regional Studies 2017/21 Part I. Analyses and StudiesPart II. Self governmentPart III. Miscellaneous DOI no: 10.21858/msr.21 Volumen no: 21 Online edition From the Editor-in-Chief str. 9 Part. I Analyses and Studies Monika Słupińska, Territorial development paradigm in practice str. 13 Katarzyna Janiszewska, The creation of regions’ brand abroad by different groups of stakeholders on the example of selected polish voivodships str. 23 Anna Wojnarowska, Urban regeneration and the quality of public space of town center str. 35 Anna Rathman, Border – line of art and architecture. Urban space as an important factor of shaping identity str. 53 Andrzej Eymontt, Krzysztof Wierzbicki, New opportunities for the revitalization of small bodies of water str. 61 Wanda Misiak, Architectural activities in the form of a partnership str. 77 Piotr Piekarz, The commemoration of the Duke Janusz Starszy and the knowledge of the contemporary inhabitant of Mazovia str. 85 Part II. Self government Maria Bednarek-Szczepańska, Karolina Dmochowska-Dudek, The NIMBY syndrome as a challenge for territorial self-government units str. 103 Part III. Miscellaneous Maciej Sulmicki, To have or to be on the move – 4th World Congress on Shared Mobility str. 117 PDF Button See other editions Mazovia Regional Studies 2024/48 Mazovia Regional Studies 2021/38 Mazovia Regional Studies 2013/13 Mazovia Regional Studies 2012/10 Return to editions list PDF Button Skip back to main navigation