The impact of smog on the design of sports facilities

Wojciech Zabłocki

DOI: 10.21858/msr.36.09

Vol. no: 36

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The smog phenomenon and its associated health consequences have now taken center stage in many societies, including Poland. In addition to the prevention of smog formation, the question arises of what impact it may have on urban planning and architectural design. In this article, I attempt to answer the question of what the relationship may be between the fact of smog formation, especially in cities, and the planning and design of sports facilities.

Wojciech Zabłocki, Wpływ smogu na projektowanie obiektów sportowychPobierz

The Rehn-Meidner model and its role in the Swedish economic policy

Marta Sawer

DOI: 10.21858/

Vol. no: 2021

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This paper aims to describe the Swedish Rehn-Meidner model, the cause of its creation, its features and the reasons for changes in the Swedish economic policy over several decades. The model was developed by two Swedish economists in 1951 and it impacted the economic policy over the following decades.

Marta Sawer, Model Rehna-Meidnera i jego rola w polityce gospodarczej SzwecjiPobierz

KALOS KAGATHOS In Memoriam Wojciech Mikołaj Zabłocki 1930–2020

Iwona Grys

DOI: 10.21858/msr.36.08

Vol. no: 36

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KALOS KAGATHOS, an order awarded to outstanding athletes who, during or after their sports careers, have achieved significant success outside of sports. The chapter of the order was established in December 1984 on the initiative of the editor-in-chief of Krakow’s “TEMPO” magazine, Ryszard Niemiec. The creator of the name, which is an abbreviation of the Greek kalos kai agathos, is Wojciech Lipoński.

Iwona Grys, KALOS KAGATHOS In Memoriam Wojciech Mikołaj Zabłocki 1930–2020Pobierz

Application of the biocenotic tree assessment method in the „Vila Mîndîc” park (Moldova)

Lidia Ozimkowska, Jerzy Wojtatowicz

DOI: 10.21858/

Vol. no: 2021

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The article presents the aplication of the biocenotic tree assessment method in the “Vila Mîndîc” park (Moldova). While conducting the inventory, preliminary design decisions were taken into account, which also influenced the determination of tree values.

Lidia Ozimkowska, Jerzy Wojtatowicz, Zastosowanie metody biocenotycznej oceny drzew w parku „Willa Mindic” (Mołdawia) na potrzeby wykonania projektu koncepcyjnego zagospodarowania terenu – studium przypadkuPobierz

The most interesting Polish local government investments 1999-2019

Mazovia Regional Studies Editors

DOI: 10.21858/msr.36

Vol. no: 36

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In addition to the architecture, care has been taken to provide solutions that allow you to change modes of transportation efficiently and conveniently. You can walk to the historic train station, located nearby, via a built-in footbridge over the tracks. All carriers operating in Sanok and the Municipal Functional Area of Sanok – Lesko, who until now used various locations scattered throughout the city, have stops here.

Najciekawsze polskie inwestycje samorządowe 1999–2019Pobierz

The method of valorisation of trees according to their biocenotic values

Lidia Ozimkowska, Jerzy Wojtatowicz

DOI: 10.21858/

Vol. no: 2021

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The article presents a method of tree valorisation according to their biocenotic values. Three categories of descriptive and numerical evaluation of the biocenotic value of a tree were proposed. They result from individual features, connections to the immediate surroundings and location in regard to the discussed object and neighbouring ecosystems.

Lidia Ozimkowska, Jerzy Wojtatowicz, Metoda waloryzacji drzew ze względu na ich wartości biocenotycznePobierz

Municipal waste management fees in Warsaw

Anna Wieczorek, Maciej Siekierski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.36.07

Vol. no: 36

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The resolutions changed the fees in effect as of March 01, 2020, which were widely perceived as a draconian, unfair increase in the cost of living. In particular, they affected single-person households, which until March 2020 paid PLN 10 per month (e.g., in Ursynów and Ochota districts) – now PLN 65, and PLN 94 per month in single-family buildings.

Anna Wieczorek, Maciej Siekierski, Opłaty za gospodarowanie odpadami komunalnymi w WarszawiePobierz

The Kurpie region. Transformation of settlement landscape until Poland’s accession to the European Union

Agnieszka Starzyk

DOI: 10.21858/

Vol. no: 2021

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The Kurpie region is among the most interesting ethnographic regions of Poland, with the center of the original, well-preserved and carefully cultivated folk culture of the Kurpie [ethnographic group of the Polish population]. The image of the Kurpie village resulted from centuries of human activity. Over the centuries, transformations of the landscape occurred. Activities that gave the area a modern appearance were based on adaptation of the natural environment for cultivation of land and gradual establishment of human settlements.

Agnieszka Starzyk, Kurpiowszczyzna. Przekształcenia krajobrazu osadniczego do czasu przystąpienia Polski do Unii EuropejskiejPobierz

NO to the partition of Mazovia – negative effects of the planned partition of the region from the perspective of the local and regional government, the scientific community and the inhabitants

Paulina Żurawicka

DOI: 10.21858/msr.36.06

Vol. no: 36

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For many years there has been periodic discussion of the intention to divide the administrative division of the Mazovian Voivodeship by separating from it a province encompassing Warsaw and surrounding counties. The discussion on this subject intensified in 2020 after statements by representatives of the ruling party, according to which the above division would be carried out in 2021.

Paulina Żurawicka, NIE dla podziału Mazowsza – negatywne skutki planowanego podziału województwa mazowieckiego z perspektywy środowisk samorządowych, naukowych i mieszkańcówPobierz