The Neolithic Revolution in Mazovia. The beginnings of the modern economy

Barbara Sałacińska, Sławomir Sałaciński

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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In the middle of the 5 thousand BC there was a great – Neolithic breakthrough in the life of communities living in the present Polish lands. It was brought about by groups emigrating from the south – the so-called ribbon cycle cultures and the Lendzhian-Polgarian. Stable settlement, cultivation of land, breeding of domesticated animals, the ability to weave materials, pottery appear in the economy.

Barbara Sałacińska, Sławomir Sałaciński, „Rewolucja neolityczna” na Mazowszu. Początki nowoczesnej gospodarkiPobierz

On the ways in which the Roman army used horses of the so-called primitive breeds

Radosław Andrzej Gawroński

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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Using archaeological data and written accounts, the author tries to prove that the low-grown horses of the so-called primitive breeds, used by Germanic warriors and Batavian auxiliary troops, were very useful in fighting on the Rhenish frontier.

Radosław Andrzej Gawroński, O sposobach wykorzystania przez armię rzymską koni tzw. ras prymitywnychPobierz

From the Editor-in-Chief

Redakcja Mazowsze Studia Regionalne

DOI: lack

Vol no: 5

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Dear readers, we are giving you the fifth issue of our periodical MAZOWSZE Regional Studies. Let me note that it has already found a place in the market of scientific publications and recognition among authors and readers. We are counting on even greater interest after receiving a Philadelphia list score, which we have already applied for.

Od Redaktora NaczelnegoPobierz

Book review: Global Crisis. A first approximation by Wladyslaw Szymanski

Krzysztof Opolski

DOI: lack

Vol no: 4

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It’s been more than 2 years since the subprime mortgage market began a crisis that swept across the world through the United States and the United Kingdom. September 2008 saw the unprecedented collapse of Lehmann Brothers – an icon of investment banks, a symbol whose spectacular failure stirred the financial community around the world.

Krzysztof Opolski, Recenzja książki: Kryzys globalny. Pierwsze przybliżenie autorstwa Władysława SzymańskiegoPobierz

Regional development policy and practice in the context of EU cohesion policy implementation

Mirosław Grochowski, Grzegorz Rzeźnik

DOI: lack

Vol no: 4

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The article presents selected issues related to the formulation and implementation of regional policy in Poland in the pre-accession period and in the period of membership in the European Union. The organizational and legal changes concerning the competencies and tasks of various levels of public administration in regional policy issues that have occurred in Poland since 1999 are characterized. The ongoing discussion on the future of cohesion policy at the European and national forums is discussed.

Mirosław Grochowski, Grzegorz Rzeźnik, Polityka i praktyka rozwoju regionalnego w kontekście realizacji polityki spójności UE – próba oceny na przykładzie MazowszaPobierz

Undertakings of the Mazovian local government in the face of the contemporary crisis

Adam Struzik

DOI: lack

Vol no: 4

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The article presents the situation of the Mazovian province in connection with the economic crisis. It turns out that in 2009 the profitability of companies in Mazovia fell sharply. This phenomenon led to the deterioration of the labor market in the region, lower budget revenues of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship Government, especially from participation in corporate income tax.

Adam Struzik, Przedsięwzięcia Samorządu Mazowsza w obliczu współczesnego kryzysuPobierz

Manifestations of the crisis in the socio-economic development of Polish regions

Zbigniew Strzelecki

DOI: lack

Vol no: 4

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The article presents the main causes of the global crisis in the light of the ongoing scientific discussion, considering the sources, depth, scope and consequences of the crisis. It allowed the author to conclude that its causes are much deeper than most researchers indicate.

Zbigniew Strzelecki, Przejawy kryzysu w rozowoju społeczno-gospodarczym polskich regionówPobierz

Infrastructure investment as an instrument to stimulate the economy in crisis conditions

Krzysztof Perdzyński, Sławomir Listkiewicz

DOI: lack

Vol no: 4

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The article presents the causes and course of the current financial crisis and the impact of perturbations in global financial markets on the Polish economy, particularly on the conditions for public entities to make investments. The crisis in Poland was exogenous, so far not requiring direct state action to rescue financial institutions.

Krzysztof Perdzyński, Sławomir Listkiewicz, Inwestycje infrastrukturalne jako instrument pobudzenia gospodarki w warunkach kryzysuPobierz