U.S. policy mix in countering the aftermath of the financial market collapse

Bazyli Samojlik

DOI: lack

Vol no: 4

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For the first time in the history of central banking, the U.S. central bank FED has assumed the main burden of restoring the normal operation of financial markets. Financial markets are integrated parts of the global financial market, but the interdependence between segments of the global financial market is not feedback. The efficient operation of one segment of the financial market does not mean that efficiency occurs in another segment of the financial market.

Bazyli Samojlik, Amerykańska policy mix w przeciwdziałaniu następstwom załamania rynków finansowychPobierz

Crisis and its impact on the level of wealth of nations

Krzysztof Opolski, Tomasz Potocki

DOI: lack

Vol no: 4

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The article illustrates the origins and effects of the financial crisis on wealth worldwide. The authors, based on research by Capgemini and Merrill Lynch and Pricewaterhouse Coopers, among others, show what effects in financial terms the crisis has brought to the group of the richest, ak demographic distribution of wealth, what the process of its migration in the world looks like, who are the winners and who are the losers of the crisis.

Krzysztof Opolski, Tomasz Potocki, Kryzys i jego wpływ na poziom bogactwa narodówPobierz

Real estate as a determinant of regional and global development trends

Elżbieta Mączyńska

DOI: lack

Vol no: 4

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By definition, real estate is characterized by its non-movability and permanence. In contrast, an increasingly globalizing world is increasingly “wandering” and evolving toward an “economy of impermanence” [Kolodko 2008]. Real estate and real estate investing, on the other hand, inherently require a longer-term view. Hence, one of the important challenges in today’s economy is the rational, efficient reconciliation of these opposing trends.

Elżbieta Mączyńska, Nieruchomości jako wyznacznik trendów rozwoju regionalnego i globalnegoPobierz

The economic crisis of 2008 – a historical perspective

Wojciech Morawski

DOI: lack

Vol no: 4

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The financial crisis of 2008 will occupy a place in history similar to that of the Great Depression of the 1930s or the oil crises of the 1970s. It is not a temporary downturn, but a solstice that changes the balance of power in the world economy.

Wojciech Morawski, Kryzys gospodarczy 2008 roku – perspektywa historycznaPobierz

Remembrance of Rev. Prof. Richard Rumianek, Ph.D.

Editorial board of Mazowsze Studia Regionalne

DOI: lack

Vol no: 4

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It is with deep regret that the editors of the scientific periodical MAZOWSZE Regional Studies have received the news of the tragic death near Smolensk on April 10, 2010 of the President of the Republic of Poland Lech Kaczynski and his wife, parliamentarians, priests, military officers and many prominent Poles. They suffered death in the service of the Fatherland and history.

Wspomnienie o ks. prof. zw. dr hab. Ryszardzie RumiankuPobierz

Book review: Territorial cohesion as a challenge for European Union development policy

Mirosław Grochowski

DOI: lack

Vol no: 3

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The publication Territorial cohesion as a challenge for the development policy of the European Union. Polish contribution to the debate is a very up-to-date publication, which contains interesting materials relating to the discussion on the future of the European Union’s regional policy in the context of its territorial cohesion.

Mirosław Grochowski, Recenzja książki: Spójność terytorialna wyzwaniem polityki rozwoju Unii Europejskiej. Polski wkład w debatęPobierz

Book review: Regional Development in Poland. Report 2009

Mirosław Grochowski

DOI: lack

Vol no: 3

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The report presented here deals with development trends and changes in the differentiation of the level of development of the provinces in key areas of social and economic life, from 1999 to the 2007-2008 period, which includes the settlement of the implementation of the National Development Plan 2004-2006.

Mirosław Grochowski, Recenzja książki: Rozwój regionalny w Polsce. Raport 2009Pobierz

Public Health in Regional Development Planning in the Stockholm Region

Tuija Meisaari-Polsa

DOI: lack

Vol no: 3

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A growing interest in public health and development planning is well visible in Sweden, and therefore, also reflected in both regional and municipal plans. There are, however, only few concrete examples of such integration up to now in Sweden and other countries. The aim of this article is to describe how public health issues are addressed in planning in the Stockholm region. What kind of methods has been used and what experiences have been gained from integration of health related issues in the planning of the region.

Tuija Meisaari-Polsa, Public Health in Regional Development Planning in the Stockholm RegionPobierz

Development of the Uusimaa Region

Olli Pekka Hatanpää

DOI: lack

Vol no: 3

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Development problems of the Uusimaa region, called also Helsinki region, is the main topic of the article. The Usimaa region is the only one metropolitan area in Finland, and is inhabited by 1.4 million people. In the article social and economic characteristics of the region are presented together with description of features of this region including level of creative industry development and level of development of knowledge based economy, as well as high productivity of industry located in the region.

Olli Pekka Hatanpää, Development of the Uusimaa RegionPobierz