The implementation of development policy in Mazovia in 1998–2018

Adam Struzik

DOI: 10.21858/msr.25.06

Vol no: 25

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The purpose of the article is to review the development policy of the Mazowieckie Voivodeship over the last twenty years. The article discusses the reform of the administrative division of Poland introduced at the turn of 1998 and 1999, as well as the legislative changes determining the scope of competencies of the provincial government in conducting development policy. Then the integrated development policy implemented in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship is presented horizontally (integration of strategic and planning documents) and historically (consistency in setting and implementing development goals).

Adam Struzik, Realizacja polityki rozwoju województwa mazowieckiego w latach 1998–2018Pobierz

The process of urban renewal and its importance in the implementation of spatial policy in the Mazowieckie Voivodeship

Alina Maciejewska, Agnieszka Turek

DOI: 10.21858/msr.25.05

Vol no: 25

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Continuous urban sprawl requires the adoption of comprehensive solutions to the way cities organize their structure. Revitalization of degraded post-industrial areas, and consequently directing urban growth inward, can be of key importance in the context of realizing the principle of sustainable development in the spatial planning process

Alina Maciejewska, Agnieszka Turek; Rewitalizacja i jej znaczenie w kontekście realizacji polityki przestrzennej na terenie województwa mazowieckiegoPobierz

The social function of property in spatial planning

Witold Andrzej Werner

DOI: 10.21858/msr.25.04

Vol no: 25

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Socio-economic development increasingly requires correcting the interpretation of property rights in the direction of restricting the owner in its exercise. Property is not an absolute subjective right, but a social function, and the limits of the right to property are set by laws and principles of social (interest). The right to property ownership plays a special role with regard to urban planning on a macro scale and on the scale of individual investments, as it is an immanent part of the economic consequences.

Witold Andrzej Werner, Społeczna funkcja własności w planowaniu przestrzennymPobierz

Roam around the city – workshops by the Spatial Economy Student Research Club at the Lodz University of Technology

Stanisław Klajs, Jakub Misiak, Bartłomiej Olczak

DOI: 10.21858/msr.23.08

Vol. no: 23

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For the past 3 years, the Cirkula Spatial Management Student Scientific Circle, operating at the Spatial Management College and at the Faculty of Construction, Architecture and Environmental Engineering of the Technical University of Lodz, together with the City Urban Planning Studio in Lodz, has been organizing nationwide student urban planning and architecture workshops “Wander around the city” dedicated to the issue of revitalization of the downtown fabric of Lodz.

Stanisław Klajs, Jakub Misiak, Bartłomiej Olczak — „Włócz się po mieście” – warsztaty Koła Naukowego Gospodarki Przestrzennej Politechniki ŁódzkiejPobierz

Development challenges in rural areas in the Mazovieckie Voivodeship

Jerzy Bański

DOI: 10.21858/msr.25.03

Vol no: 25

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In the spatial structure of the Mazovian Voivodeship, it is possible, in a very general way, to distinguish two basic elements – Warsaw and the rural areas in its vicinity, and the remaining areas, with sub-regional centers, smaller cities and rural areas. Modern economic structures with innovative production and service industries are concentrated in Warsaw and, to a lesser extent, in Radom and Plock. In the rest of the voivodeship, the primary role is played by the agricultural sector, characterized by great spatial diversity.

Jerzy Bański, Wyzwania rozwojowe na obszarach wiejskich w województwie mazowieckimPobierz

From plotting local spatial development plans to digital city modelling. Ten years of the Spatial Planning Scientific Club

Katarzyna Goch, Sebastian Maciulewski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.23.07

Vol. no: 23

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The purpose of this article is to present the history of the ten-year activity of the Spatial Management Scientific Circle (KNGP) and the nationwide scientific conference “10 Challenges of Spatial Management” organized as part of the anniversary celebration. The Spatial Management Scientific Circle was established in 2007 at the Faculty of Geodesy and Cartography of Warsaw University of Technology. It brings together students and graduates of the Spatial Economy Department at Warsaw University of Technology.

Katarzyna Goch, Sebastian Maciulewski — Od kreślenia planów miejscowych do cyfrowego modelowania miast. Dziesięć lat Koła Naukowego Gospodarki PrzestrzennejPobierz

The variable fate of the settlement network of the Mazovia region (including the Warsaw Metropolitan Area)

Mieczysław Kochanowski, Katarzyna Donimirska

DOI: 10.21858/msr.25.02

Vol no: 25

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The economic development of the capital results in its spatial development. The nature of this development is not correct, as a zone of agglomeration without planned urbanization extends on its periphery and beyond its borders. The growth of the agglomeration without a common plan poses a threat to the identity of the small cities embedded in it. The next big threat is the underdevelopment of rail-based integrated public transportation that binds Warsaw and the agglomeration together, especially in its southern part.

Mieczysław Kochanowski, Katarzyna Donimirska; Zmienne losy sieci osadniczej regionu mazowieckiego, w tym Obszaru Metropolitalnego WarszawyPobierz

Forecasting demographic processes for spatial planning needs. The case of the Konstancin-Jeziorna municipality

Przemysław Śleszyński

DOI: 10.21858/msr.25.01

Vol no: 25

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This article presents a demographic forecast, abbreviated for publication purposes, which was prepared in the spring of 2016 for the Office of the Municipality of Konstancin-Jeziorna, in connection with the entry into force of the amendment to the Law on Spatial Planning and Development [2003, amended in 2016]. The amendment consisted of the introduction of provisions requiring municipalities to draw up land balances in local plans, taking into account the actual demand for housing.

Przemysław Śleszyński, Prognozowanie procesów demograficznych na potrzeby planowania przestrzennego Przypadek gminy Konstancin-JeziornaPobierz

Analysis of previous attempts to locate the 400 kV Kozienice-Ołtarzew power transmission line

Zbigniew Cieszkowski

DOI: 10.21858/msr.23.06

Vol. no: 23

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The purpose of this article is to present the conditions and previous efforts to determine the location of the 400 kV Kozienice-Ołtarzew extra-high voltage transmission line, which is an important element of the Warsaw power ring and contributes to increasing the reliability of electricity supply to the Warsaw agglomeration and a large part of Mazovia.

Zbigniew Cieszkowski — Analiza dotychczasowych prób lokalizacji elektroenergetycznej linii przesyłowej 400 kV Kozienice-OłtarzewPobierz