The Publisher of the periodical “MAZOVIA Regional Studies” is the Mazovian Office of Regional Planning in Warsaw which is the organisational unit of the Mazovian Voivodeship self-government.
The Mazovian Office of Regional Planning specialises in regional policy and spatial development. It carries out, among others, work related to drafting of the Spatial Development Plan for the Mazovian Voivodeship and the Development Strategy for the Mazovian Voivodeship, as well as studies, analyses and reports on regional development and spatial planning. It is the Publisher of a number of books and monographs on subject matter in line with its operation profile, as well as of the publishing series “MAZOVIA Analyses and Studies”.
For more information on the work of the Mazovian Office of Regional Planning in Warsaw, please visit the website of the Mazovian Office of Regional Planning in Warsaw.
The Publisher is a member of the international association of publishers Crossref – Publishers International Linking Association Inc. (PILA) and has an individual DOI (digital object identifier) number. The DOI number of the Mazovian Office of Regional Planning in Warsaw is 10.21858. Each text published in the “MAZOVIA Regional Studies” gets a digital object identifier, which does not depend on the physical location of the document, but it is thereto assigned for good so that it guarantees permanent access. All articles of the periodical begin with the following sequence 10.21858.
The current operation of the Mazovian Office of Regional Planning, including the operation of the Editorial Office and publication of the journal “MAZOVIA Regional Studies”, is financed from the budget of the Mazovian Voivodeship. The Mazovian Office of Regional Planning does not charge Authors for editing, proofreading, reviewing and any other actions leading to publication of the article.
Access to the journal “MAZOVIA Regional Studies” is also free of charge. The whole printing of the journal is distributed free of charge to key research centres in the country, i.e. state academic institutions and research institutes, as well as some of the libraries located in the Mazovian Voivodeship. The electronic edition of the journal is shared in the so-called open access, which means that all articles are available on the website in digital form, under royalty-free licence with provisions identical to the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 licence pattern (also known as CC BY-SA). Articles published on the journal website may be used free of charge, but derivate works may be distributed only under a licence identical to that under which the original article had been disclosed. Articles are available for electronic download under the Online editions tab.
Information on copyright is available under the Copyright tab.
If you are interested in receiving a paper volume of the journal, please contact the Editorial Office.
Publisher’s contact data:
Mazowieckie Biuro Planowania Regionalnego w Warszawie
ul. Nowy Zjazd 1, 00-301 Warszawa
Phone number: +48 22 518 49 00 – Administration
Phone number: +48 22 518 49 34 – Editorial Office