Anna Wieczorek, Magnolia Gorzelak
DOI: 10.21858/msr.51.05
Vol. no: 51
There are many publications on Marshal Józef Piłsudski Square in Warsaw and the surrounding buildings covering the history of the capital, as well as the history of architecture and urban planning. There are also substantial cartographic and iconographic resources available in museums and archives. An analysis of the source materials indicates a significant dispersion of information. There is a lack of a compendium on the origins of the Square, changes in its appearance, and the associated design concepts. These issues are the subject of a series of articles under the common title Marshall Józef Piłsudski Square – a permanent feature in Warsaw’s urban space.
This article, the fourth and final in the series, describes how the appearance of the Square has changed between 1944 and 2024, from the ruins of the Second World War to its current state.